Magic card gods

Chapter 195 Tokyo Python

This plant-promoting nutrient was developed by those researchers led by Ju Chuan Shizuka on the basis of strengthening human culture fluid. The purpose is to be able to increase production in a short period of time when obtaining a stable logistics base and being able to grow food and vegetables by themselves.

Wei Yuan named it "Liquid Jinkela" for a long time!

This thing is a great tonic for plants!

And the Zen flower vines are now all in the big jar, trying to absorb them. This is the undiluted puree Jinkela, which is much stronger than the one that is diluted five hundred times with water for planting!

The flower vines in the Zen state are getting thicker and stronger as they absorb it! The pea shooter's head, which was originally only the size of a fist, became like a human head! In this mode, a five-gun cannon is no worse than ordinary small-caliber shelling.

Although this kind of birth in a short period of time is meant to encourage the growth of seedlings, as long as this battle can be won, it is not a problem to be weak for a period of time.

Soon, the Zen flower vines with thick arms and thick thighs grew to the thickness of buckets and waists, and the length was also rapidly spreading and stretching. Countless small branch vines also grew in large numbers, like a dense and messy network. Dozens of large flower buds grow out, colorful. It blooms within seconds of planting!

Wei Yuan plucked a few flowers and gave them to a few girls, and got a few sweet smiling faces, um, and Hao Mengmeng took a bite!

"Go, Huavine! Use strangle!"

Although Yaqi Snake Tree is the leader of Tier 3, it can't take it after Wei Yuan's cruel torture.

Coupled with the various temporary enhancements of the Zen flower vines, the two sides are entangled, and they are evenly divided!

I saw countless vines strangling together regardless of you and me, you tie me up and I tie you up! For a moment, the thick vines like countless giant pythons collapsed, and a large number of small vines became entangled into a ball...

The battle on and off the ground lasted for more than an hour in a place the size of half a football field.

The entire ground has been destroyed, and from time to time, a large number of vines drilled out of the ground, and plunged into the ground again.

At this time, the flower vines in the Zen realm had already begun to lose power and fell into a disadvantage.

After all, the Yaqi Snake Tree is the leader of the 3rd level, and this Zen flower vine has been temporarily strengthened, and at most it is the leader of the 2nd level peak. If it wasn't for Wei Yuan's missiles, acid rain, sea of ​​fire, and ice-bound tossing, the flower vines in the Zen realm wouldn't be able to last even a minute.

At this time, Yaqi Snake Tree has begun to recover gradually while fighting, but the strengthening of Zen flower vines has begun to fade.

However, this group of shameless Wei Yuan is still there!

Without further ado, Wei Yuan dispatched several underworld swordsmen, each with a large needle, to prick the thick vines of Yamata no Orochi, and beat the biological inhibitor into it...

Wei Yuan: I'm already shameless, do you still care about being more shameless?

The battle went on for a total of three hours. Under Wei Yuan's and others' frequent pull-outs, Zen Huateng finally won this "fair competition"!

Winner takes all! The Zen Flower Vine collected all the large and small, whole and broken vines of the Yaqi Snake Tree, separated the tiny roots and stuck them in, and began to absorb...

Wei Yuan knew it!

Although the ability of the Zen flower vine has not changed much, but the strength has been turned upside down.

If the diameter of the flower vines in the Zen Realm was only 1.5 meters in a ball before, the diameter of the ball is at least three meters in diameter now!

Expanded to cover two basketball courts! There is no need for temporary enhancements to encourage the growth of seedlings, and the Zen flower vines can also reach the level of enhancement.

This is equivalent to strengthening from a Tier 2 middle elite monster to a Tier 2 peak leader monster! The future development potential is even greater!

Wei Yuan said with emotion: "This kind of opportunity can only be met but not sought after!"

It may be because of the excessive use of ground-penetrating missiles to bring advantages, so the cards are not very harvested, only two.

【Baqi Snake Tree Seeds (Blue)】

[Excellent grade item card/rare item/seed]

[Planting: If you keep planting, a magical Yaki snake tree will grow in a few years. 】

[(Note: It takes a long time to grow, and I may not necessarily listen to you)]

【"Chop off one head, and two will grow back!"】

This seed is useless, it is the kind of card that although the level is quite high, the effect is very weak. It is worthless.

【Evolution Puzzle 3 (Green)】

[Excellent level/card fragments/set cards]

【Strengthening Regeneration of Broken Limbs: Consume material cards to strengthen the regeneration ability of broken limbs for the target. 】

[Sunbath: Consume material cards to strengthen the chlorophyll of the target skin. Quickly restore physical strength and vitality when the target's skin is exposed to sunlight. 】

【(This is one of the fragments of a card, it can be restored by collecting ten pieces)】

[(This is one of the set cards, every additional set card will get a part of the enhancement. 3/4)]

【"If you want to live a decent life, unless you have some green on your body!"】

"Hiss~ This card is so dazzlingly green!" Wei Yuan felt that after going back, he would give them a boost to see how green it would become.


Time waits for me, Wei Yuan is in full swing for all-round development.

The harvesting of dead bodies cannot be stopped, special infected people need to be hunted with nets, collect more materials, mobilize manpower to build large shelters, send elite teams to expand the scope of exploration, find the location of Umbrella, compress the site of the Ark, and rescue their hands. Survivors who were regarded as food reserves...

All planning is going on at the same time, and no one can be idle.

Wei Yuan didn't think about the changes in the world after he left. After all, I'm gone, so I can't control so much.

But now that he has received the main mission of this world, he will take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try it out.

Under what circumstances can the main mission be considered complete?

Wei Yuan felt that he had to make preparations, even if he left the fantasy world, these survivors could continue to rely on the shelter to survive.

Let's take a look at the last changes in this fantasy world, and also take a look at the mystery of this main mission.


Wei Yuan knows where his advantage lies. Apart from having three soul cards taking advantage, he has a certain understanding of these specious fantasy worlds, and has a certain understanding of their prototypes in his heart. This has too many advantages over those normal card players.

It's like the world of Gaowu and Three Kingdoms. If you are a Caucasian, it doesn't matter whether you know Huaxia or not. Just your appearance and skin color will make it difficult for you to move forward.

And even if you are a black-haired and black-eyed person of yellow race, you have never had any traditional education, and the aborigines can easily see that you are out of place.

Those who are not familiar with the plot, killed all directions in Raccoon City, harvested zombies, and were then turned into ashes by nuclear bombs. Join the Bajieji in the world of King of Fighters, and be turned into roast chicken by Yashenan and Cao Zhijing. The Moon Worship Sect was added to the Legend of Sword and Fairy, and it was directly used by the Moon Worship Sect Master as a sacrifice to the heavens. I suddenly woke up in the world of aliens and predators, and I didn't know what it meant with a dead facehugger covering my face...

In the Three Kingdoms of Gaowu, he joined under the command of Dong Zhuo and Grand Master Dong Zhuo, who were powerful and invincible for a while...and he joined the Allied Army against Dong, but he volunteered at Hulao Pass to kill Hua Xiong and Lu Bu, the slave of the three surnames... It's not yet Said that the three unknown soldiers Liu Guanzhang were easy to bully, they were cut into potato shreds by Guan Yu with a big knife, and they were completely killed...

Katu's death rate in fantasy adventures is not low, because every world is unknown and dangerous.

But for Wei Yuan, most fantasy worlds are equally dangerous, but not so unknown.

Senior Colonel Chu Xuan said this: Our greatest advantage is our familiarity with the plot!

Even if the plot changes, there are always familiar places and characters, which is a huge advantage.

And Wei Yuan has always wanted to be a banner party!

Only the Banner Party can give full play to his advantage of "familiarity with the plot"!

Lurk for a long time, sow seeds and wait, and reap the fruits of victory at the right time!

Safe and efficient!

However, there is a hurdle in wanting to become a banner party.

That is to have a certain grasp of the development of the fantasy world, especially those small fantasy worlds that are reset frequently. How can we ensure that our chess pieces can play a role and not be reset?

Those large imaginary worlds are not something ordinary card players can play, and most of the big banner parties play chess in small and medium-sized imaginary worlds, so there are no big players to come up and set the chessboard.

But such secret low-level card disciples are out of reach, and Wei Yuan has no one to ask. He wanted to try it through this fantasy world that was on the verge of going berserk.

For example, is it possible to artificially create "remnants of the old world" like Ryota Toyama? !

This is a fantasy world where you can act recklessly without bearing the consequences, and you should use whatever ideas you have as much as possible.

Because after passing this village, there is no such shop, and after passing this shop, there is no such proprietress!


A day later, another special experimental subject was found!

This time it was in a remote swamp at the foot of a mountain. The mountain is called Mount Takao and is located in Hachioji City, west of Tokyo.

It is a mountain that preserves pure nature in the city, and the travel guide "Michelin Green Guide" rated it as the highest level of three-star attractions. Only fifty minutes by subway!

After the dead body virus broke out, the terrain here gradually changed, and in just two months, it turned into a large swamp!

And the special experimental body No. 2 Tokyo Python was discovered here...

I have to work hard this month! Try to get votes!

Ask for votes!

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