Magic card gods

Chapter 171 Gossip

Yoichi Hayakawa was killed by having his chest ripped out from behind, and his heart was even fed to the dogs. It was a miserable death!

As his lover, Tamaki Maiko was so angry and sad when she saw such a scene.

A huge two-headed hellhound, ferociously licking the bloody heart in its mouth, with a dissatisfied expression? !

The Three-Eyed Raven's perspective is obviously looking down from a high side, and it should be watching from the eaves of the building. It showed everything it saw during the day in every detail.

"Ms. Tamaki, this is the truth of the matter. Your lover, Mr. Yoichi Hayakawa, was not killed by a ghoul. He was killed by this woman in a sneak attack. Even his Quinker weapon was taken away by this woman." gone."

Tamaki Maiko trembled all over, her pupils dilated, obviously immersed in pain and unable to extricate herself.

The Three-Eyed Crow jumped two steps, landed on the back of the chair, and said, "Ms. Tamaki, this is not the time for pain. Mr. Hayakawa must not die in vain. Please cheer up!"

The Three-Eyed Crow tilted its head and stared at the woman who was almost drowned in pain, and said, "Actually, this woman is not from Dongying. I don't know her name now, but it turns out that she is Zhou Siqi, and she is from the Celestial Dynasty. She casts evil spells." , use people to raise that dog. You have also seen that in my eyes and in your eyes, this dog looks different."

"With her current identity, she uses evil methods to control some officials, and then she has a certain amount of power. She is a monster more terrifying than those ghouls and dead bodies..."

After all, Tamaki Maiko is a battle-tested elite, and quickly suppressed her sadness. Although she hated Zhou Siqi very much now, she wished to avenge Hayakawa Yoichi by stripping her and her dog of their skin and cramp. But reason told her that she couldn't just trust a talking crow.

She asked in a deep voice, "What about you? Who are you?"

The Three-Eyed Crow said: "My name is Wei Yuan, and I am also a Celestial Mage. I came to Dongpu to hunt down this witch, but I encountered this damned outbreak of dead bodies. But now because of this disaster, she has cultivated a powerful Two-headed demon dog."

"At this time, the strength of this witch has increased greatly. I'm afraid I may not be her opponent. It was the battle today that made me discover the whereabouts of this woman. I didn't expect her to be hiding in the official forces... I know you It's hard to believe me for a while, but I can attest to..."

It has to be said that Wei Yuan deserves to make a living by codewords, he can just open his mouth to talk nonsense! It sounds like it!

Through the Three-Eyed Crow, Wei Yuan chatted with Tamaki Maiko for a long time.

Many of the things Wei Yuan said matched what Tamaki Maiko knew.

For example, when Zhou Siqi suddenly mentioned it, he was suddenly appreciated by a certain leader, and he almost responded to every request.

For example, there will always be some unexpected casualties among those who acted with her, but no one cares.

For example, that big dog who is inseparable from her, but no one has ever seen it eat...

In her heart, Tamaki Maiko had already believed seven points, and she had to investigate the rest by herself. Only the information obtained through her own painstaking investigation will make her believe it is true...

Wei Yuan didn't lie to her, the general information of all the information was true, only some details were changed by him, which was beneficial to his plan and made it easier for people to believe.

The highest state of a lie is very true, plus the eleventh point of truth that has not been said. The next level is 90% true and 1 point false.


Wei Yuan admired the woman Yumu Wuzi a little bit. This is a very strong woman, she will never bow to a strong enemy, and she will never dodge in the face of difficulties.

Seeing the fire of revenge burning in her eyes, Wei Yuan thought of the heroines in those revenge movies.

"Kill Bill", "Kindly Gold", "I Spit on Your Grave", "Confession", "The Whole Story of Jin Funan's Murder Incident"... Art originates from reality and is higher than reality.

Some people will not be easily achieved by fate, they will challenge the injustice of fate!


In the next few days, some vague rumors began to circulate in the provisional government and the countermeasure bureau.

They are all absurd and untrue, but also specious rumors.

Most of them are related to Zhou Siqi, such as Zhou Siqi's life experience.

After all, she used her identity card to enter the fantasy world to obtain her current identity. But she is not an out-and-out Dongying person, and she does not conform to the habits of Dongying people in many living habits and personal habits.

If no one mentions this matter, everyone will not delve into it. But when relevant rumors appeared, some people began to realize that something was wrong.

In addition, there is her inexplicable superiority, and some leaders and powerful figures are unexpectedly tolerant of her.

And her weird big dog that is incredibly powerful.

Some people thought it was a monster among dogs, just like ghouls are monsters among people. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why this big dog is so powerful and vicious.

Many things cannot withstand scrutiny. At the beginning, everyone regarded these rumors as malicious jokes. But gradually some people feel that something is not quite right.

Zhou Siqi was in trouble, she found that wherever she went, people looked at her strangely. For the two-headed hellhound, the attitude is even more inexplicable.

The two-headed Cerberus is more sensitive to the attitude of others, and can obviously feel the malice and suspicion of everyone. And its temper is even more tyrannical, hellhound! So there are often attempts to attack others.

Although Zhou Siqi watched closely, it didn't cause too bad consequences, such as cannibalism in the street. But it also made many people more determined in their hearts.

Zhou Siqi learned of the rumors about herself in the market through some confidantes and licking the dog. There was a chill in her heart, followed by resentment.

What's cool is that although the rumors are mostly fictitious and untrue, the aspects involved in these rumors really cannot withstand scrutiny. Under people's continuous attention, her flaws will be exposed.

What is resentful is that someone actually targeted her? !

Yumu Wuzi was just as Wei Yuan thought, the kind of nemesis who would never give in, watching Zhou Siqi's every move coldly in the dark. Weaver's web of vengeance!

Now she has basically confirmed what Wei Yuan said, because Zhou Siqi really has a lot of doubts about her.

Before Zhou Siqi could think of any solution, Wei Yuan and Yumu Wuzi's follow-up actions came.

Zhou Siqi's Cerberus suddenly exploded during a meeting and almost killed a middle-level official.

The middle-level official himself does not have a high status, but his younger brother is the cadre in charge of the logistics of the countermeasure bureau!

After at least two catties of flesh were torn off the bald fat man, he was rescued by everyone.

Several soldiers and two investigators were even injured by Cerberus in order to snatch food from the dog's mouth. Those who were injured by the two-headed hellhound were all poisoned. The wound festers and cannot heal!

This is considered to have stabbed a hornet's nest!

Zhou Siqi's situation suddenly became difficult. Many people no longer doubted her, and even began to reject and avoid her.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Siqi's subordinates and well-connected officials all began to draw a line with her.

Zhou Siqi was miserable.

Because people who are forcibly controlled by spells will have huge flaws in their behavior, so she uses "soft" spells that confuse and increase favorability, coupled with her own beauty and means, to win over most middle and lower classes.

However, this kind of "moderate" method is not easy to use when the other party is particularly vigilant and repulsed.

In particular, Zhou Siqi used her beauty to walk among many licking dogs, but she didn't give any real benefits. Whenever those licking dogs had any intention of getting close, Zhou Siqi's two-headed hellhound would be angry. It can be seen from a distance but not played with!

Now Zhou Siqi's manpower and influence that can be mobilized are greatly reduced, and the Quinke weapon, which was about to be negotiated before, has also been dragged down by the countermeasure bureau on the grounds of "requiring adjustment".

I hate her so much that she gritted her teeth!


Wei Yuan touched Erha who was gnawing on the bone, "Ha'er, don't say it, you smell like urine, it's quite annoying! Stay away from that two-headed dog in the future. I'm worried that it will kill your head." Eat it up!"

Erha:? ? ? what did I do? Why are you gnawing on my head? ? ?

That's right, Wei Yuan quietly spilled Erha's urine on the bald official, which provoked the two-headed hellhound to bite in a rage, even Zhou Siqi couldn't stop it.

At the same time, the Zen flower vines and some undead summons sent by Wei Yuan have also touched the door of the Ark organization.

The last battle against Longye Chiduo allowed Wei Yuan to discover Zhou Siqi's location, and also allowed the Three-Eyed Crow to follow the ghouls to find their lair.

The undead summons in the Necropolis are different from others. They need to occupy energy levels, and they are not easy to control if they are far away.

For example, the Supreme Corpse King, Wei Yuan can make it slaughter the corpse in one direction. But it cannot be controlled specifically, nor can it produce telepathy and remote control like shaman summons and contract summons.

Therefore, Wei Yuan had to send out Zen Flower Vine as a "signal transfer station".

After guarding for a long time, the three ghouls of the ark were killed under the plot of the Zen flower vines and a few swordsmen from the underworld, and the strong attack of the supreme corpse king.

Then Zen Jinghuateng left some items of the Provisional Government Self-Defense Force that Wei Yuan had prepared in advance, and slipped away.

A few minutes later, the ghouls from Ark chased them out.

But the Underworld Swordsman, Corpse King, and Wei Yuan have already canceled their summons and returned to the cemetery. The flower vines in the Zen state even walk through the ground. So the Ark only found "clues and evidence" left underground.

"That group of stupid food, dare to come to the door! Revenge! Revenge!" Furious, the ghouls of the Ark began to mobilize their hands...

Dog, I'm back again!

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