Magic card gods

Chapter 140 Corpse martial arts

Everything has a price, and strengthening cannon fodder also consumes resources. Generally, they are resource cards, and some require additional consumption of other materials.

But being able to get a qualified cannon fodder for a few thousand yuan is quite cost-effective for many carders.

Wei Yuan has no shortage of such small money now!

If the experiment is successful, these reinforcements will become the reward mechanism of the shelter.

Since there are punishments for making mistakes, such as not being allowed to eat, being whipped, and locked in a small dark room, it is natural that doing well will be beneficial.

Distinguishing rewards and punishments is the way to bring capitalists!


If it is said that Fujio Erxiong and the others viewed Wei Yuan as an extremely good boss, they would be completely convinced.

Now that is shocking to heaven and man, and has begun to worship.

But when someone smashes more than a hundred skulls with a big stick in a row, paving a blood path on the ground, the people around will either fear you extremely, or worship you very much. It depends on values ​​and personal relationships.

Therefore, these people attached great importance to Wei Yuan's orders.

Wei Yuan's four King Kongs from the Fujimi Academy gathered together, and came to the "reinforcement room" that Wei Yuan had chosen.

What appeared in front of them was a row of unusual-looking devices, a high-tech cultivation warehouse, the metal shell exuded a silvery luster (primary strengthening agent injection device); a wooden god statue exuding a mysterious atmosphere, It feels solemn and solemn at a glance (basic soldier's inauguration temple); a mysterious and unpredictable jade with words, exuding dense colors (without potential quick success method).

Wei Yuan put away the smile on his face and put on a solemn expression, "My friends, listen to me..."

"It is very difficult for the world today to return to its original state. But no matter what, we have to continue to live. However, the power of ordinary people is too weak, even a few dead bodies can kill us. So we have to get stronger!"

Looking at the excited eyes of the four, he continued: "That's right, this is what can make you stronger!"

"This!" Wei Yuan pointed to the half-body glass training chamber, "This is the highest technological achievement in our inner world, which can strengthen all aspects of the human body. Have you read those American cartoons? The so-called rich people Relying on technology, today I will spend a lot of money, so that my brothers can also enjoy the results of the highest technology!"

When the four mainlanders heard this, they were all very excited. Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen-year-old high school students, who doesn't dream of becoming a superhero one day by drinking a test tube of potion? Now is the opportunity!

In particular, Yi Lu is the most excited. Although he is weak and timid, he loves to read Yankee muscle ghost comics, and he has a heroic dream in his heart that has never been let go!

Wei Yuan looked at the performance of the four of them, and nodded secretly: My technique of fooling people has not yet fallen.

Before the four of them could calm down, he pointed at the tall statue of a man again.

The statue is a Western man wearing armor and holding a big sword. Although it is made of wood, it is carved very vividly and has a majestic demeanor.

"This is Kratos, the god of war in the western world. If you sincerely pray to him, you will become a real warrior! Both your body and your mentality will be strengthened, making you a veteran of many battles!"

It's a pity for Wei Yuan, this statue is not bald, otherwise it would be perfect with some oil paint on the face!

This made Fujio Eruo's eyes blaze!

In his life, he was most interested in those Western European myths and legends, even in the Kanli (Harmony) series, he was watching black beasts or something. At this time, I heard some kind of God of War, some kind of prayer, and my whole body ignited!

Fujio Nio wiped his bald head fiercely, and made up his mind: from now on, I will be a loyal believer of Kratos, the God of War! Ares bless!

Wei Yuan nodded, pointing to the last jade with words: "This is the treasure of our Huaxia Chaoli Realm. It can guide you to automatically master a kind of inner strength mentality. Although the strengthening effect is not great at the beginning, it has the most potential. Practice it well. It can prolong life!"

At this time, Que Heming's eyes lit up, and at the risk of offending Wei Yuan's boss, he raised his hands high: Me, me, me!

"Is there a problem, Ming?"

Que Heming stood upright, then bowed his head deeply, and asked with a trace of fanaticism: "Boss, is this the legendary cultivation method of the Heavenly Kingdom?"

This stopped Wei Yuan from asking, although he used capitalists to fool people, but he couldn't lie openly.

If this damn is a method of cultivation, then there is really nothing worth cultivating.

He cleared his throat and said, "There is still a long way to go to the cultivation method, but this is also an opportunity to lay a solid foundation. If you put your heart into it, it is possible to enter the Tao with martial arts. At that time, you will be able to touch the mysterious and powerful The realm of self-cultivation! That is a higher-level existence than our inner realm!"

To be honest, Wei Yuan couldn't help laughing. Ma De, who knows what the inner world and the cultivation world are, I'm talking nonsense! Is it so good-looking? Sure enough, I am a coding genius! I didn't become a great master before, but I was delayed by my hand speed!

Hearing this, the name of Quehe trembled with excitement. His favorite thing is the culture of the Celestial Dynasty, especially "Journey to the West"! Sun Dasheng is his idol!

If you can get in touch with that world, it will really be worth the life of the Sa family!

The last Shoushan Hui Saburo was more sensible, although he also believed in Wei Yuan and was willing to hang out with him.

After all, Wei Yuan built a shelter and saved more than two hundred people. However, Shoushan Huisaburo still had a little doubt about these gods and gods.

After all, even if young people are easy to fool, there are always those who are more suspicious and more rational.

But it doesn't matter, it's true or false, just try it out!

The big bald vine girl Erxiong will do my part, be the first one!

Fujio Futao: Boss, just come here, I will give you the 189 catties! Do whatever you want, I'm not afraid of pain!

He took off his shirt, lay down like Captain America in the training compartment of the primary enhanced drug injection device, and nodded firmly to everyone outside the glass shield.

Wei Yuan pressed the button, and immediately there were more than a dozen metal anchors binding him, and then a thick syringe pointed at his ass all at once!

Most of the green primary strengthening liquid was pushed into the body of Fujio Nio!

The bald tough guy Fujio Nio immediately screamed: "My mother~~~"

This reminded Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng of classmate Yuan Fenghua. I wonder if he is okay now?

Yuan Fenghua, who was adventurous in the fantasy world of countless worlds, suddenly sneezed, and was almost beaten to death by the stinking troll because of the sneeze!

Yuan Fenghua: "Who is scolding me?"

In about ten minutes, the strengthening was completed.

Because it is a primary strengthening liquid, it can strengthen ordinary people to the level of national first-level athletes, so there is no possibility of failure.

It's just that this kind of strengthening method will greatly reduce the subsequent strengthening effect, so even low-level card disciples will not use this kind of potentialless method unless they are in poverty.

As long as you can enter the fantasy world and take an adventure once, you can't even strengthen it to the limit of ordinary people, right?

"呲~" The steam was lingering, and the glass hatch opened. Covered in sweat, Fujio Futoo's chest heaved and heaved, and she was still panting violently.

Wei Yuan pulled him out of the training barn. Originally, Fujin Erxiong was a big guy and liked to exercise. Now he is much more powerful after strengthening! He has grown by ten centimeters, reaching 1.89 meters, and his muscles are stretched out, like a bodybuilding champion! The kind of international class! With a big bald head, it looks very much like Dwayne Johnson!

A mainlander couldn't help but reached out and touched the bulging and plump abdominal muscles of Fujin Erxiong, with a demented look on his face!

He who has been living as a waste material for seventeen years has such a powerful physique in his dream!

Suddenly he couldn't wait!

Wei Yuan checked through his mobile phone, the original attributes of Fujin Erxiong: Strength 12, Body 11, Min 9, Jing 9, now changed to: Strength 14, Body 14, Min 12, Jing 10! A full 9 points of growth in attributes!

The effect is really good! If it weren't for this strengthening being a one-off, basically strengthening this, there would be no way to go. It is estimated that many card players have already been arranged!

Afterwards, Yi Luren, Shoushan Xi Saburo, and Quehe Ming also received injections in their buttocks.

Among the three, Shame Saburo is the enhancement of balance, Quehe's name is the enhancement of agility, and one Luren is actually the enhancement of spirit!

So although his figure has improved a lot, he hasn't gained the bulky physique like Fujio Futoo. He personally regrets it.

The basic strengthening of the four people cost Wei Yuan 4 excellent-level material cards, which is 4000 yuan. It feels great value for money!

After that, the four of them performed the God of War prayer ceremony again!

The four of them knelt in front of the so-called statue of the God of War Kratos, praying and swearing according to the words Wei Yuan gave.

Wei Yuan mixed private goods in his prayers, such as must maintain loyalty, otherwise there will be lightning strikes and the like.

Secretly consumed another 4 excellent material cards, and the four became soldiers respectively.

Although Yi Luren has the potential to develop into a legal profession, who made Wei Yuan hold this low-level cannon fodder training card! Cultivating a low-level magician is an intermediate-level tool person, and the price is more than ten times higher!

After taking office as soldiers, the basic attributes of the four increased slightly, mainly because of the addition of two characteristics "well-trained" and "battle-tested".

Well-trained so that they can quickly master the use of some weapons, as well as various tactical literacy. From an ordinary person to a specially trained soldier.

Battle-hardened will instill them with a lot of combat skills and experience, and give them the stability of a veteran.

These were all carefully selected by the Tier 4 boss when his level was low. Although it can't be said to be strong, it is practical!

Moreover, this [Basic Soldier Inauguration Temple (Green)] also has three matching basic skill mosaic cards, allowing four of them to have three more basic skills.

"Iron Bone" that increases physique and strength, "Strike" that increases physical attack effects, and "Weapon Mastery" that increases weapon mastering speed.

The last thing is to put your hand on the piece of jade with writing on it, and perform the forced infusion exercises.

Another 4,000 yuan, and the four of them became low-level masters in the Jianghu.

From the point of view of internal strength cultivation, it is probably at the level of three or four generations of mediocre disciples of some famous families. For example, some unknown Shaolin lay disciples?

However, since this is called the quick success method without potential, it naturally has no potential. Even if you work hard in this life, you will be a third-rate master at most. However, if you also practice some external skills such as iron cloth shirts, your combat effectiveness is also good.

Well, at a cost of 3,000 yuan per person, he has changed from an ordinary person to a qualified cannon fodder/tool ​​man!

Now the strength of the four of them, apart from showing off, it is not a problem to deal with twenty or thirty dead bodies alone.

As long as you are careful, it is not too difficult to survive in this city full of dead bodies.

Of course, the premise is that they don't meet the special infected people they met before, let alone the ghouls, they are monsters...

It is estimated that the ghouls will find these four people more chewy and have a good taste.

It seems that Wei Yuan has a crow's mouth. Just as he thought of avoiding special infected people, Tokyo's official search and rescue team in the inner city encountered special dead bodies.

Special infected people, the official self-defense force also encountered a few during the day, and they notified all the teams of the information very efficiently.

But the chest in front of them seemed to have several cracks, and it was the first time they had seen a dead body emitting fiery red light.

Especially the heart of the dead body, which was as bright as a light bulb, was extremely conspicuous in the dimly lit room.

What's more frightening is that the speed and strength of this dead body are even more astonishing, and it seems that it is not afraid of attack!

More than a dozen bullets were shot into its body, but even though several bullets had pierced its skull, it still did not die. Instead, he brandished a big sword in his hand, dodged bullets continuously, and then rushed into the crowd to slash and kill wantonly. He actually displayed a very superb swordsmanship. In an instant, more than a dozen people from the official self-defense team fell and suffered heavy losses...

The screams from the intercom disappeared, and the Tokyo headquarters knew that the unit had been wiped out.

Monthly pass, the last day of monthly pass! Expired and void~

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