Magic card gods

Chapter 325 Mengmeng, I won!

A big show between Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng directly aroused the enthusiasm of the audience.

After all, how can a pure arena fight with class stance and racial hatred be worth seeing?

It's like a normal ring fight, completely inferior to Huo Yuanjia, Chen Zhen, and Ye Wen who kicked the little Japanese invaders.

This kind of watching the game with great expectations can make the audience fully immersed in it, even more substituting than the players themselves, and they are more eager to win!

Just after Wei Yuan and the two had a big talk on the ring, even the peripheral gambling tables were sold out!

The odds of buying Hao Mengmeng's victory were unprecedentedly low at 100:5!

If you buy 100 yuan, if you lose a point, you can only get 105 yuan if you win! The odds are extremely low!

No way, too many people bought it!

It's like the national football team playing against Japan. Even if you know you are going to lose, you still have to buy a hundred yuan to support your "patriotic enthusiasm"!

This is not to buy the national football team, this is to buy my own blood!

In the midst of this endless call, Hao Mengmeng exploded with energy, Wei Yuan howled at the sky, and the referee waved his hand, announcing the start!

In an instant, the two broke the arena, spanned a distance of more than ten meters, and collided with each other at a speed that ordinary people could not catch

. A wave of air exploded in all directions, blowing Alaska, who was too close to the ring, to a somersault.

Hearing the "cracking, crackling" sounds of fists and feet on the arena, the strong wind blowing from the arena, the shadows of fists and legs dance together, every time they collide and fight, Hao Mengmeng's golden energy and Wei Yuan's blue-black The figures of each other are intertwined together, and the flashes of light are fleeting for a while, making people's eyes dizzy.

And the concrete arena was also ravaged by the huge force leaked from the two sides' fight, making crackling sounds from time to time, and broken stones flew!

Seeing the players from both sides meeting each other and Jiang Yuliang playing so fiercely, the audience in the audience were simply overjoyed!

The scene was once so hot that the security personnel at the scene couldn't stop it even if they pulled up a wall of people. It was even more crazy than that stupid fan who went to see Korea's Oppa, and it was even hotter than that rock concert scene that was overjoyed!

Cheers, screams, waves of people... tearing off underwear on the spot and throwing it on the ring, that's everything!

But even though watching the two fight very fiercely, wishing to hammer each other into small cakes every minute, those card disciples know what's going on!

Although it looks fierce, but they are in the first team, it must be acting!

Wei Yuan: That's right, it's acting! Or I personally acted as the action director, choreographing most of the battle actions!

Because there were quite a few professional boxers and warriors on the scene, and even some specially invited judges, they were all seniors who had awakened their qi. If the acting is too fake, it will naturally be seen. Therefore, the two of Wei Yuan actually worked very hard, completely fighting for real.

So much so that when two minutes passed, the two sides dispersed and retreated to both sides by coincidence, both of them had already suffered serious injuries.

Because Wei Yuan wanted to act, he naturally had to wear "costumes".

You can't wear clothes made of patchwork clothes and cassocks into battle, otherwise the defense will be too strong with the golden bell cover, so even if you want to act, it will be difficult to concede victory.

Many players before failed because Wei Yuan was too resistant to beating. Even the reason why the one-armed gorilla failed to take down Wei Yuan was because it couldn't produce an effective one-hit kill? A piecemeal attack would not be able to defeat Wei Yuan at all!

Ordinary clothes are different now, because the battle is fierce, and they don't have energy protection like Hao Mengmeng. At this time, the clothes on Wei Yuan's upper body have been shredded into strands of cloth, revealing his strong body wrapped in blue-black fur. Big, bloody, swollen pecs and abs!

For a while, many female audiences watching the live broadcast under the ring and in front of the TV could not help covering their mouths, blushing, blood pressure rising, and screaming! There are also some that directly clamp the legs...

Even the bespectacled Alaska host of the male gender swallowed involuntarily. Because he was holding the microphone in his hand and getting close, he made a "gudong" sound.

Zhu Huamei pursed her lips and smiled: They have become perverts, and they don't forget to be handsome!

And Hao Mengmeng's sleeves were already torn, and there were scratches and bruises all over his body. He even hit Wei Yuan twice on his face, which was a little bruised.

Acting in a full set, Wei Yuan really did it!

Wei Yuan: Mengmeng, don't blame me, it hurts me when I hit you~

At this time, both sides were out of breath, and it was time to speak harshly.

A trail of blood was left at the corner of Wei Yuan's mouth: "Heh~ If it weren't for your weird qi, I would have crushed you long ago! Even so, you won't last long! Give up! You stupid rabbit!"

Hao Mengmeng stared at her bruised eyes, "Stop talking, you can't shake my will! I will show you with actions! As I said, I will crush you!"

"Arrogance!" Wei Yuan opened his mouth wide in rage, baring his fangs, and rushed forward.

The two sides collided again and started a more violent attack!

Wei Yuan could feel that his golden bell shield seemed to be getting stronger and stronger! The little bun was also hiding in his body, ready to move, and a kind of power gradually began to feedback.

And Hao Mengmeng didn't give in too much. Up to now, she has entered the state of martial madness, and gradually there is something that I have forgotten! The qi on his body, which became golden like a torch, became vigorous again, and distorted and changed, as if it was about to change into some form!

At first glance, I thought it was a Super Saiyan Rabbit!

The battle was so fierce that the spectators closest to the ring had to retreat more than ten meters to avoid being thrown by the escaping air waves!

By reaching the quarterfinals, the strength of the players has reached the upper reaches of the world, and it is no problem to break stones with every gesture. When you wake up with qi, it will be even more magical!

The fierce battle lasted for more than half an hour, and the entire arena was completely invisible, like a broken concrete construction waste! There was even a large pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters on the ground, dotted with large and small concrete fragments in the middle.

The two of them stopped several times to catch their breath, and then chatted.

Wei Yuan's tone gradually became less rampant in the constant battle, and gradually showed a hint of appreciation and sympathy.

Although Hao Mengmeng was extremely weak, her words were always so firm.

Both sides are excellent fighters and warriors, fighting with all their strength for their own beliefs. Now both sides are covered in scales, exhausted, and crumbling, but neither of them intends to give up!

This kind of cruel competition made the audience who couldn't adapt to it cry and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

So much so that when the two sides could barely stand still and refused to admit defeat in the end, some soft-hearted viewers even cried loudly while crying: "You guys stop fighting~"


The two sides had no strength left, so they could only drag their heavy bodies and slowly move towards each other.

They will make the final blow!

Wei Yuan (JOJO Li): "Ah~ this is my last punch! Stupid rabbit, you have to be careful!"

Hao Mengmeng (JOJO Li too): "I just want to be a real warrior! And your first defeat is me, Mengmeng!"

The corners of Zhu Huamei and Ai Xi's mouths twitched, they covered their faces and couldn't bear to look directly. Uncle Drumsticks just ran away, I can't stand it!

The two sides ran, punched, hit each other, fell down, and stirred up dust... There was no movement between the two of them for a long time.

The host from Alaska swallowed with a mouthful of saliva, "Could it it a tie?"

While everyone was looking at each other, Hao Mengmeng's white ears, which had been stained with a lot of dust, moved. Slowly, Hao Mengmeng stretched her arms with difficulty, and she got up!

She staggered up to Wei Yuan, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen and blood was still dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Blood dripped onto Wei Yuan's face, Wei Yuan opened his eyes and "woke up".

"You, you... what? Ah~ so that's it, you won!" Wei Yuan's tongue drooped around his mouth, showing a calm and silly expression, just like Erha.

Hao Mengmeng smiled ugly with a bruised nose and swollen face, but all the audience and judges felt that this smile was so touching.

Hao Mengmeng stretched out her hand, "Give me your hand!"

Wei Yuan stretched out his hand hesitantly, but was grabbed by Hao Mengmeng and pulled up.

Wei Yuan lifted Hao Mengmeng high and shouted loudly: "She has won! I would like to call her the strongest!"

"Boom~" The audience shouted a tsunami!

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