Magic card gods

Chapter 126

"Ding dong~"

After Wei Yuan heard a piece of Lu Ren's words, the third soul card had a sudden reaction.

【Missing Person (Green)】

[Frequent disappearances have already made you quite uneasy, and now that your subordinates are also missing, you must not ignore them. Find Fujian Rinpo, regardless of life or death...]

[Reward: A random card, the admiration of all subordinates. 】

【"Before confirming death, always believe in the existence of life. This is the reason why a famous detective is called a famous detective."】

Wei Yuan didn't go to school anymore, so he sent a message to Mengmeng and got up to leave.

Seeing that the teacher didn't care about Wei Yuan's skipping class, a Lu man gritted his teeth and stooped and slipped out the back door, following Wei Yuan.

Fujian Rinpo's disappearance was told to Wei Yuan by Teng Nu Erxiong and Shou Shan Ji Saburo, so they naturally knew about it. In fact, the two of them didn't even go to the classroom all morning, but waited anxiously at the stairs not far away.

When they saw Wei Yuan and a Lu Ren following him, they rushed to meet them.

"Boss, what should we do?" Asked the head of the plane, Shazaburo.

Wei Yuan glanced at the two of them and said, "Don't disturb others, find someone to take us to Huo Jian's house first!"

On the way, Wei Yuan learned that this Fujian Rinpo was the eye-catching rhubarb-haired broomstick on the rooftop yesterday. He grew up in a single-parent family. His mother died of illness two years ago, and he lived alone in a relatively remote place.

He has a buddy, Quehe, whose name is also bad. The two are inseparable every day, and often come to school together in the morning.

But today, Que Heming waited at the street for a long time but did not see Fujian Rinpo's shadow. He thought that he had drunk too much and didn't wake up, so he went to his house not far away to look for him.

As a result, Fujian Rinpo's bedroom was very messy, with overturned cabinets, a big hole in the door, and a few drops of dried blood on the floor.

As a delinquent, Quehe's first reaction was not to call the police, but to discuss with other delinquents in the school. This is how the present scene came about.

Because a guide was needed, Que Heming was also taken along, and the five rushed to Fujian Rinpo's home.

Along the way, Que Heming clenched his fists tightly, with a worried expression on his face.

Fujian Rinpo's home is a bit remote, and there are few tall buildings here, and his home is also an ordinary house in a small alley in the suburbs.

The door was unlocked, and there was nothing unusual when entering the living room, but when I got to the bedroom, I saw a big hole in the door.

The bedroom door was already loose, and with the big hole, it looked like something had penetrated through the wooden door and knocked the loose wooden door open.

Wei Yuan gestured with his hand, the irregular hole on the door was twice bigger than a human palm. Almost fit your head in!

Wei Yuan looked at it, and found that the quality of the wooden door was average, and its strength probably reached fourteen or five points, so it could be punched through if it didn't hurt.

It's just that the hole is a bit too big. How can ordinary people have such a big fist? !

Standing at the door and looking in, the futons on the tatami are scattered, and some comic books, game consoles and the like are scattered everywhere. It seems that Fujian Rinpo was still at home in the evening, and was still under the covers at that time.

The old TV was smashed, and a large cabinet fell to the ground. The cabinet seemed to be knocked down by something, and the thin layer of wooden door shattered inward. There were about seven or eight drops of blood on the ground, which had begun to turn black.

A metal baseball bat with unremarkable dents and scratches was thrown in the corner.

It seems that Fujian Rinpo, who is a senior villain, did not sit still.

He may have hit the enemy with this baseball bat, but it just doesn't look like it hit someone. No human head can leave a mark on a metal steel bat.

Wei Yuan took out his phone, turned on the camera, and started scanning for traces.

The screen of the mobile phone turned into black, white and gray, but there were some traces of color on the ground and walls.

All the way in from the outside, there are light blue footprints. There are two rows of footprints, one row in and one row out.

On the walls, doorknobs, and tables, occasionally there are light blue palm or finger prints, as if the person who came in touched them casually.

There is a reddish tint around the big hole in the bedroom door, not sure what that means.

Also, there was a small amount of reddish marks on the baseball bat. The intruder should have used the thing that broke the wooden door to collide with a metal baseball bat. That thing is hard...

The few drops of blood in the room were very conspicuous crimson. In addition, Wei Yuan also found a few drops of blood and a pale yellow palm print in the wardrobe.

Wei Yuan preliminarily guessed that someone sneaked into the house at night, broke down the bedroom door, and attacked Fujian Rinpo. Maybe at the moment when the door was destroyed, Kazuma grabbed the baseball bat to fight back, but was blown away by the blow, and then seemed to be thrown on the wardrobe, maybe he lost the ability to resist directly... Finally, the man took He left in a hurry.

Wei Yuan had already seen it when he came here. The neighborhood is desolate, there is no surveillance equipment, and the neighbors are far away, so the possibility of hearing the sound or witnessing it is very small.

If you choose such a place to shoot, if you don't target this person, you don't want to attract other people's attention.


Wei Yuan spent energy all the way to turn on his mobile phone, following the light blue footprints, occasionally seeing one or two drops of red blood.

Because he wanted to avoid people's eyes and ears, the person walked in places that were inaccessible, so the footprints were still clear overnight.

After about seven or eight miles, Wei Yuan and the others came to an abandoned warehouse.

On the way, Wei Yuan also found an iron pendant exuding a light yellow color. The pendant can be opened, and inside is a two-inch photo of a middle-aged woman who looks a little tired.

Quheming said with red eyes, "This is Fujian Rinpo's deceased mother."

Not far from the warehouse, Wei Yuan sniffed and smelled blood.

That wasn't fresh blood, but the rotten smell that had accumulated over a long period of time.

Generally, this smell is at least caused by continuously splashing blood for several days. For example, those markets where chickens, ducks and fish are slaughtered...

However, it seems that no one has visited this abandoned warehouse area for several years, and the weeds are all over the insteps.

Wei Yuan snapped his fingers, and a black three-eyed crow suddenly flew over from not far away, startling Sha Saburo, Erxiong and others!

"Where did the crow come from?" The Three-Eyed Crow circled the warehouse before a lander could say anything.

In fact, it wasn't just the Three-Eyed Crow, Wei Yuan also summoned the thorn flower vine, but the thorn flower vine was underground and they couldn't see it.

The three-eyed crow also has a keen sense of smell, and it can smell carrion and dying things. Soon it locked the position, and then found an entrance and got into the warehouse.

Wei Yuan closed one eye on guard, and followed the Three-Eyed Crow's gaze with the other.

The four villains around began to feel uneasy, because they felt that the old Daweiyuan seemed to have suddenly become dangerous!

It was like a statue of an evil ghost standing beside him, exuding a terrifying black energy, which might take their lives at any time!

"Follow me here." Wei Yuan found a window, stretched out his hand like tying shoelaces, and easily broke off the finger-thick anti-theft guardrail, and got in.

The four people in the back gasped as they watched, Xi Saburo and Erxiong couldn't help but think of the scene yesterday when Boss Wei beat up dozens of members of the Jidao.

They have never seen a scene where a person is sent flying to the second floor with a single punch in their life! That punch and kick are all vivid in my mind!

The five people entered the abandoned warehouse, the dim scene could not affect Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan led them to a small iron gate.

He looked back at his four younger brothers: "Let me tell you first. You have to decide whether to see the scene inside. I can guarantee that you will never be able to sleep or eat. After watching, Ordinary life will be far away from you..."

The four of them are naturally ambitious.

"Man, there's nothing to be afraid of! A big man with cute big tits!"

"We will always follow in Boss Wei's footsteps."

"I must find Rinpo!"

"I, I follow you~"

Wei Yuan nodded, held the doorknob and the lock automatically opened in an instant. Wei Yuan opened the iron door, and suddenly a bloody breath came over his face!

I don't know what brought Fujian Rinpo here, but its purpose is obvious.

There is a saying in Tianchao: eat what you eat to make up for what you eat.

Come to think of it, this thing should be short of people, right?

In the process of saving the manuscript, please forgive me.

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