Magic card gods

Chapter 142 The River Monster

This shelter was transformed from an old prison. The advantage is that it has a huge area and all the buildings are ready-made. The original high-wall power grid can be used with a simple modification. And this prison structure facilitates defense and management.

This prison is located on the outskirts of the main city, not far from the bank of the lower reaches of the Meguro River.

The Meguro River is a large river with a width of more than 40 meters and abundant water. It flows southward from the west of the city, passes through more than a dozen counties and cities, and flows into Tokyo Bay. The main city of bed is a seaside city, and the mouth of the Meguro River is here.

And five kilometers away from the shelter is the sea-crossing bridge. After crossing the steel suspension bridge, you will arrive at Tokyo Port.

In the original book, the destination of the protagonist and his party is here. They wanted to escape to a large ship at sea through the port of Tokyo.

The nearest place from the shelter to the Meguro River is only about 50 meters away. There happened to be a sentry on the high wall over there facing the river bank. Yesterday, the two Yakuza who were sentry saw the movement by the river.

Wei Yuan took Du Dao Saeko, Hao Mengmeng and Ai Xi out of the refuge to investigate by the river.

He casually hacked to death a dozen or so nearby dead bodies that exploded upon hearing the sound.

These dead bodies seemed to be more than killed. They were cleaned up just yesterday afternoon, and when they got up in the morning, there would be more.

When the dead body finds no living creatures to attack, it just wanders slowly. They will not stay in one place for too long, but will wander and spread aimlessly in one direction.

Most of these dead bodies came out of the city.

Sure enough, Wei Yuan and the others found some unusual marks by the river. The stone guardrail on the river bank was damaged, as if it had been crushed by something, or had been crashed, and there was still some mucus on it.

The stone ground paved by the river bank has also been damaged a bit, and it looks like something huge has been trampled on the stone road.

Wei Yuan turned on his mobile phone to check, and there was a faint green trace from the stone railing by the river to the ground. It looked like a big fish at least four meters long jumped from the river to the bank and ate a few that were wandering by the river. The dead body jumped into the river again.

The most important thing is that Wei Yuan actually saw some weird footprints! There is still a layer of sticky liquid on the footprints!

"This fish has long legs?!" Several people at the scene looked at each other.

"Could it be a mutation?" Ashe asked.

"Can fish also be infected with dead body viruses?" Saeko Busujima was a little horrified. There are countless creatures in the ocean. If they are all infected, the world will be over.

"Long-legged fish, can it be eaten?" Hao Mengmeng couldn't help feeling resentment for not being able to eat the iron-headed dragon king fish head soup.

Wei Yuan snapped his fingers, and the old Guihai Dafu suddenly appeared in front of him.

It seems to be still reading a book, wearing glasses, holding a cup of steaming hot tea in one hand, and an ancient Japanese haiku book "Manyoji" in the other.

"Oh?" It wasn't very surprised to appear here suddenly.

For it that has lived for many years, many things in this world are not surprising.

Although the last second, it was still leisurely reading a book and drinking tea in the quiet room of the refuge.

Wei Yuan summoned it from the refuge room to his eyes in an instant through the process of recycling and re-summoning. This is also the flexible use of cards.

Although she has seen Wei Yuan's methods, Saeko Busujima is still surprised. She felt that she still needed a lot of work to understand this man.

Wei Yuan said to the calm Hai Dafu: "Dafu, I have a task for you now. There seems to be a big fish in this river, go down and check it out!"

Hai Dafu, who felt that many things in this world were not worth surprising, immediately panicked!

"My lord! You can't use Dafu as bait! Dafu is old and frail, and I'm not in good health. I'm afraid it's... hey!" Before it could finish speaking, Wei Yuan had already grabbed its shell , threw it into the river.

Hao Mengmeng quickly caught the teacup that Hai Dafu dropped without spilling a drop of tea. She knew Big Brother Wei would do this!

Ai Xi picked up the black-rimmed glasses that fell on the ground, and waited for Hai Dafu to return them.

Saeko Busujima picked up "The Collection of Many Leaves", and saw that there were old turtles' handwriting on it: I know this world is as short as dew, but, however... the hazy spring moon is full of water, and the touch of the finger is full of rain city.

Saeko Busujima (eyes wide open, mouth slightly open): Are all old turtles so talented?

There is also an ancient poem from the Celestial Dynasty below: Wei Jiang keeps his eyes open all night long, and repays his life without raising his eyebrows.

Saeko Busujima tasted it a few times and found it inexplicable, so she couldn't help but glance at Wei Yuan who was observing the water surface.


Although Hai Dafu was thrown into the river by Wei Yuan, he entered the water very lightly, and the splash was very small, 10 points!

After it entered the water, it moved its paws lightly, and the water surrounded it and helped it move forward as if helping it.

It can feel that since following the current lord, its strength has begun to grow slowly. It is also easier to manipulate the water flow.

It gently dived into the bottom of the water more than 20 meters deep, but the strange thing is that the underwater that should be full of vitality is dead silent at this time.

Not to mention the fish, even the aquatic plants looked like they were going to die!

"What's going on here?" Hai Dafu raised his vigilance and explored carefully.

Just as it was carefully looking for any living fish, shrimp, clam and crab, and could ask questions, a huge black shadow floated gently in the mud of the river bed. This is a giant five meters long!

On its black and gray mottled flat back, there are many warty protrusions, which can sense changes in water flow.

Hai Dafu manipulated the water to swim flexibly underwater, but was noticed by this monster!

The water surged fiercely, and the giant monster that had quietly lurked not far behind Hai Dafu launched an attack!

But Hai Dafu, a cunning and cunning man, had been prepared for a long time, he rolled over lightly, and slid out of the water like a weightless jellyfish under the turbulent water, avoiding the sudden bite!

Good guy, with a big mouth with a diameter of two meters, it bit the air with a "bang chi", like two guillotines!

Hai Dafu was about to laugh at the other party's wishful thinking and wanting to attack him, but he saw clearly what the enemy was. Suddenly bitter and annoyed in my heart: I am really my natural enemy!

Without further ado, like an underwater motorcycle, it jumped seven or eight meters straight to the surface of the water.

Naturally, the giant monster in the river didn't want to give up such a big meal, so it rushed out with a flick of its giant tail!

Wei Yuan and the others were quietly observing on the shore, and suddenly found that the water surface was choppy, as if something was stirring under the water!

In the next instant, Lao Guihai Dafu leaped out of the water in the attitude of a flying turtle, shooting high into the sky like a cannonball. It was its special skill, the tortoise shell impact that once knocked Erha into the air and rolled 300 times, and his brains were about to be thrown out!

"My lord, save me!" Hai Dafu yelled miserably.

Wei Yuan never knew that the slow Hai Dafu actually had such a high-pitched and bright voice.

But then I saw a black-gray giant that was more than ten meters long including the tail and jumped out of the water with countless splashes. On a sunny morning, a "black fish leaping over the dragon's gate" was staged!

After all, Hai Dafu is a speed racing expert among turtles. He can take the first place in the turtle shell impact and the rabbit race, but the huge black and gray river monster can't catch up at all. When it fell to the surface of the water, Hai Dafu shot it high into the sky! It looks like it wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

It's just that not everyone can beat the gravitational god's face, no matter how high Hai Dafu flies, he will fall down!

That black-gray river monster opened its two-meter-diameter mouth wide and bared a mouthful of fine, sharp fangs, waiting there!

However, even if Hai Dafu can be resurrected, Wei Yuan can't just watch that black monster take his own old turtle tonic?

With a wave of his hand, [Yue Boss's Enslavement (Blue)] was thrown more than ten meters away, entangled Hai Dafu, and then pulled him back to the shore.

The old tortoise that had reached its mouth flew away, and the river was so angry that it swung its giant tail violently and set off a huge wave to slap Wei Yuan and the others.

Hao Mengmeng took out the ghost-headed sword in an instant, and with a burst of flames, it split the four-to-five-meter-high wave in half with one blow. The sword smashed the riverside guardrail and blasted a huge knife mark on the water.

At the same time, Ashe shot an arrow, hitting the head of the river monster which was bigger than the dining table. The ice spread, and a frozen fish head appeared in an instant.

The river monster was in pain, dived down and disappeared.

"Hey, my lord, Dafu is old and frail, should we give more opportunities to exercise to young people in the future?" Hai Dafu said with a sad face.

Wei Yuan had a bright smile on his face as a rich man of the people, "Where is it? Da Fu, if you struggle for another thousand or eight hundred years, it will not be a problem! You are still young, and young people should be grateful for the blessings!"

After Hai Dafu's explanation, Wei Yuan learned that the underwater monster turned out to be a giant salamander!

Oh, the Japanese name Sanjiao fish. It is said that it is because the fish has the taste of mountain pepper.

When Mengmeng heard the words, she suddenly regained her spirits, and her ears puffed up: "Sea pepper-flavored fish?" ? ? I do not believe! Unless you let me have a bite! One bite, one bite!

Alas, no one votes for birthdays. sigh~

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