Magic card gods

Chapter 131: Chapter 131

It was completely dark, and the homeless people in Sangu Street in the slums all shrank their heads and hid in their cardboard boxes.

There were faint screams from the factory warehouse in the distance, but no one expressed curiosity. Instead, they covered their ears and shrank, pretending not to hear.

There were more homeless people here before, but after the curious ones went away and never came back, there were fewer.

The rest of the bums knew what to do.


Wei Yuan, who had captured two ghouls alive, naturally couldn't bring these two bloody guys back to his house. He found another place in this factory area and began to interrogate the prisoners.

He also didn't have any mind control, or veritaserum, so he directly tortured to extract a confession.

Fortunately, in the Swallowing Team, there is no one who can say "How can you abuse the prisoners? We should give them the treatment they deserve".

Of the two ghouls, neither Water Love nor Mountain Wind Duan are tough guys. When facing ordinary people who are weaker than themselves, they are naturally extremely vicious, but when facing Wei Yuan who is stronger than them, they are weak. No way.

Wei Yuan just crushed a few fingers of the two of them with the ghost gold rod, and they couldn't wait to tell all the information they knew.

Shanfengduan: "I became a ghoul last month. I suddenly started to have a fever that day. I felt very hungry in a trance. When I woke up, I had... already eaten Takako..."

Takako Zaosheng is Shanfengduan's girlfriend, and the two are very affectionate. Although the two poor young people couldn't find a stable foothold in this Tokyo circle, they still looked forward to the future happily. Until the Rc cells in Shanfengduan's body proliferated violently, turning him from a human into a ghoul...

"Later, I found that I could no longer swallow any food, but I was full of desire for people coming and going on the street. I killed a woman in the alley, and when I couldn't control myself to swallow it, it was Maeda Yukimura After I found me, I realized that like me, I have become a person who can only survive by eating people, and there are many others. We are called ghouls..."

Ghouls are creatures that cannot eat human food, and will be so disgusting that they vomit. The only thing that can be eaten in normal food is coffee. However, some sugar cubes similar to those mixed with human blood are also edible. Although it can't satisfy your hunger, you can also top it off.

"Because many ghouls are awakening... Maeda Yukimura and the others say they are awakening. Many ghouls cannot control themselves when they are awakening, so many horrific tragedies have been caused. If seniors like Maeda Yukimura fail to Finding a newly awakened ghoul is likely to become a major news issue. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has begun to notice us..."

Looking back now, Wei Yuan found that before the mass disappearances, there were quite a few stories about serial perverted killers circulating on the Internet. It's just that it became less and less later. It may be that the ghouls have begun to control their desire to kill and devour in order not to attract the attention of the government and the public.

"Later, I heard that Maeda Yukimura said that the hunting dogs from the Tokyo Abnormal Incident Countermeasures Bureau had arrived in Meguro City, and it was no longer safe here. So...Maeda Yukimura? He is our leader, and he took our six ghouls to migrate from Meguro City Arrived in Bed Lord City, set up a temporary foothold. He is stronger than us, but still not as strong as you..."

When Shan Fengduan was talking about Maeda Yukimura, that Maeda Yukimura was carefully watching his second foothold that was breached from a distance.

Maeda Yukimura, who was naturally vigilant, discovered the Countermeasure Bureau's actions against Meguro City in advance, and fled to the nearby Bed Lord City with a few ghouls he gathered in time, and ate in a low-key manner, setting up multiple footholds to avoid being surrounded and killed .

For example, the reason why he found out that something was wrong without returning to the foothold this time was because the members in the foothold did not send out a coded text message at regular intervals. This shows that the foothold has fallen, and the remaining members have lost the ability to send messages, or even died altogether.

So he didn't approach the abandoned factory building at all.

Maeda Yukimura is in his twenties, wearing a white shirt, glasses, short hair, and a bookish look, like a college student or a young teacher. But he was actually the first batch of ghouls to awaken.

According to the information he learned, there is a recessive factor in people's bodies, called Rc cells. Once the concentration of Rc cells in the body exceeds the standard, people will become ghouls.

After becoming a ghoul, his physical fitness will be greatly improved, from an ordinary person to a little superman with super-standard strength and body sensitivity. Even if he suffered a general fatal injury, he could still bear it. There is even a quick recovery if well fed.

However, ghouls cannot synthesize Rc cells by themselves, they can only ingest Rc cells by eating human flesh. If you don't eat human flesh for a long time, you will fall into weakness, and even fall into madness due to hunger. crazy hungry~

The extreme transformation from human to human-eating monster is not an easy one to take. But people cannot go against their own physical desires, and in the end these ghouls will go down the road of cannibalism. No matter how unacceptable it is, once out of control and eating someone, the defense will collapse.

Moreover, according to Maeda Yukimura's understanding, the awakening of ghouls is by no means an isolated or rare case. He has seen no less than twenty ghouls around Meguro City, and it is said that there are more ghouls in the farther north of the city.

This shows that although the ghouls are a minority group, they are definitely not alone.

Isn't everyone a potential ghoul?

Perhaps more powerful ghouls are the new direction of human evolution!


Shanfengduan doesn't know much information, he has only been awakened for a month, and he hasn't been with that Maeda Yukimura for a long time, so he doesn't know much.

As for the half-crazed Shui Shangai, she didn't reveal any valuable information at all, screaming or begging for mercy, and said that as long as Wei Yuan doesn't kill her, she can do anything!

But when Wei Yuan thought of how many human flesh had been swallowed in this small cherry mouth, all he wanted to do was kill her!

Beasts that have eaten people must be killed, because human rights outweigh the rights of animals.

Wei Yuan is human, he would never think from the standpoint of a cannibal monster.

Amid the desperate screams of the two, Wei Yuan cut off their heads. The weapon used is a Japanese sword named 【The Tooth of Vengeance (Green)】.

This is the equipment card rewarded by the task of finding Fujian Rinpo. Using it to kill two ghouls should be regarded as Fujian's personal revenge, right?

To his surprise, the energy level fluctuations triggered by killing the ghouls are quite violent. In other words, the ghouls are monsters with high "experience value", and killing more will upgrade them much faster! Of course, compared to monsters with low intelligence, ghouls of the same strength are more cunning and more difficult to deal with.

Moreover, when Hao Mengmeng beheaded Jutian Xingping just now, Wei Yuan triggered the task [Cannibal Death (Red)], requiring the killing of 100 common ghouls, 10 boss ghouls, and 1 leader-level ghoul. kind. With this two-pronged approach, the upgrade is just around the corner!

Moreover, ghouls are also recognized as monsters by [Demon Hunter Talisman (Green)]. Killing ghouls can upgrade the amulet. It can be called a multi-pronged approach, full of treasures!

Wei Yuan didn't throw away the two decapitated corpses either. The part of the ghoul's body that stores Rc cells is called the Hebao, which is the organ that produces Hezi.

That Hezi is a good thing that can be used again, take it back and study it first...

Back at his residence, Wei Yuan held another plenary meeting of the Swallowing Heaven and Earth Squad.

"It can be confirmed now that the cause of the large-scale disappearance is ghouls. That is another... well, another monster in the fantasy world..."

To be honest, when Wei Yuan first heard about the disappearance and the man-eating monster, his first reaction was "Parasite".

The alien monsters in that work took over the human body through parasitic transformation. They also feed on humans, and they are very intelligent, knowing how to pretend that the person they eat is missing.

And the ghoul comes from an anime "Tokyo Ghoul". This work is also known as "Tokyo Chafangui". It is called a gourmet animation, and it can be said to be quite anti-human.

This anime is about the protagonist falling in love with a beautiful, intelligent girl who has a common topic, but the girl is a ghoul, and he was tricked out not for sex, but for extra food. But just when the protagonist was about to be killed, that ghoul girl was plotted and smashed to death.

A doctor who has been engaged in research secretly transplanted the ghoul girl's purse, which was cut off by Wei Yuan, to the protagonist. As a result, the protagonist became half human and half ghoul. The characteristic is that only one eye can change. His eyes were black and red.

As for the protagonist, with a success rate of less than one in a thousand, he's fine. The rest of the semi-ghouls were all hanged up.

In Dongying anime, many races that mix with humans will become stronger, such as Super Saiyans~ Probably hybrids have an advantage.

The protagonist of this half-human, half-ghoul is also the same. Although his character is the weak and thoughtful type of the mainstream of Japanese anime, this show is a sadist show. The protagonist, as the owner of Linhe, has a huge recovery ability , after being imprisoned and abused by a psychopathic villain ghoul for several days, and even stuffed centipedes into his ears and gnawed on them, he finally turned black!

Because of his tragic childhood, being crazily abused and other reasons, this guy is like a schizophrenic, his hair turned white and he started a counterattack journey.

After going through a lot of twists and turns, and finally being pierced twice in the head by another character, the amnesia changed to another twists and turns, and finally became the strongest ghoul, defeated the behind-the-scenes BOSS, and rescued the Tokyo Metropolis. The dual identities of human ghouls unite everything and establish a society where human ghouls coexist harmoniously.

Well, at this time artificial meat has been invented... What the hell did he do?

However, the ghouls in the fantasy world of "Campus Apocalypse" are still very different from the original work.

In the original work, the origin of ghouls is not clearly stated, but ghouls existed many years ago, and ghouls are reproductively isolated from humans.

Ghouls and humans can conceive while driving together, but ghouls are the mother, and the child will be absorbed by the body as nutrients. Humans are the mother, and both mother and child will die due to insufficient Rc cells.

In the whole work, there are only four half-human one-eyed ghouls, one of which is the protagonist, and a pair of twin sisters, which are the one-eyed ghouls produced by the experimental transplantation of Hebao the day after tomorrow.

The other is a child of a ghoul and a human, and the woman started eating human flesh after she became pregnant, so she gave birth to a one-eyed ghoul.

In any case, humans cannot directly "awaken" to become ghouls.

Of course, the giant biochemical monster called "Dragon" that appeared last in the original book will release ghoul viruses and Hezi clones. Those infected with the ghoul virus will turn into ghouls.

Many people have speculated that the original source of ghouls was humans, so half-human, half-ghouls are the strongest among the ghouls. Because it is closer to the form of the ancestor.

Now in this world, it seems to be different, because ordinary people will also awaken to become ghouls. Is it because of the ghoul virus? Back then, the Tier 5 boss released the ghoul virus into this fantasy world?

Wei Yuan has clearly figured out that the cannibals are ghouls, but his task [Investigate cannibal monsters (red)] has not been completed. It seems that the water here is still very deep!

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