Magic card gods

Chapter 169 Heartbroken Senior Sister

The battle to encircle and suppress Longye Chido in the west of the city can be said to be quite sudden. I don't know why, but suddenly it became a battle between the official forces in Tokyo and Ark Ghoul!

The two sides fought quite fiercely, which can be called inextricable.

The two apostles on the side of the ark, Toshio Saeki, who is called a glutton, owns the extremely powerful Jiahyuk. The big sword formed by his Jiahe is heavy and huge, and it can be said to be indestructible!

The reason why this guy is called a glutton is because his appetite is extremely strong.

Generally, a ghoul can eat a person for at least a week, but a glutton will eat a person in two or three days! He is not only to fill his stomach, but also to satisfy his appetite.

If Gluttony is a front row heavy armored fighter, then eight-armed Ishimura Yukiya is an agile assassin.

He is called Eight Arms because he has six slender tails! It is rumored that he was born deformed, with a small tail at the end of his coccyx. It was surgically removed when I was a teenager. The reason why he has six tails is the result of sharing.

He is also considered to be a relatively old name among the apostles. Although his strength is not among the top few, he is senior in qualifications and has fought together many times. His eight-tailed hyacinth attack is surprisingly fast, and he is especially good at various surprise attacks and encounters. Fighting him is like fighting an enemy with eight arms.

He has unparalleled massacre efficiency against those enemies whose strength is much inferior to his.

And the quasi-special investigator here, Hayakawa Yoichi is a man in his forties. His Quinker weapon is called the Kill Gun.

Before he became an investigator, he was a well-known marksman instructor, and soon after becoming an investigator, he became a quasi-special investigator.

In addition, there is his partner, the 26-year-old senior investigator Maiko Tamaki.

Her Quinque weapon is a hundred-headed shot. This strange bow and arrow Quinque has the ability to shoot several Hezi arrows at the same time.

Moreover, everyone knows that Ms. Siyue Meiqi (Zhou Siqi's ID card name) has a powerful mutant dog. Combat power is not even lower than that of a quasi-special investigator.

Therefore, there is no disadvantage in combat power here.

Zhou Siqi hated this battle very much, it ruined her plan. But the ghouls don't care what kind of plans you have, they want to wipe out this team, kill Long Yachido, and eat him...

The fierce fighting lasted for more than half an hour, until the sentinel ghouls signaled that the reinforcements from the city west branch of the Countermeasure Bureau were about to arrive, and the two apostles of the Ark reluctantly escaped with the remaining ghouls.

During the fierce battle, Zhou Siqi had been using spells to secretly trip Glutton and Baarm, which made them both very uncomfortable. I always feel restricted everywhere, something is wrong. In the end, he was seriously injured.

However, the ghouls are very resistant to beating, and the combat effectiveness of the two has not dropped much. If it wasn't for the arrival of reinforcements from the other side, they could still fight for half an hour!

Ordinary soldiers and low-level investigators on the side of the Provisional Government's Self-Defense Forces suffered a lot of casualties. After all, many ghouls came.

But also, Tamaki Maiko, who is good at long-range attacks, also killed many low-level ghouls with a hundred heads.

The glutton even attacked Tamaki Maiko desperately regardless of her injuries. For this reason, Hayakawa Yoichi, who protected her, was also seriously injured. But overall, gluttons are more seriously injured.

Senior sister Zhou Siqi naturally wouldn't reveal her fighting strength, but just let the two-headed hell dog hold the difficult eight arms.

In the end, both sides suffered a big loss, and the low-level combatants suffered heavy casualties. On the ghoul side, there were only a few small shrimps who ran away with the two apostles. On the official side, there were only six ordinary members of the Self-Defense Forces. Among the investigators that Zhou Siqi recruited, only the third-class man with a broken arm was left. Inquisitor.

Zhou Siqi's annoyed expression was almost distorted at that time. People around her thought she was sad and angry because of the tragic death of her teammates.

In fact, she was angry that her licking dog had died, and the only one left was the most trashy one who was disabled.

It is said that both sides will suffer, and no one will take advantage of it. As a result, Hayakawa Yoichi was ambushed on the way to chase and delay the escape of the ghouls with Zhou Siqi and her big dog.

Yoichi Hayakawa was heartbroken and died!

The quasi-special investigator is the absolute high-level combat force in the countermeasure bureau, corresponding to the apostle of the ark. Four branches plus the headquarters, quasi-supervisors and other investigators, there are less than twenty in total!

Now I just folded one so casually!

Hayakawa Yoichi's partner Tamaki Maiko is about to collapse, and the two are actually lovers.

Hayakawa Yoichi lost his wife, and Tamaki Maiko was unmarried. The two formed a deep relationship in the joint battle. If it wasn't for the dead body outbreak, the two of them might have been married. Last night I also said that I would get married after I stabilized...

As a result, Hayakawa Yoichi suddenly sacrificed like this!

Zhou Siqi cried bitterly and knelt down on the ground, looking even more sad than Tamaki Maiko.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Hayakawa-kun was killed by a sneak attack to protect me! It's all my fault! Miss Yumu, hit me!" Zhou Siqi was crying like pear blossoms with rain, in pain.

Tamaki Maiko instinctively glanced at the big dog squatting behind Zhou Siqi. The big dog had a very indifferent expression and licked the blood from its mouth from time to time.

Tamaki Maiko instinctively didn't want to believe that Hayakawa Yoichi would be killed by a sneak attack, he was a careful person...

In fact, Yoichi Hayakawa was indeed killed by a sneak attack. It's just that the person who killed him was Zhou Siqi, who looked like an ordinary person.

Zhou Siqi was behind him, with a hand directly piercing his chest, and took out his heart.

As I said before, Zhou Siqi's current occupation is a Demon Beast Tamer.

The advantage of this weird profession is that it has a chance to tame monsters higher than its own level for its use. But the disadvantage is that because the monsters are tamed in a tricky way, in many cases, they can't be commanded like a serious summoning of Liukatu.

You have to appease those powerful monsters so that they will be obedient.

This time Zhou Siqi originally planned to feed her two-headed hell dog with Long Ye Chita, but now the plan fell through. In order to appease her two-headed dog, she took the opportunity to take out Yoichi Hayakawa's heart and feed it to the dog.

Although the effect was not good, she had to comfort her in the future. But it's better than nothing. If the two-headed dog runs away and gets out of control, it will be broken.


Over there, Zhou Siqi and the others were still collecting the body of Hayakawa Yoichi, and here Wei Yuan and the others had already rushed to the west area of ​​the city and found Longye Chido. After all, the Three-Eyed Crow has been staring at Long Ye Chiduo.

Long Ye Chiduo's survival instinct made him hide in an underground parking lot to rest. In the end, Wei Yuan and others blocked him.

Long Ye Chiduo is the leader monster in Tier 3. Although he has been seriously injured and even lost a hand, his strength has been greatly reduced, but he should not be underestimated.

Wei Yuan didn't make a move, but let Saeko Busujima and Hao Mengmeng come forward to fight Long Yechiduo. Both use knives, and fighting such a master of swordsmanship will definitely benefit a lot.

And he and Ashe are ready to support at any time in the distance, in case of accidents.

In fact, Wei Yuan summoned the flower vines in the Zen realm underground to ambush, and there were two three-eyed crows patrolling around.

The battle was very hard. At first Saeko Busujima and Hao Mengmeng took turns to fight Longye Chita.

But the master of swordsmanship is not called for nothing, and Long Yechi used one-handed sword to kill the two of them many times. The concrete floor and the vehicles parked in the garage were somewhat damaged.

The combat effectiveness of the three of them is not bad, and many vehicles were cut in half by a single knife! The ground was all cracked by the eruption.

In the end, the two chose to let go of their pride and join forces to fight against the enemy. Even so, they could barely maintain a balance of power, but they couldn't gain the upper hand!

The two didn't ask for help, so Wei Yuan didn't make a move. The fight is now a bit more difficult, at least he has improved, so as not to encounter a strong enemy in the future.

Long Ye Chiduo is simply the best swordsmanship target, the best whetstone, Wei Yuan is seeing the spirits and spirits of the distressed Bujima Saeko and Hao Mengmeng getting sharper and sharper, and their swordsmanship and saber skills are getting better and better. The more fierce...

In the end, Hao Mengmeng suddenly broke out under strong pressure, and a superb Qi-lifting slash far surpassed the previous one, beheading Long Yechiduo!

The knife mark extended and chopped a crack of more than ten meters, and plowed the underground parking lot by the way...

Because of this, Hao Mengmeng was successfully promoted to level 7!

She had just risen to level 6 through a lot of slashing and killing bodies, but because of fighting with Long Yechiduo, the energy level fluctuations were greatly stimulated, and she rose to level 7 so quickly!

Sure enough, fools have fools!

Saeko Busujima also let out a sigh of relief. The tense battle requires concentration every moment, and her physical energy and Rc cells are exhausted. Especially when the bloodthirsty frenzy was activated at the end, with a thrilling slash, he gained the upper hand by a slight margin, swiping away Long Ye Chiduo's Kabane and Captain Captain Guang, creating a chance for Hao Mengmeng to slay.

She leaned close to Wei Yuan's ear with winking eyes and whispered, "I'm... wet~"

And Hao Mengmeng seems to be in good condition. For her, concentration is an innate ability, and she can devote herself to the battle by relying on instinct. It was as if she instinctively threw herself into eating.

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