Magic card gods

Chapter 263 Cannibalism

The old fisherman knelt on the muddy ground, kowtowed his head like pounding garlic, did not dare to open his eyes, and closed them tightly, mumbling something in his mouth, "Grandpa Dragon King, please forgive me", "I will never fish again in this life." " and the like.

And in front of Wei Yuan and the others was that little dragon.

It was about three feet long and one foot wide, with cyan scales densely arranged all over its body, shining with a faint light.

There are dragon fins on the back, and four claws under the abdomen, each with three toes, two in front and one in back.

There are a pair of horns that have just bulged out on the head, and it is a small bag like a deer. The tail is also a dragon tail with fins.

The little green dragon curled up on the bank, smacking its lips and looking at Wei Yuan and the others.

The old horse's calves were cramped, and his muscles were tense, but he couldn't exert any strength at all. The more I looked at this dragon, the more majestic I felt, and my sense of humbleness and insignificance increased dramatically, so I fell down on the muddy ground and couldn't get up. It was even difficult to breathe.

Hou Yingxiong's reaction was a bit better, although he was shaking like chaff, but at least he could stand still.

He watched the little green dragon dizzy and trembling all over, but after closing his eyes for a while, he would open them for a peek, and then tremble all over with fright.

Wei Yuan felt that this kid would have to "Yi Ku~" in a while!

Wei Yuan could tell that this is not a dragon! This is a Jiao!

We always talk about jiaolong jiaolong, but jiao and dragon are not the same.

Many aquatic species belong to the genus Dragon, and the most typical one is carp.

Some carp with pure blood and good nature have the chance to shed their fish body and transform into a dragon. It is the so-called carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

Another large species of dragon is the snake. Snakes are also known as small dragons, and many big snakes with Taoism will look for opportunities to transform into dragons. Then the dragon will be transformed into a dragon.

Jiao is already a kind of dragon, which is the lowest level.

According to the book "Shu Yi Ji" written in the Southern Dynasties, "The scorpion turns into a jiao in five hundred years, the dragon turns into a dragon in a thousand years, the dragon turns into a horned dragon in five hundred years, and it turns into a dragon in a thousand years." The scorpion is a kind of snake.

It is also said that Jiao is both a crocodile and a crocodile; the offspring of a dragon and a kun is a Jiao;

Some say "a dragon without horns is called a jiao dragon", while others say "a dragon with scales is called a jiaolong".

The description in the third volume of "Mo Ke Wielding the Rhinoceros" is: Jiao's shape is like a snake, its head is like a tiger, and the elders are several feet long.

If the jiao sees passers-by on the shore or in the valley, he will salivate with the fishy fish in his mouth, causing the person to fall into the water, and then suck his blood under his armpit until the blood is exhausted. Shore and boat people often suffer from it.

In "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" written by Liu Yiqing of the Southern Song Dynasty, there is a story about Zhou Chu entering the water for three days and three nights, killing the dragon and returning.

The story of Zhou Chu is also very interesting. There are three evils in the local area, the tiger on the mountain, the flood in the water, and finally Zhou Chu himself.

Zhou Chu was fooled by the villagers to remove the two evils. At first, the villagers thought that the three evils died at the same time, but they didn't expect Zhou Chu to kill both the tiger and the Jiao.

In the end, after knowing that one of the three evils was himself, Zhou Chu was ashamed, and later changed his past.

Of course, we don't know if Zhou Chu crushed the folks who fooled him to death. It's not mentioned in the book.


The little green jellyfish (green pepper?) in front of me has horns, but they are not dragon-like forked horns, but horns. Some are serpentine jiao, or even unicorns. Although it has claws, it has only three toes. The general dragon has four, three in the front and one in the back. Golden dragon has five!

Some big snakes turn into dragons, but they only have a curved horn on their heads, and they don't have claws, dragon tails, or dragon fins.

And like this little green dragon, it should be a dragon with pure blood.

When a person is still an egg, it is a jiao.

If you want to compare, one is Diaosi Leek, and the other is the second-generation Houlang.

Although snakes can also transform into dragons, thousands of years ago, dragons only referred to the lowest species of dragons. At that time, dragons were still a large group with a huge number...

Even if it is a small flood dragon, everyone dare not be careless.

After all, this is a kind of dragon, with dragon power on it, it suppresses people very much. If he could grow up or transform into a dragon, it would not be a problem to dominate one side.

Wei Yuan asked in a low voice: "A Suo, what should we do next? Just watch like this?"

Ah Suo's voice sounded: "Give her the meat!"

Wei Yuan pulled up half of the sheep from behind, made two gestures, and threw it towards the little Qingjiao.

That little Qingjiao was obviously a foodie, his eyes were fixed on the half of the sheep, and his eyes dangled with the mutton. Then he straightened up, "Crack!" He bit half of the sheep, and began to chew and swallow!

After swallowing it in twos and threes, Xiao Qingjiao stuck out her forked tongue and licked her mouth...

Wei Yuan picked up half of the pig again, this time making gestures a few more times. The little green jiao dragged its neck and dangled with the pork, Wei Yuan looked like an Indian snake charmer. It's just that he plays the flute and Wei Yuan throws pork!

After two feedings, the little green jellyfish was obviously overwhelmed and relaxed its vigilance. The crossed body was also loosened, and the vigilance was also given up. He just stretched his neck and ate the meat, his vitals were all exposed and he didn't pay attention.

Wei Yuan was thinking that if he attacked suddenly, he would just go up and beat the Dragon Subduing Zen Staff, and then as soon as the dragon came out of the crystal bowl, it might be over.

It's just that since Ah Suo has already made arrangements, let's hold on to his temper.

Finally, when the whole cow was picked up by Wei Yuan, the little Qingjiao was so excited that he meandered forward for a few meters, waiting to be fed with anticipation.

A cow was thrown out by Wei Yuan, and the little green dragon soared into the air, wrapped around the skinned cow, and swallowed it in one bite!

Xiaoqingjiao's mouth opened wide, and with a sound of "dune~", it swallowed the whole cow in one gulp. Then the middle of the body swelled four to five times thicker, and I couldn't move at all!

Wei Yuan couldn't help being amused: "A Suo, it's your idea, why don't you clean it up now?! I'll do it now!"

Ah Suo's laughter rang in his ears: "Hehehe~ What are you in a hurry for, just wait a little longer!"

Wei Yuan: Wait a little longer? Is it to let the beef fly for a while?

Just when Wei Yuan was puzzled, Xiao Qingjiao's stomach shrunk visibly with the naked eye!

Good guy, digesting so fast! Missed opportunity!

After all, it is a mythical species, and the lowest dragon species is also a dragon!

Suddenly, a burst of light flashed across the body of the little green dragon, and Wei Yuan's legs were hugged!

A little girl who was less than one meter tall, dressed in Tsing Yi, with buns tied on her head, and two small horns on her forehead ~ a bun face carved in pink and jade, hugged Wei Yuan's thigh!

Before Wei Yuan had time to say anything, the little bun girl looked up at Wei Yuan, tears rolled in her eyes, and her eyes were full of admiration...

Little Baozi: "Dad!"

Wei Yuan: "Pfft~"

Don't bark!


At this time, the wind and waves have stopped, and the thick dark clouds have dispersed, and the sun that has already set can still be seen, the last red afterglow.

On the way back, the old fisherman almost knelt on the bow of the boat and rowed back, not daring to look back at the guests on the boat.

The old horse hid in the corner and looked at the little girl sitting on Master Wuji's lap, who had been happily eating snacks, and felt that everything today was unreal. It's almost like a dream without waking up. He felt that he might be a nightmare!

Hou Yingxiong was more courageous, he kept looking at the little bun girl from a little distance away, every time the other party's eyes swept over him, he grinned foolishly! Hou Yingxiong felt that today's trip was worth it! Full of sense of accomplishment!

A Suo has already explained the ins and outs to Wei Yuan, his own preparations, and Xiao Qingjiao's situation.

To be honest, Xiao Baozi still has some background. He is not a casual dragon, he has a background.

This starts with Xu Xun, one of the four great celestial masters.

Xu Xun was a figure in the late Three Kingdoms period and the early Eastern Jin Dynasty. After practicing Taoism, he practiced demons everywhere to accumulate good deeds.

The most well-known story among them is Xu Xun's beheading Jiao.

How fierce is this fierce man?

Because Jiaolong is powerful and numerous, it is simply a huge natural disaster in places with well-developed water systems in the south. It will flood and eat people at every turn!

So Xu Xun took his disciples and killed them all the way, almost exterminating the dragon!

However, God has the virtue of good life, and it is okay to eliminate harm, but it is not appropriate to extinct.

In the end, Xu Xun showed mercy and made Jiaolong leave a legacy.

However, he nailed eight iron locks in the river bed to connect them with the earth veins, and recited a mantra: "If the iron pillars are crooked, the dragons will flourish again, and I will come back; if the iron pillars are straight, the dragons will shake forever." From then on, the southern generation Jiao harm is extinct.

And this Xiaoqingjiao was the one who was shocked at the beginning, but she was still an egg at that time.

After the egg is born, every time there is heavy rain and thunder, it will sink a foot deep into the ground, and sink into the underground river for several years, and every time the thunder is heard, it will rise a foot, and it will be considered as a broken shell when it comes out of the ground.

The little bun was suppressed by Xu Tianshi, so he couldn't be born in these years. Now that the Heavenly Court is gone, she will be at the end of it.

And after the Jiao broke its shell, because it couldn't fly, it had to rely on heavy rain and floods to enter the sea from the river and transform into a dragon! This is called walking away!

It's just that every time you walk, there will be floods. If this little green jiao wants to leave the jiao, the city of Hangzhou by the Qiantang River will be involved. Flooding is a big deal.

Because the ancients were worried that a big snake would walk away from the dragon, they would hang a dragon-cutting sword under the bridge when they were building the bridge to prevent floods from damaging the bridge when they walked away from the dragon.

Although Xiao Baozi was ignorant, he also had good thoughts, so he hid in the West Lake and did not leave, worrying that the people in the city would suffer from floods.

It's just that the aquatic products in the West Lake are limited, she has been in the lake for a long time, and she is always hungry.

So A locked down this "cannibal trick"!

Three animal offerings were placed in front of the Buddha statue, and if they ate my offerings, they would be my dragons!

Ah Suo even played tricks and asked the little bun to call Wei Yuan's father!

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