Magic card gods

Chapter 150 Rc Hezi New Humanity

Waking up from a deep sleep, Wei Yuan subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it, but there was no one around him.

Mengmeng is not here... No, yesterday I was...Wait, where is Saeko?

He opened his eyes, and there was only himself on the bed. But that fragrance is still there, Wei Yuan has tasted it himself... Now he knows that it is not the smell of shower gel.

He heard movement in the kitchen, and knew that Saeko Busujima should have gotten up early to cook.

People like Saeko Busujima are given high-level treatment in the shelter. They not only have their own independent house, but also have their own bathroom and kitchen.

As for the ordinary survivors, they all lived in bunk beds in dormitories.

What if there is a family? Then you have to work hard, earn work points, and then exchange for better housing conditions. If you don't work hard, then the conditions are limited now, don't blame the family for separating!

In the refuge, collective communism is the main premise, and the more work, the more pay, and the contribution work point system are implemented!

Experiments, of course, must be comprehensive.

Wei Yuan intends to use Little Japan to practice his skills, what if one day he goes to a fantasy world and becomes the emperor? !

Then you have to practice in advance?

Marxism and other things have to be put into practice, and true knowledge comes from practice, don’t you think?

Wei Yuan lay on the bed with his head resting on his hands, too lazy to move. It's rare that he didn't get up early to cook for others, but waited for others to prepare it for him to eat. Why don't you enjoy it more?

Wei Yuan thought of Saeko Busujima, thought of the aroma lingering at the tip of his nose, thought of the dazzling white and the big one occupying his field of vision... his mind was a little wandering.

Can not be done!

Wei Yuan persuaded himself in his heart: I can't be so lazy, I still have to work hard!

I have been able to hold on before, it is entirely because I still have some respect for the law, so Ash and the silly rabbit can stay until now. Of course, the figures of the two have always reminded Wei Yuan that the fruit is not ripe yet.

But Saeko's figure! Very yellow and violent! I couldn't help myself watching it!

Eh, no!

I don't seem to be that old now! Only 19 years old this year!

That is to say, even! So what have I to be ashamed of?

Thinking of this, Wei Yuan let go of the burden in his heart, and the prehistoric power in his body began to surge.

He still made an excuse for himself here: "No, I can't be so depraved. I have to get up early, and I have to help Saeko prepare breakfast!"

Wei Yuan sat up immediately, put on his pants casually, and walked to the kitchen.

Because Saeko Bujima was worried about disturbing Wei Yuan, the kitchen door was closed, and only the sound of boiling water in the pot could be heard.

Wei Yuan pushed open the door, and Saeko Busujima was cooking something with his back turned to him.

She's wearing an apron... only an apron!

"This apron... so white~"

Wei Yuan couldn't hold back after watching this scene!

She bit her lip and smiled, "No! It's almost seven o'clock now. It will delay business!"

As the daughter of the samurai family, Saeko Busujima is a type of good wife. Although he is very submissive in life, he is absolutely not allowed to interfere with the business.

Because there was really not enough time, the car could only bang on the accelerator and didn't start...

(There are too many car pick-ups, come and count the tickets!)


After breakfast, the shelter got busy.

According to the plan made yesterday, the three fully armed convoys headed for the planned area.

They carried radios with them, and they had to leave information about shelters along the way. While collecting all the supplies they could bring back, they rescued the trapped survivors.

It has been a week since the dead body incident broke out. The best rescue period has gradually passed.

There are more than 300 people gathered in the shelter, but the number of survivors will decrease sharply in the future, and it is not certain how many people can gather.

Ordinary people, even if they have the habit of storing food, can stay at home for a week at most. It's time to go out and find something to eat. What's more, the tap water has been polluted. If the survivors who managed to escape the first wave of dead body outbreaks didn't realize this problem, they would soon become the second wave of dead bodies.

And when they realize this problem, they will face a water shortage that is more terrible than food shortage. If you are hungry for two days, you will not die, but if you are thirsty for two days, you will be cold.

Most of the survivors who are still alive have found a place to store supplies, such as a supermarket. Many people hung curtains with "sos" written on the windows or on the roof, hoping to be rescued.


The convoy left, and Wei Yuan took Busujima Saeko to find Ju Chuan Shizuka.

At this time, Ju Chuan Shizuka was wearing rimless glasses and a white coat, shaking the test tube in her hand with an innocent smile on her face.

After Ju Chuan Shizuka was taken to the refuge by Wei Yuan, although she didn't appear in front of people very much, she was actually entrusted with important tasks.

She was assigned a separate big house and a huge laboratory filled with various utensils and machines.

Wei Yuan asked her to preside over the research on viruses.

Ju Chuan Shizuka was also very surprised at the beginning: "Student Wei Yuan, you trust the teacher so much, the teacher is really happy. But the teacher is just a school doctor~" His hands were mixed together, his expression was twisted~

Although Ju Chuan Shizuka, who is naturally more stupid than Hao Mengmeng, is just as stupid and cute, she still has a very clear understanding of herself.

She knew that she could not preside over the research on viruses at her own level. Otherwise, how could it be just a high school doctor?

But Wei Yuan was already prepared for this!

Entering the fantasy world of biochemistry, there is a relatively important experience, that is, if conditions permit, there must be scientific researchers.

Because the biochemical fantasy world can often obtain some precious experimental materials and data, if there are no talents in this field, then it can only be watched.

Moreover, these data materials are generally most useful in this fantasy world, and if they can be mastered, they will play a huge role in the development of the fantasy world.

On the contrary, if you take it back to the original world, this thing is worthless. Except for some scientific research cards of the biochemical route who will accept them, others don't even look at them. It's too much space for nothing!

This is Wei Yuan's second visit to the fantasy world. He is not a member of a big family, he has everything in his family, and he can attract ten or eight with just a shout. He could only bite the bullet and try to "cultivate" one by himself.

Naturally, card disciples do not cultivate talents with a very long cycle, which can last for several or ten years at every turn. They have magic cards!

If you're stuck with something, why not ask Magic Cards?

Therefore, a kind of card commonly known as knowledge card/information card among prop cards is used.

[Yubao City Universal Almighty Biochemical Knowledge Card (Green)]

Yubao City is a city in the Nine Cities Alliance that focuses on biochemistry, biology, species, and bloodlines. The relevant knowledge cards produced by them are well received by card players from all walks of life in the Ninetowns Alliance.

Although this is just some low-level general-purpose knowledge, it is very comprehensive and has no dead ends, and all the knowledge involved is covered for you!

You only need three excellent and five excellent material cards, and you can buy knowledge that you can't finish learning in twenty years!

Even if it's just a blunt infusion, it will take many years of practice and polishing to learn and use it alive, but this is already very against the sky!

Among all the knowledge cards, biochemistry and biology cards are the cheapest.

Knowledge cards such as Tianyuan City's [Tianyuan City Basic Magic Theory (Green)], [Yellow Dragon City Enchanting Theory Summary (Green)], and [Magic Equipment Manufacturing and Strengthening (Green)] are not lower than the knowledge cards. One hundred thousand!

After all, magic is more advanced, and its applicability and popularity are wider.

Biochemical knowledge is different, it is quite redundant for Katu who don't need it. Many phantom worlds don't like you at all.

Can you carry out the "enhancement test of demon core implantation of ogres and troll hybrids"?

That's not something low-level biochemical knowledge can do!

Not only do you have to fill up your advanced biochemical knowledge, but you also have to learn magic-related knowledge!

However, cards have their uses. This type of knowledge card can sometimes be exchanged for a lot of benefits with some aborigines in the fantasy world.

After all, this knowledge is very precious to them, and there is no such shop after passing this village.

This time, Wei Yuan injected a handful of knowledge into Mr. Ju Chuan.

Ju Chuan Shizuka was dripping with sweat, and it took a long time to get used to the extra knowledge in her head, and then began to conduct various experiments according to Wei Yuan's instructions.

Now, there is a precedent for Kiryu Ao's success. It's time for further buffs to Saeko Busujima and Shizuka Marikawa.


There is a saying among eagle boilers: If you are full, you will fly away, if you are hungry, you will attach yourself to others.

What I said is that when the falcon is boiled, the appetite of the falcon should not be satisfied too much, otherwise it will fly away. You have to be hungry for it to be obedient and honest.

Of course, Wei Yuan has never strengthened Saeko Busujima, and it is naturally not because of this.

Saeko Busujima was not strengthened before because he didn't want her to be a cannon fodder.

That set of strengthening system seems to be extremely effective. An ordinary person, after some strengthening, can basically reach the level of a second-level melee card player without cards in one morning, how good it is!

But, so good, why not use Katu?

Because this set is strengthened, it is basically over. In the future, other strengthening methods are basically useless.

If you have a good foundation, are strong in all aspects, and if you are lucky, you will eventually be able to reach the physical attributes of a third-order Katu.

But that's it, and I can't make any progress. Even if someone has some grudge, small universe, strange fire, or soul ring, it's useless to sacrifice his wife!

Because of this set of enhancements, the potential has been overdrawn.

Wei Yuan wanted to take Du Dao Saeko out of this fantasy world and become a constant companion, so naturally he couldn't just cut off her future.

During this period of time, what he asked Ju Chuan Shizuka to study was the strengthening route that he thought of for Saeko Busujima in his heart.

Rc Kazuko new human!

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