Magic card gods

Chapter 135 Special Infected

Seeing more than a hundred panic-stricken people under the stage, Wei Yuan leaned in front of the microphone: "Hey, hey~"

The people in the audience instinctively huddled together, moved closer to acquaintances in small groups, or huddled with the original organization, hoping to gain a sense of security. At this moment, they all looked at Wei Yuan with complicated eyes.

The shelter prepared by this man saved everyone present. But how did he know that disaster was coming? Who is he?

People are more questioning than grateful.

It's just that this man smashed the heads of more than a hundred dead bodies with a hideous and terrifying golden rod under the watchful eyes of everyone, and made blood and brains pave a "red and white road" more than ten meters long at the gate of the refuge. ".

This is the evil spirit living in the world!

Although he looks no different from a human being, everyone believes that under that human skin, there must be a terrifying real body of an evil ghost several meters high!

No one dares to question a ghost, no one.

People like myself are now servants of the evil spirit, so we can only pray that the evil spirit will be in a good mood, not to kill himself or drive him out.

In just a few hours today, these people have experienced the process of their relatives and friends being devoured and then turned into dead bodies. They understand what it means to leave here...

Wei Yuan pressed his hands down, and the scene suddenly became silent, and many people even held their breath subconsciously.

"As I said, I'm not an ordinary person. You can regard me as an onmyoji from the Celestial Dynasty. Regarding what happened today, I just got a glimpse of it by chance, and I can't confirm it. So I built it here Such a place. Unfortunately, it was used..."

"I've compiled the information just now, and many people have seen the news from everywhere. Not only our main city, or Tokyo, but even the whole country, and even foreign countries... similar things broke out."

"In a short period of time, or even in a long period of time, we shouldn't expect someone to save us. We don't know how much official power is left, but there is absolutely no extra power to remove so many dead bodies. It's good that they can protect themselves..."

"So, we have to face a situation, that is, we are going to face a doomsday. Give up fantasy and luck, and we can only rely on ourselves to survive. I announce that the shelter is now under control, and everyone's actions must be controlled Set restrictions, from labor to material distribution. Don't talk to me about human rights, listen to me in the shelter."

"If anyone is dissatisfied, I will give you a chance to leave. But after one hour, those who stay will be regarded as complying with my regulations and accepting my asylum. Anyone who violates the regulations will be severely punished! Including but not limited to death! "

With a wave of Wei Yuan's hand, a row of Yakuzas with guns and tattoos came in ferociously and stood around.

"The refuge does not support idlers, everyone must play their due value. In order to maintain order, I simply promulgated a few laws: those who pick quarrels and fight, cut off the distribution of supplies for three days. Anyone who steals will be driven out of the refuge Therefore, those who rob will have their legs broken and thrown out of the refuge, and those who rape will be killed directly..."

Wei Yuan promulgated a few simple and rude laws, and then began to "conscription": "Now, I will recruit a group of people to follow me to go to the vicinity to clean up the dead bodies and collect supplies. From now on, this kind of thing will be done every day. With additional material subsidies and a higher status..."

An hour later, Wei Yuan took a dozen people and drove out in a reinforced bus.

In the shelter, some people gathered together and whispered.

"What should we do? I'm afraid that evil spirit won't let us live easily."

"What else? At least we can survive hiding here, and we will die if we go out. At least we have nowhere to go in a short time."

"Can you... oh, forget it. Impossible."

The speaker was halfway through speaking, thinking of Wei Yuan standing in the pile of corpses covered in blood, he couldn't continue.

And I heard that this person is an onmyoji who can summon a kind of moving vine from the ground, how can he deal with it?

What they didn't know was that right beside them, an invisible underworld soldier was listening to their conversation with a pale face.

Naturally, Wei Yuan had to reserve some support in the refuge, lest some idiots ruin his plan.

Now it seems that the effect of force deterrence is still good.

The reinforced bus stopped at the entrance of the nearest large supermarket, Wei Yuan went down first, smashed several nearby dead bodies that were attracted to him with a few sticks, and opened the way for the follow-up personnel.

There was a lot of movement in the bus, at least fifty or sixty dead bodies were chasing after it from a distance. The dead bodies erupted in the morning, and there were a lot of people in this large supermarket, and it was also crowded at this time.

Relying on the bus, Wei Yuan and others began to kill the body.

Hao Mengmeng and Busujima Saeko are the two most lethal, just like a mechanized assembly line, each knife is precise and quick. The ghost head knife flashed past, and both the head and the neck were cut in half like tofu. Hao Mengmeng didn't seem to be slashing and killing a body, but more like playing Fruit Ninja!

Saeko Busujima has another style of painting. Her attributes are not as high as Momoe, and she doesn't have the energy of Qi. She needs to save energy and kill the body at the minimum cost. The dead bodies that died under her knife were all precisely beheaded to death. She felt that the Taidao in her hand could find the gap in the cervical spine by herself...

Wei Yuan blocked the entrance of the supermarket, while Hao Mengmeng and Saeko Busushima beheaded the dead body behind them.

Shame Saburo, Erxiong, Yi Luren, and a few Jidao brothers were all moving the obstacles on the truck. They built a battle bunker by relying on the bus at the door, and then took out the reinforced steel spear that Wei Yuan simply made. Stab a dead body in a gap in an obstacle.

In about five or six minutes, the dead body behind him was almost cleaned up.

This is thanks to the fact that the suburbs of Dongying are all small single-family houses, and the population is not as dense as the Tianchao community. As long as you don't use a gun, you won't attract too many dead bodies.


Old Guihai Dafu had already speculated through the location and time period of the dead body outbreak. The reason why the dead body virus broke out in the entire city of Bed City, and even the entire Tokyo Metropolis within a short period of time, was probably due to a problem with the water source.

Only such a possibility can make the dead body virus break out at the same time with a population of more than 30 million in the Tokyo area.

The gigantic, world-leading drainage and water storage system in the underground of Tokyo connects the large and small rivers and reservoirs within the Tokyo Metropolitan area...

If the virus entered the water system at night, the virus would spread throughout the entire Tokyo area early in the morning!

Blessed are those who drink water early...

If that's the case, it's not good. Although there are water resources stored in the shelter and a water circulation system, the draft will still be the greatest pressure.

Wei Yuan and the others had to store sealed bottled water as much as possible.

Hao Mengmeng chopped off the dead body's head with a normal face, while Saeko Busujima felt the touch of the sharp blade's severed head with an excited face. The performance of the two scared the little brothers behind them to pee. The women next to the evil ghost are indeed evil ghosts too!

Needless to say, the combat effectiveness of Wei Yuan and his party went all the way to the supermarket, and boxes of food and water were moved to the car.

Just when nearly a hundred dead bodies in the supermarket were almost killed, something happened suddenly!

A little monster with a height of only one meter, a naked upper body, hairless upper body, and skin like red and white rubber suddenly jumped out!

Its body shape is very similar to that of a monkey, and its arms are even longer than its hind legs.

If it wasn't for the remains of a pair of dark green pants left on its lower body, Wei Yuan must have thought it was an infected monkey!

The corpse monkey was extremely agile, lurking and climbing in the decoration of the roof, jumped down and rushed towards Saeko Busujima.

"Be careful of the top of your head!" Wei Yuan hadn't finished speaking, but Saeko Busujima had already raised her sword, and the fang of revenge flashed like a white light for a moment.

After experiencing wanton slashing and killing the body, she seemed to have become stronger, as if the chains that were originally tied to her body had been removed, and she began to flex her muscles!

However, she was an ordinary person after all. The unusual dead monkey looked thin and thin, but in fact the density of muscles and bones had increased significantly, and the skin on her body was even more tenacious.

Although Saeko Busujima's sword was swift and fierce, it only crossed its chest and cut off one of its arms. For a monster like a dead body, this kind of damage is irrelevant.

The dead monkey used its only hand to prop itself up on the ground, jumped up again and rushed towards Saeko Busujima.

At this time, a ghost-headed broadsword burning with blue qi flames stretched out from the side, as if it wasn't the ghost-headed broadsword that slashed at the dead monkey, but the dead monkey bumped into it, and it was naturally divided into two halves.

The strange dead monkey that appeared in an instant attracted everyone's attention to the other side. Shuishan Huisaburo, who was carrying a box of mineral water, suddenly felt his neck tighten, and his whole body was dragged backward by an unmatched strange force pull!

However, Ashe has always been the team's backup player, paying close attention to the battle. When the long fleshy tongue with a thick wrist flew towards him, she reacted.

Shame Saburo just felt that he was suddenly dragged backwards, and was rescued in the next second.

He tore off the sticky long tongue on his neck, and crawled to the side. At this time, everyone saw that on the elevator on the second floor, there was an ugly dead body with a swollen neck covered with tumors, and an arrow stuck in his forehead fell down.

A long tongue in the mouth of the thick-necked, long-tongued dead body actually shot five or six meters away, wrapping around Sha Saburo's neck! If it wasn't for Ai Xi's timely reaction, Sha Saburo's neck would probably be broken!

Wei Yuan's heart changed at this time, because he had already recognized these two different monsters!

"Isn't he a little monkey and a smoker? The way to survive?"


At this time, in the huge biochemical laboratory underground in Tokyo, many experimental subjects were being suppressed.

Just last night, Umbrella's Tokyo office was under attack. The attackers are humanoids that grow giant appendages from behind. Those are ghouls, and the Umbrella Company has long been aware of these monsters.

Umbrella is a large multinational conglomerate with all-hands and eyes. The head of the Tokyo branch, Akao Ryu, has already detected the establishment of the Tokyo Abnormal Event Countermeasures Bureau and the monster ghouls that eat people through some clues.

He even secretly captured one for experimentation a few days ago, which attracted the attack of ghouls.

Although the ghouls are powerful, they have no choice but to hide in the underground biochemical laboratory with many organs and thermal weapons. Leaving behind several corpses, they retreated.

However, they are not without achievements.

Because of their attack and destruction, the dead body virus that Chiweilong was researching recently was leaked.

Recently, Umbrella discovered a new type of rabies virus in a rat monkey from Sumatra. After some fusion modulation, the red-tailed dragon got a virus that is more contagious than the T virus developed by the headquarters!

This virus will leave the infected person in a "half-dead" state, and the infected state is more aggressive than the T virus.

This is undoubtedly the best biochemical weapon! Red Tail Dragon felt that he could finally get rid of the control of the headquarters.

After all, it is also the tradition of Japan to conquer above and below!

Unexpectedly, something went wrong at the very beginning of the ambition, and the virus leak caused the entire Tokyo to fall in one morning!

But there is also good news. It seems that the United States, where the headquarters is located, has also gone wrong. They even dropped nuclear bombs on the mainland!

At least they have no time to take care of themselves for a short time...

Guess what I added?

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