Magic card gods

Chapter 270 The beauty of Pingshan, lost her body in the middle of the night

The current county magistrate of Xiaoshan County, you can't say how bad he is. Although he is definitely not a good official, but the world is so bad that a good official cannot survive, so he is actually an average county magistrate.

However, he was very dissatisfied with the sharp drop in population caused by the former magistrate. Therefore, a strict order was issued to let the people have children. If a family has less than two children, no matter what the reason is, they will be severely punished.

In short, I don't care what the former county magistrate said, I want the population. If you don't, I'll kill you all!

The county magistrate died this morning, and he didn't know where his head went.

The yamen servants of the county government were frightened to death, and quickly closed the county to arrest the murderer. But the murderer, Uncle Drumstick, has already gone out of the city with his head to chase Wei Yuan, and Uncle Drumleg will not leave the city gate either!

Wei Yuan didn't know if what he did was right or not, he had no right to enforce the law, and he was punished without teaching, which was definitely not justice. In the world of Marvel, it can only be regarded as an anti-hero or a character with one good and one evil...

But what exactly is justice in this world? Justice Delayed...

who cares! In short, I am very upset and want to kill someone!

As a result, Wei Yuan got a skull rosary and a piece of cloth torn from his official uniform.

Wei Yuan pushed the rosary bracelet in his hand, sat on Mondo's back, and walked towards Shaoxing.

After walking for a whole morning, I came to a dilapidated and abandoned hut at noon.

In the early years, it may have been a place to buy tea and rest for pedestrians. Today's world is difficult and dangerous, and it is too dangerous to be in the wild, so it may be abandoned.

Wei Yuan stopped to eat something, such as roast chicken, steamed buns, pork head meat, and some pickles. Anyway, the biggest function of the crystal bowl now is as a storage vessel.

As he ate, the chicken legs pricked up their ears, and Erha stood up excitedly, looking at the distance in a daze, Wei Yuan also ate the chicken wings and turned his head.

There were shouts of beating and killing over there, and they were getting closer.

In just two or three minutes, a small caravan with two carriages and five or six mules hurried over.

Behind them was a gang of more than 20 bandits, holding their swords and clamoring to give chase.

The carriage and mules were immediately full of goods, and the road conditions were average, so they couldn't run at all. In a few minutes at most, he would have to be overtaken by this group of robbers.

Although the people in the caravan had already started throwing goods down, and even abandoned a carriage that couldn't run, the gang of robbers were determined to eat and clean up, and kept chasing after them regardless of what was thrown on the ground.

This is to kill them all!

Erha can't see this! If there was no such excitement, Brother Ha felt that his life would be in vain!

"Rub" and rushed out, the speed is so fast!

Erha first turned around beside the carriage, then went straight to the big man behind who shouted the loudest.

Zheng Huan, who was being pursued by the big man, unexpectedly ran out of a black and white dog, and immediately raised his leg and kicked it. In the end, he missed the kick, but was tripped by Erha!

"Hey!" The leader of the bandits, a lazy donkey eighteen, rolled on the ground and turned a long way.

If it's just a somersault, it's fine, at most, you'll lose face in embarrassment.

But when the boss fell, the knife in his hand was placed under his body so that he could not die. This rolling cut him seven or eight wounds, and his whole body was dripping with blood!

Although the wound is not deep, it hurts!

The boss yelled, he was about to explode in anger: "Kill me! Kill! Kill this dog! I want to eat its meat! I want to skin it!" Xiang Erha.

Erha, that injustice!

I just thought it was fun, and I came here to join in the fun, but you didn't kick me when you wanted to kick me, instead you tripped me and fell down. That knife is in your own hand, how can you rely on me?

It's just that four or five knives and guns are coming over, and there's no way to reason. Run back with a wail!

Originally, the group of caravans had distanced themselves because of this, but Erha immediately overtook them with all his strength.

Seeing that the caravan was about to run to the thatched shed, the middle-aged man at the head shouted, "Run, little master! There are robbers!"

Wei Yuan nodded, and took a bite of the steamed bun with the pig's head in it.

Wukong, who was eating the apple, sighed and dropped the core in his hand.

It took out a large iron wire from the sleeve of its clothes, and with a flick of its hand, it turned into an iron rod about two meters long and the thickness of a duck egg!

There is also a line of gold characters on the stick: Ruyi Jingulu Stick~

During the battle against the indigo-faced mountain ghost, Wei Yuan discovered that the mighty Wukong lacked a guy in his hand.

Go to the East China Sea and ask the old Dragon King to borrow it. I'm afraid it won't work. Make one yourself.

Wei Yuan asked the Hou family to buy 300 catties of pig iron, and after a long meal of refining, they finally got this wishful golden Gulu stick that weighs 250 catties and can be big or small!

After all, it is his own mount, and Wukong can't look at it unless others take action.

The people in the caravan blinked, and saw a gray monkey jumping over its head with a big iron rod, and it exploded in the crowd.

The 250-pound iron rod was swung like a five-speed electric fan. It hurt when it rubbed against the edge, and it was disabled when it touched it.

The more than twenty robbers didn't last more than thirty seconds in Wukong's hands. Two timid ones were so frightened that their legs limp and fell to the ground, and they peed their pants. Wukong didn't even feel soft, and directly smashed them to death.

The other two ran away and were also killed by Wukong kicking two stones away.

In a blink of an eye, the robbers who were still clamoring just now were already lying all over the ground.

The people in the small caravan were terrified, and even the horses were so frightened that they couldn't stand upright, their legs trembling.

Wukong is too murderous.

Of course, Wei Yuan couldn't be like Tang Seng, because the monkey got angry when he killed a few robbers.

Tang Seng was actually guilty, worried that he could not control the monkey. Where did Wei Yuan have such an idea? The fiercer the better!

"Little, little... elder!" The middle-aged man who seemed to be taking the lead looked at Wei Yuan who was sitting on a wooden pier eating roast chicken and steamed buns, and didn't know what to call him.

I don't know if he was kicked out by the robbers, or because Wukong was frightened, his forehead was sweating, and he couldn't even wear the melon cap.

"Ami, my Buddha~ little monk Wei, cough! Wei Wuji~"

"So it's Elder Wei." The middle-aged man put his hands together and saluted quickly. Although he felt that something was wrong with Amitabha, he assumed that he had heard it wrong.

"Don't be afraid, the benefactor. Although my monkey is fierce in fights, but usually very honest. Wukong~ I still don't salute the benefactor!"

With a wave of Wukong's hand, the golden stick turned into a thin wire, which was put into the sleeve, and the solemn Baoxiang clasped his hands together to salute the middle-aged man.


The caravan was rescued by Wei Yuan, otherwise the seventh and eighth people must have been killed by this group of robbers.

However, during the first raid of the previous robbers, two people were killed.

Now those lost goods have been picked up, and the two bodies have been put on the carriage.

There were a few people with good relations crying there.

These people can see that Elder Wei is a capable person, even if the monkey is a bit fierce, it is still better than the robber.

Knowing that Wei Yuan and the others were going to Shaoxing, they hurriedly agreed to drop by. He also invited Wei Yuan to sit in the carriage.

It's not bad to have someone to talk to on the road.

The middle-aged man in charge of the caravan is named Liu Fu, and he organized the caravan.

Because his own business is too small, and the exploitation of the merchant gang is a bit ruthless, such small businessmen are rarely able to join the merchant gang.

If you don't join the merchant gang, there will be many things like this being robbed and killed on the road.

Liu Fu's attitude towards Wei Yuan was very good, and he knew everything without saying anything. I am very enthusiastic about introducing Shaoxing and what I have seen and heard along the way.

"Elder Wei doesn't know something, look at the mountain in the distance..."

Wei Yuan looked in the direction he was pointing at, and said, "It looks like a bottle."

"Well! That's right! In the earliest days, this mountain was called Baoping Mountain, and then it was gradually called Baoshan, and now it is called Pingshan. Pingshan is here, blocking the road from Xiaoshan County to Shaoxing. A mountain pass can be passed. There are quite a few small groups of robbers ambushing here."

"The number of bandits ranged from a dozen to thirty, and the teams of the merchant gangs all had banners. They didn't dare to move, and they charged a little money at most. It's difficult for a small caravan like ours! If you encounter them, you must kill them all." !"

Wei Yuan asked: "Does the merchant gang in Shaoxing not care? Wouldn't it be good if they paid some money to suppress the robbers?"

Liu Fu smiled wryly: "My elder, it's not that simple. These bandits are those business gangs who specifically weed out idle businessmen like us! Why would they take the initiative to eliminate them? Even, many bandits are backed by big business gangs. of a certain family."

Wei Yuan nodded. Capital is for profit. If those small competitors can be effectively eliminated, those business gangs will definitely not be relentless.

The sun was setting, and the caravan set up camp before they left Pingshan.

Now that Wukong is here, these people feel much more at ease.

Everyone chatted by the fire, and some people began to say some strange things.

Another one of them mentioned this Pingshan...

It is said that in the past six months, many people claimed to have seen beautiful women in Ping Shan. A few lucky ones catch up to do that good. There are many people who are greedy for beauty and don't even want to come back.

Just when many restless young people were fantasizing about beauties, suddenly a half-sized man in the caravan ran over with a pale face.

"Uncle Fu! It's bad! Er Gou, Er Gou's corpses... are gone!"

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