Magic card gods

Chapter 287: The Dog Bites Lu Dongbin

Taking advantage of the current special period when the order of heaven and earth is in chaos and the six realms of samsara are uneasy, the ghosts and eight immortals have successfully kept themselves in the bardo world, maintaining a huge ability to interfere with the yang world.

Generally speaking, when the order of heaven and earth is strict and human nature is perfect, it is extremely difficult for ghosts to stay in the world.

Although people seem to have heard a lot of haunted rumors, but that is because the base is too large.

Six to seven million people died every year in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there were always some ghosts who survived for various reasons.

It's just that for normal people, ghost bumps are basically heard of, but never encountered.

Eight ghosts and eight immortals managed to stay in the bardo, which was impossible in the past. Even if it is a coincidence, one or two out of eight is already the limit.

But now the world has changed, there is no distinction between good and evil, and confusion between humans and ghosts.

In the future, there will be more and more incidents like this kind of evil spirits seeking the lives of those who uphold justice.

It's like if there are no police stations, the law and order will naturally drop significantly.

This is the last glorious moment of demons and ghosts!


It is said that the executioner who beheaded the Eight Immortals was named Yuan Chengtai, and he was a well-known executioner in Jinhua Mansion.

He has been an executioner for more than 20 years, and nearly a hundred criminals have been beheaded by the sword. For those who commit crimes, this person's name is simply a taboo.

When the Eight Immortals were arrested, someone persuaded Yuan Chengtai not to let the Eight Immortals die so easily. The number of people killed by them over the years is unknown, and how many families are broken.

Even Yuan Chengtai himself was revenged by other members for beheading the first member of the Ghost Eight Immortals, and killed his wife.

Should make them often bitter taste!

Private enemies and public grievances were piled up with blood and debts. In the end, Yuan Chengtai ordered his apprentices who had not yet graduated from the teacher to be executed. Sure enough, he failed to cut off his head with a single knife, causing those murderers to suffer a lot and die miserably.

It never occurred to them that these gangsters who committed all kinds of crimes did a lot of evil in life, and they would turn into evil spirits and endanger the world after death.

Then Yuan Chengtai cut off his head for half his life, and he was tired of it, so he resigned from the position of executioner and opened a tavern to make a living.

And that ghost eight immortals came to the door at midnight on October 15th today...

People can't fight ghosts, at least ordinary people can't.

Don't look at those TV shows, the executioner has a fat head, big ears and a round belly, wearing a red coat and a red scarf on his head, as if he is a pig-killing business. In fact, this is a long-standing technical activity. Not to mention anything else, just take Ling Chi, who is hacked into pieces by a thousand swords, can ordinary people kill him with a knife?

Then Yuan Chengtai is a member of the Gongmen, as a gold medal executioner, he is undoubtedly not bad, and his sword skills are first-rate. The golden knife in his hand is even more ancestral.

However, humans cannot fight evil spirits. Even if Yuan Chengtai's saber skills are superb, he can't do anything to those eight evil spirits.

The ghosts and eight immortals appeared in the courtyard of Yuan Chengtai's tavern. Eight evil ghosts surrounded a person, and suddenly they were full of ghosts, like a hell.

Yuan Chengtai knew that he would never escape, but he was stubborn, and he would not give up when his death was imminent.

Soon the ghosts and eight immortals made a move and got into a ball with that Yuan Chengtai.

It's just that the eight ghosts are just playing with him. They want to capture Yuan Chengtai and take him to the bardo realm, and behead him in front of the ghost soldiers and ghosts they have recruited. This is called "tit for tat"!

However, it cannot be let go at this time. So two of the ghost eight immortals stayed and played tricks on Yuan Chengtai, to vent their anger.

Yuan Chengtai wielded the golden knife and used his life's best skills, but no matter whether he beheaded and pierced his chest, he couldn't hurt the two evil spirits.

Those two evil ghosts took turns to attack, constantly humiliating and hurting Yuan Chengtai, just like an old cat playing with a mouse.


Yuan Chengtai's hair was disheveled and out of breath, but he still found an opportunity to cut off Gui Dongbin's arm holding the sword.

This arm held the sword and cut four or five non-fatal but tragic wounds on his body.

Gui Dongbin was a good swordsman in his lifetime. His sword skills are tricky and vicious, and he loves to torture people the most.

It's just that the ghost Dongbin's arm was cut off, so he didn't feel any pain at all. The broken arm was still twitching on the ground, as if it had been electrocuted.

Yuan Chengtai has caused harm to these two evil spirits more than once, but it was completely useless.

At this moment, his head was sweating profusely and his body was covered with wounds. He could no longer hold the golden knife in his hand. He had already passed his peak in his forties, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Hahahaha! Yuan Chengtai, why are you so capable? What? If you don't tie it up and put it in front of you, you can't even behead your head?"

That ghost Dongbin had a goatee, a black face, a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and a sinister, piercing voice.

"Come on! My head is here, you should cut it off!"


Yuan Chengtai threw himself out with a loud roar, slashed across the air, and directly chopped off the ghost Dongbin's head.

But the head landed firmly on the table, showing a nonchalant expression.

"Haha! Now that I'm dead, what can you do with me?"

As soon as the words fell, a big black and white dog suddenly jumped out from under the table. The dog stared blankly at Ghost Dongbin's head, grabbed it and ran out!

That ghost Dongbin panicked immediately, where did he see the dog? There is nothing under this table!

"Put me down! Put my head down! You stupid dog..."

The ghost Dongbin's voice became farther and farther away in a short time, and it became inaudible in just a few seconds.

The body without a hand had just retrieved its own arm, but at this moment its head was gone. He could only wave his arms wildly, scurrying around like a headless chicken.

The big-bellied Ghost Zhongli, who was lying on the handrail of the stairs and watching the show with a fan, never expected such a thing to happen.

One second my brother was still humiliating his enemy to his heart's content, watching him tossing around like a monkey, and the next second his head was snatched away by a dog. I even just sat up, before I could bark, the dog ran away and disappeared!

"Bastard!" Ghost Zhongli yelled, never expecting to play off!

He can't care about Yuan Chengtai now - he can't run away.

The most urgent task is to get back the head of Gui Dongbin as soon as possible.

He got up and was about to chase the dog, but in the next second, a golden light from the mouth of a bowl shone on him, instantly igniting it like a laser beam!

Ghost Zhongli fanned the fan in his hand, and gusts of wind blew in and kept putting out the fire, but the golden light followed like tarsus maggots, and the golden flame became more and more prosperous!

The ghost Zhongli was covered by the golden light, unable to mobilize his mana at all, a large amount of ghost energy was dispelled and ignited, and he couldn't use any means to escape!

In just ten seconds, the ghost Zhongli was "surprised" by the golden light and burned to a mass of ashes.

At this time, Erha also ran back with Ghost Dongbin's cursing dead head in his mouth. Wukong walked in from the door with a stick in his hand.

Zhu Huamei also appeared in the room holding a sword and a small bronze mirror.

In order to succeed in the sneak attack just now, she used means to hide. Sure enough, he subdued one and killed one as soon as he made a move.

Zhu Huamei's "light method" is really powerful in restraining ghosts. As long as you succeed first, it is simply a big advantage!

At this time, although the ghost Dongbin's head was in Erhe's mouth, at least he was still in the same room with his body, so he quickly mobilized his body to stab with his sword. He wants to give Erha a chill through his heart with a single sword strike.

Erha didn't see it well, and besides, the dead head was meaningless, and it was still making a lot of noise in its mouth, so it simply threw it on the ground with its mouth open.

It's just that Erha didn't just go straight away, he raised his hind legs, "Wow~" a scorching hot and yellow water stream pierced Ghost Dongbin's face.

Erha's dog pee... oh, no, after spending so many days in the dog garden for Guyuan, it is no longer pure.

Don't care if it's a dog peeing, Erha's pee is so powerful, it's like sulfuric acid, a puff of white smoke comes out, and half of Gui Dongbin's face turns into a skeleton.

That ghost Dongbin screamed with all his might, it looked like he wanted to jump up and bite the dog hanging!

The ghost Dongbin's body was so crooked that he wanted to stab Erha with his sword, but Wukong, who had been on the side all the time, picked up the golden gollum stick and hit the ghost Dongbin's body to the point of collapse.

Just now it instructed Erha to suddenly appear under the table and run away with the dead man's head in his mouth.

Don't look at Wukong's usual silence, as if he has successfully cultivated Buddha, but it is actually because he has a lot of ghost ideas.

Wukong went down with a few more sticks, and the ghost Dongbin also turned into a black ghost energy and dissipated. At this point, the ghosts and immortals go to the second!

In the bardo realm, the Eight Immortals have seized a small hill, built a Xiaowubao checkpoint, and are recruiting troops.

But Wei Yuan has already ambushed nearby with many undead minions from the Great Cemetery...

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