Magic card gods

Chapter 197 Dongsheng Moon Transformation Dragon!

"How about Jianyu Thunder God? Are you going to transition from biochemistry to mythology! It's just a radiation mutation experiment, so I'm bluffing you."

Although Wei Yuan's consolation reassured many cannon fodder fighters, after all, the leader himself was an extremely powerful monster, and he had even more monsters under his command. Even if he encounters some powerful monsters, most of them are not the opponents of Wei Yuan's monsters.

However, this newly discovered monster is very consistent with the image of Jianyu Thunder God in myths and legends.

This makes it really unacceptable for those people who are in the last days and have no sustenance.

Could it be that God is going to kill me? Is it because our extravagance, lust, pride and frivolity have touched the gods, and now the gods are going to punish us?

Those who are weak in heart and timid and ignorant begin to be afraid.

However, no matter how ignorant you are, you dare not make mistakes! After all, the spiritual infusion stick and the small black room are really unbearable.

One stick down, and you'll be sore for a week. This stuff really has a long memory!

So, regardless of your superstitions, nothing compares to the iron fist of a democratic dictatorship!

Na Jianyu Thor is called the Radiation Terminator by mobile phones.

It is a giant of low intelligence, about four meters long, with arms that are as long as knees. Big head, and weird shape. Needless to say, the facial features can only be imagined by abstract masters like Picasso. There is also a body shape, rickets, bulges, and deformed joints, in short, it does not look like a human being.

And the reason why Jianyu Thunder God is so famous by these people is because it often has a layer of armor-like thunder and lightning flashing on it, making it difficult for guns to hurt. Moreover, it can release lightning beams from its hands and spit out spherical lightning from its mouth!

In terms of destructiveness, this giant is infinitely powerful, and belongs to the kind of demolishing buildings with bare hands. It is also very powerful in the use of thunder and lightning, lightning and thunder!

There is only one weakness, that is, it is not easy to look at the head.

This is simply fatal!

Wei Yuan took advantage of this, and even tried to lure this stupid guy to the river without using planes or tanks, and then used traps to knock him down into the river.

In the river, what if you have electricity? The electricity is led away by the water with less resistance, and even with great strength, I can't pull myself out of the mud on the river bed.

In the end, it was so easy to kill!

"That's it?"

A cannon fodder soldier cannot accept everything in front of him.

It's so easy too! Without the use of aircraft and cannons, this huge lightning monster was simply killed!

The majestic and inviolable image of Jianyu Leishen collapsed in everyone's mind, and they subconsciously called him a thunder and lightning monster, refusing to call him Jianyu Leishen.

In our Great Eastern Empire, there is no such trash god!

It must be the wrong way for me to open it!

Wei Yuan casually fiddled with the huge corpse of Jianyu Leishen, and said, "This is your Leishen? It's so-so! Our Leishen can at least fly!"

The cannon fodder soldier on the side shouted righteously: "No! This is a monster that can use thunder and lightning. Jianyu Leishen refuses to be so weak! (crying voice)"

Wei Yuan looked at the brother whose faith had collapsed, "Okay!" As he said that, he dragged Jianyu Thunder God to a boat with one hand. This thing has to be taken back and thrown into the necropolis!

If this gave birth to the undead, it is guaranteed to be old and strong!

Seeing that Wei Yuan, who was less than 1.8 meters tall, was easily dragging a huge four-meter-long corpse onto the boat, everyone felt that this was a monster! No, it is God! Let yourself survive, God who brings you strength and hope!


Jianyu Thunder God exploded something good.

【Bioelectric Generation Core (Blue)】

[Excellent grade item card/mutated biological part/biological material]

[Electric energy generation: Generate electrical energy, which can be used for production and life, and can also be used to attack the enemy. 】

[Transplantation: Transplanting it into an organism with cells can make it have the ability to discharge. 】

[(Note: Transplantation is risky, please follow the doctor's advice)]

【"When I'm in a hurry, I'll use love to generate electricity."】

This is a tissue organ that is smaller than the average human heart. Light blue looks odd.

Wei Yuan has roughly figured out the usefulness.

【Spherical Lightning (Blue)】

[Excellent level skill card/spell]

[Release a high-voltage ball lightning with certain tracking ability to attack the enemy. 】

[(consumes 3 energy levels/50 mana)]

【"The beauty of life is to fall in love with one thing."】

A skill card, this ball lightning is definitely worth a lot of money!

[Electrical Moment (Blue)]

【Excellent Skill Card/Skill】

[Release current to stimulate your body and improve performance. 】

[(Consume 1 energy level/second)]

[(Note: The strengthening and damage of the electric current to oneself will become stronger and stronger over time)]

【"Every time I meet you, I feel an electric shock."】

This card Weiyuan thinks it is quite powerful! This kind of enhancement is often a percentage will be strong, that is to say, a high level is also very useful!

Keep this card for yourself! Wei Yuan read it over and over several times, and finally put it away.

Finally, there is [Evolution Puzzle One (Blue)], which is actually a blue card.

This evolutionary puzzle allows cannon fodder fighters to have the ability of "electrical signal overload", which can double the speed of nerve reflexes in a short period of time! It is equivalent to doubling its own speed and reaction! Much stronger!

It's just that the capacity load is also large, and it is likely to be paralyzed if it is overused.


Now the special experimental subject is short of the final number 0.

It's just that after several fortune-tellings by the old Guihai Dafu, he finally came to the conclusion that the time has not yet come.

On this day, Wei Yuan received a message from a dark child of his own. Run to the rooftop to meet.

When Wei Yuan arrived here, there was no one there. He looked down at this dead city under the dim sunset, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

I don't know if it's an illusion, or in a certain period of time in the past, this city has gone through a catastrophe. Since then, there are no people and no lights.

And this intercepted period of time has become an endless cycle, a running wheel that can't run to the end.

What is this cycle for? What is the point of such a cycle? Is the original world just a bigger cycle?

"Ah!" Wei Yuan sighed suddenly, "No wonder the scenes of meeting the undercover agents are all on the rooftop. In this kind of place, it will make people think wildly."

"Did you say so, Hirata Yukio?"

As soon as Wei Yuan finished speaking, a young man wearing glasses stepped out from the shadows.

It was Yukio Hirata, the ghoul who once hid in Bed Lord City because he didn't want to join the Ark.

After Wei Yuan killed the Fusion of Wisteria Koichi, Yukio Hirata found an opportunity to show up and join Wei Yuan.

After all, with the expansion of Wei Yuan and others' territory, they will soon have no place to stand. It is definitely impossible to fight, so it is better to join it.

It is much stronger than joining the Ark, that is really the jungle of the jungle. It is also possible for those ghouls with weak strength to be eaten by other ghouls! After all, some of the ghouls are lunatics.

Wei Yuan accepted Hirata Yukio's refuge and gave him a mission to break into the Ark as an insider.

Hirata Yukio thought about it, and finally agreed. Inside the ark, it is a little transparent that cannot go up or down.

Normally, the two had no contact at all, and Wei Yuan almost forgot about him.

Unexpectedly, Hirata Yukio took the initiative to contact Wei Yuan.

"Dong Shengyue has seized the leadership of the Ark. He is the Twelfth Apostle..."

"Oh." Wei Yuan nodded.

Hirata Yukio glanced at him, and continued: "He seems to have made some big moves recently, and there are often personnel transfers. And he does it very secretly. Even inside the ark, no one knows what he is doing..."

It's normal to deceive the enemy, even one's own people, it can be seen that the intention is very big.

"I have been inquiring for a long time, but I only heard one project code name - Hualong!"

I read the novel until four o'clock in the middle of the night yesterday, and I read it for another day today.

My head is dizzy, and I feel that some sentences are not fluent!

It's so cool to read novels! Writing a novel is so hard!

If I had money, I would watch it every day! I have to find fault after reading it!

I have no money! Cried!

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