Magic card gods

Chapter 400 Four monsters come to Hawaii together!

Naturally, Wei Yuan would not use the trick of "Look..." and then turn around and run away.

Wei Yuan: It can be used, but it is not necessary.

The best way to prevent two people from fighting is to find a common enemy for them.

As long as the hatred for this enemy is higher than the hatred between the two, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

So there is a saying: China-Japan friendship depends on South Korea, China-South Korea friendship depends on Japan, and Japan-South Korea friendship depends on China.

The knowledge in this is great.

Take a good look and study hard!

It is also good to become a home with a keyboard in the future!


Pippi Shrimp pointed, and everyone's heads turned to the distant sea immediately, even the photographer's lens turned away.

Even with the most advanced cameras, however, it is difficult to see the ocean miles away at night like this.

It's just that the blurry picture makes people feel that the waves seem a little big.

But the two mechas and the three monsters present could see clearly: about a few nautical miles away on the sea, the waves were unusually rough, there must be some giant object making waves underwater!

Moreover, such giants are definitely not one or two, there are three of them found in sight!

The PPDC commander who has been paying attention to this incident suddenly felt something was wrong, "Quick! Turn on the satellite detection! Didn't the detection station on the Challenger Abyss send an alarm?"

A technician immediately replied: "No, Commander! The detection station sent a signal ten minutes ago, indicating that everything is normal."

"Contact them! Contact them immediately! Check again whether the wormhole has been opened!"

The commander of the PPDC suspected that there was a problem with the detection station. But the connection was fine, and the probe station was fine. But they didn't detect abnormal fluctuations either!

The detection station was established to detect the wormholes in the Challenger Abyss. Although it was impossible to monitor the movement of Kaiju beasts in real time before, every time Kaiju beasts entered the earth, they would be discovered.

People still know that there are a few Kaiju beasts running wild outside, so they are all prepared for battle.

But this time, without knowing it, at least three giant beasts appeared!

The commander was also a little confused: "Isn't it an alien Kaiju beast? Is it a native Titan beast? Contact the Emperor Organization and ask them what's going on?!"

But the Emperor Organization is also very confused, because under their monitoring, except for Godzilla and King Kong, the Titans on the earth have appeared, and the others are sleeping. Except for Xiongmuto who just died, at most it was the death group killed by Godzilla many years ago...

But how many years has it been, and the swarm of death is a flying group of creatures, it is impossible to appear in the sea.

But at this time, the underwater giants were getting closer and closer. When they got close, the depth of the sea water could no longer hide, and they would soon show their heads.

Everyone can recognize it at a glance, this is the painting style of Kaiju Beast!

The PPDC commander's heart sank suddenly, something went wrong! Wormhole detection has a problem!

There were four Kaiju beasts in the first place, and a huge amount of sea water slipped from them, the scene was extremely scary.

The chrysanthemum beast in the front is very tall, almost no worse than the elder brother standing straight.

It has a forward-protruding triangular head, reminiscent of a terrestrial shark called a goblin shark, or perhaps reminiscent of the terrifying triangular head from Silent Hill.

This thing looks like a shark man, swimming fast in the sea in the image of a shark. But when he stood up, he was in a humanoid form again, with long and thick arms, huge and sharp claws, coupled with that weird triangular head, it looked amazing in combat.

Scythe head, a level 3 monster with a height of 96 meters and a weight of 6,800 tons. Tier 4 hero unit!

This monster appeared in the original book, and it directly destroyed the Dangerous Wanderer. If it weren't for the protagonist's explosion and the single-player machine armor, I am afraid that he will be completely defeated.

The second Kaiju Beast is just a monster like a standing bug, with a huge head and a huge mouth.

It has a pair of strong jointed hind legs, and it can stand firmly on two feet alone, but it also has four other sharp and long and narrow appendages, and a thick tail.

Its mouth protrudes forward and can be opened and closed to a large angle. It has extremely sharp fangs, each of which is several meters long and densely packed. And it has a pair of terrifying fangs that grow horizontally like centipede fangs on both sides of its cheeks.

This mouth is very dangerous at first glance, and something under 20 meters in size, I'm afraid it's just a stuffy mouth!

The huge mouth of the abyss, a level 3 monster, is 89 meters high and weighs 7100 tons. Tier 4 hero unit!

It is much heavier than the sickle head, and its image is even more chilling.

This thing has never appeared in the original book, but its combat power is definitely not low.

The third Kaiju Beast is a monster that looks like a crab. Not only is it flat and low, but it also has two huge pincers.

But it only has four legs, the last two are relatively short, and the front two are relatively long, so that it has a certain standing posture. But compared with other Kaiju beasts, it is still very frustrating.

It has long exoskeleton mouthparts on both sides of its mouth, which are different from the fangs of the abyssal mouth, like two longer big clips. This monster's double pincers and pincer mouth can control and attack the enemy.

The Demon Witch, a level 2 monster, is 63 meters high and weighs 5,200 tons. Tier 4 hero unit.

It is also a monster that appeared in the original work. Invasion of Tokyo was finally defeated by the black driver driving the mecha alone after his partner fell into a coma.

And now the black driver is still in the PPDC command room and everyone is frightened.

The devil witch has a pair of round eyes that can protrude from the eye sockets and observe the environment 360 degrees. There are two pupils on each eyeball.

Its pupils are black horizontal stripes with an orange-red background, and there are ink-like cracks distributed up and down the sides, which makes one's heart chill at a glance.

Because its eyes have the ability to glow at night, the camera can see clearly.

When the camera was aimed at the eyeball, countless audience members were suffocated at that moment, and many of them burst into tears.

The terrifying eyes with no emotion like a crack in the abyss made them unforgettable in this life...

Finally, there is a six-legged, alligator-like body, but the head is a bit like a pig's head, especially the two huge teeth that curve upward, which makes people feel like an elephant or even a mammoth.

It is a beast-shaped monster with six legs standing on the ground.

Spear boar, a level 2 monster with a height of 53 meters and a weight of 6,400 tons. Tier 4 hero unit!

Just these four chrysanthemum beasts, with their weird shapes, can be written into the "Shan Hai Jing".


At this time, the audience who were still watching the live broadcast were speechless. They saw the four giant beasts through the lens. Although they could only see some parts of them, they already knew the seriousness of the matter.

Twice before, two Kaiju beasts appeared in the Challenger Abyss at one time, and the detected fluctuations were extremely violent.

During that time, PPDC and other countries were in a hurry.

But this time four Kaiju beasts appeared at once, which was an unprecedented crisis!

The interior of the PPDC command room was also icy cold. These four monsters are not simple, especially the two biggest ones, which obviously exceed the size of a level 2 monster!

A technician muttered to himself in dismay: "It's a level 3 monster! There really is a level 3 monster!"

Everyone panicked, even if they were professionals, they couldn't help being frightened and unable to hold themselves.

In other words, it is precisely because they are professionals that they know the gap between monsters.

Level 2 monsters already need several hours of fierce battle with mechs to win. In many cases, just to be on the safe side, two mechas are even dispatched together.

But now, two level 3 monsters and two level 2 monsters gathered together, what can be used to resist it?

I'm afraid that only by gathering all the mechas in the world to fight together can we have a chance of winning.

But is it too late? That's too late!

At this time, the black guy who had been active all the time immediately said in a deep voice: "Commander, I want to fight!"

He is a student of the Hunter Academy and a reserve mech pilot. His grades are among the best and he is very favored.

He is Steyk who drove the mecha alone and defeated the demon witch in the original book after his partner lost consciousness!

With his excellent performance in the original book, he finally became the commander and marshal of PPDC. In the end, he drove the mecha and blew up the wormhole. It can be said that he is a well-deserved hero of the earth!

Just because of Katu's intervention, the whole world line is in chaos, and the plot advances extremely fast.

Before he officially piloted the mecha to participate in the battle, the alien pioneer who was stimulated had already accelerated the arms race, and directly let the four Kaiju beasts come together to make trouble.

Someone stood up at the critical moment, which somewhat boosted morale.

At this time, the commander calmly said: "Don't be pessimistic. Although we only have two mechas, they are our two best mechas. And we also have three monster friends. We are not at a disadvantage!"

Having said that, it really made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. Not to mention Godzilla, at least King Kong and Caesar will participate in the war. We are not at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Styke continued to challenge: "But we must make preparations! What if there are other monsters that don't show up? I still apply for the battle!"

The commander nodded: "That's right, be prepared. I allow you to graduate early, mount all three mechas in the base with vector delta wings, and go to the battlefield. I hope they can last for two hours... Also, dispatch the nearest All mechs, join the battle! This battle is only for victory and not for defeat!"

The command room resumed its work and started to get busy. The commander found someone to contact the detection station in the Challenger Abyss, and he had to find out what happened in that abyss wormhole!

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