Magic card gods

Chapter 42 So I'm Not Standalone!

"What kind of trace is this?" Wei Yuan asked.


"The footprint is so big? It looks like a big caveman! At least he's an elite! He's still wearing shoes!"

Chicken Legs nodded in agreement.

Wei Yuan asked again: "When do you think this was left?"

Chicken Leg looked up at him: "I'm not a criminal investigator, you ask me this? I think you're embarrassing my Chicken Leg!"

One person and one cat followed the traces, and found the corpse of a hell caveman after ten minutes!

The caveman's head had been chopped off!

"This blade is quite smooth!"

"Well! Clean and neat, the knife kills a lot!"

One person and one cat obviously couldn't see anything, and they were still talking about it. Pretend to be professional.

After this corpse, more caveman corpses began to appear one after another. At most, eight corpses were piled up together, all hacked to death with a machete.

"Could it be that the cave dwellers are fighting among themselves?" Chicken Legs immediately compiled a bloody story about the change of imperial power among the cave dwellers according to the TV series he had watched.

"Hell cavemen have been multiplying and growing in that bottomless, terrifying blood mine for many years, and finally the young cavemen began to covet the old king's throne! A bloody battle for kingship has already begun. It started..."

Wei Yuan, who didn't find any loot, rolled his eyes: "I said, don't count the numbers here, okay?"

Drumstick was taken aback, "Huh? Did I speak out again? Huh? Why did I say again?"

Following the traces of the battle, one person and one cat tracked for more than half an hour. Wei Yuan checked the map on his mobile phone and found that he had come to a place deep in the Blood Mine.

At this time, the traces left in the tunnel were already very clear, obviously not long ago.

Wei Yuan and Chicken Leg looked at each other, and saw at least thirty caveman corpses along the way. All the traces showed that there was only one terrible murderer, and he was definitely not a caveman, at least he was much taller than a caveman.

Wei Yuan reached out and wiped the stone wall, but the blood had not yet solidified. The goal I'm chasing is not far away.

At this time, the chicken leg twitched its nose, "It's delicious?!"

Wei Yuan:? ? ? Could it be that the chicken legs are too hungry? I'm hallucinating! Also, it hasn't eaten for an hour... I haven't eaten for a long time either. I can't see the sun, and I don't even have a fixed meal time.

To be cautious, Wei Yuan turned on the detection function of the phone. Then he found that there was a yellow dot about 70 meters away from him in a straight line!

The green dots are our own people, the red dots are monsters, and the yellow dots are...

Big Swordsman

Tier 1 (Elite)

medium body


"A pair of long ears, holding a huge knife."


As far as Wei Yuan knew, in the world of the ruins of Huanglong City, there were no demi-humans, let alone the demi-humans of the Rabbit Ear Tribe.

And he happened to know a demi-human from the rabbit-ear tribe...

In this place nearly 100 meters underground, can you still meet an old acquaintance in a foreign land?

Wei Yuan approached cautiously, and let the reluctant chicken leg explore the way.

If it wasn't for Xiangxiang's little cute girl with rabbit ears, it wouldn't go there!

Drumstick took a peek in the corner, then retracted and nodded to Wei Yuan. Only then did Wei Yuan step forward in small steps.

This is a depression at the end of a tunnel. A dying torch is stuck in the wall. There is a weird well and a figure on the ground.

Looking carefully, the person hiding in that pothole and lighting the torch is not Wei Yuan's classmate in the same grade, the same group of card disciples, who has a pair of long ears and a ghost-headed sword that can squeeze out water. who?

What is it called... oh yes! Hao Mengmeng! The name is easy to remember!

The cute girl with rabbit ears was sitting on the rock, leaning tiredly on the ghost-headed sword that was about the same height as her, drowsy.

Wei Yuan walked up to her silently and was about to call her, but the cute girl with rabbit ears suddenly seemed to sense something, and her ears straightened from limp to straight with a "boo~"!

Wei Yuan felt bad instinctively, and subconsciously hid back. Then a cold and ghastly ghost-headed sword cut along the tip of his toe!

This ghost-headed sword is actually a treasured sword that cuts gold and jade, and the cute rabbit-eared girl is also weak on the surface, but in fact she is as fierce as an electric fan who can dance a sword weighing more than ten catties.

When the knife went down, the concrete under Wei Yuan's feet was cut three fingers deep, and half of the blade of the palm-wide ghost-headed sword went in!

The cute girl with rabbit ears is very skilled in swordsmanship, she slew her sword in the air and circled around her body like a dragon leaping over a stream, and then took advantage of the momentum to slash again!

With a soft sound of "Qiang~", Wei Yuan stepped back without a trace and lowered the ghost gold stick.

Wei Yuan: Ma De! What kind of strange power is this, it is actually on par with that Yue boss! What is the setting of this cute girl with strange powers and big swords and rabbit ears?


At this time, Hao Mengmeng, who had recovered from his daze, finally saw the person in front of him clearly.

"You're human!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Wei Yuan: Nonsense!

"It looks familiar. Who are you, Wei, Wei...Wei Long?!"

Wei Yuan: I look like I sell spicy noodles?

Although Hao Mengmeng was familiar with Wei Yuan, she couldn't remember his name at all.

Fortunately, a brainstorm came up with the name "Weilong". She is very satisfied with her memory.

(In fact, I originally planned to call Wei Long, but I can’t infringe on other people’s copyright, right? There is still a bottom line in life~)

But she soon withered, she was sleepy and drowsy just now, she didn't hear any movement with super long hearing, but suddenly felt that there was something around her, she drew out her knife and slashed under nervousness.

It's all because of those nasty cavemen before, which made her nervous.

Of course, the main reason is the high pressure... She has been trapped underground for more than ten hours.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I didn't know it was you, Wei, but I thought it was those monsters." Hao Mengmeng put her ears on the back of her head, very submissive. With guilt and worry on his face, he was looking up at Wei Yuan's expression.

It can be seen that the attitude is very sincere!

"Forget it, it's okay." Wei Yuan said involuntarily.

Wei Yuan despised himself fiercely in his heart: Ma De, I am indeed a member of the Appearance Association. I judge people by their cover, shame on me!

"Really? Thank you, thank you so much! It's great to see Wei here. I..." Hao Mengmeng choked up.

She is not afraid of fighting, but being trapped in the endless underground tunnel for more than ten hours, with no supplies and monsters everywhere, the pressure is really too great.

Seeing that Wei Yuan didn't even take the opportunity to blackmail the female, the chicken legs forgave her so easily, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart: "Bah! Shameless pervert! When you see a female, your legs go limp."

At this time, Hao Mengmeng suddenly saw the chicken leg under Wei Yuan's feet, and exclaimed in surprise: "Ah! It's so cute!" She hugged the chicken leg in her arms and rolled it up.

Because the demi-humans are in Tianyuan City, their status is somewhat inferior. So Hao Mengmeng, who wears a pair of rabbit ears, is born with low self-esteem. So for the same furry animals, I love them very much. There is a great sense of sympathy for each other.

But how can uncle chicken legs be insulted? Where can bear such humiliation?

So it "struggled hard" and "roared again and again"!

"Meow meow meow~~~"

The chicken leg arched Hao Mengmeng's hand with its big head, and the expression on its big face was extremely flattering!

Seeing this, Wei Yuan couldn't help but sneer in his heart: This fat cat knows how to be cute in a woman's arms every day, trash! color cat!

Wei Yuan met Hao Mengmeng, a cute girl with rabbit ears in the depths of the underground, and then he remembered that he was not playing a stand-alone game!

I've been brushing monsters for the past two days, and I forgot about it!

After petting the cat for a while, Hao Mengmeng finally regained her mood.

She blushed a little and asked Wei Yuan: "Student Wei, do you have something to eat?"

Wei Yuan glanced at her: Is this silly girl not ready to eat?

Seeing Wei Yuan's doubts, Hao Mengmeng tugged at the hem of his clothes, and explained with a groaning belly: "The only food I have on me has been eaten, and I haven't eaten for almost, almost ten hours!"

Speaking of not eating for ten hours, Hao Mengmeng's eye circles were reddish and tears were streaming down~

The chicken legs felt very sympathetic: I haven't eaten for an hour, I'm going to starve to death! Ten hours is unimaginable!

Wei Yuan: You haven't eaten for ten hours, and you are still dancing with your razor blades, cutting those cavemen into pieces! You can do it!

Somehow, a hungry girl with red eyes and rabbit ears appeared in front of Wei Yuan, wielding a ghost-headed machete with a blackened expression, galloping freely among the cave dwellers, swinging the knife like the wind, and for a while Flying together with the broken arm, the blood and water are the same! The copper ring of the Guitou Broadsword rattled, like the soul-locking iron chain in Black and White Wuchang's hands urging his life!

"Hiss~" I can't afford to offend, I can't afford to offend!

Although Wei Yuan knew that these Yaren Katu were all elites of various races, even the favored ones of heaven. The average strength far exceeds that of normal human Katu rookies. Otherwise, there is no possibility of becoming a carder.

But it was his first contact with these existences!

I saw this cute girl with rabbit ears slaying those fallen demons with ease before, so I thought she was already very strong. Now think about those cavemen...

Trapped underground for such a long time, without eating for ten hours, he is not merciless in killing people!

Scared! Scared!

Isn't it just food? Give!

Wei Yuan didn't mention asking for money either. If he asked for money for a little food, he might be ridiculed in the Katu circle. It's just a little bit of food, and it's a good relationship!

But the cute girl with rabbit ears is sensible, and took out a handful of Huanglong City coins, "Student Wei, here, here you are, this is my meal money."

Wei Yuan: No wonder I didn't touch a single coin all the way here!

Now that the cute girls are so sensible, Wei Yuan's mood will be smoother, so he can't ask for money. Isn't it just something to eat? I have enough! Fill up!

Ten minutes later, Wei Yuan regretted it.

Wei Yuan: What the hell am I pretending to be? Why not give money! This wave of blood loss!

Drumstick was also stunned, looking at Hao Mengmeng who covered her mouth carefully and hiccuped, her mouth opened wide.

What about the roast leg of lamb? What about the three baguettes? What about that big pot of broth? What about the five apples...

Then Hao Mengmeng's pair of rabbit ears moved, and all the food and drinks disappeared into his mouth? !

Drumstick turned his head stiffly to look at Wei Yuan: Brother, it's a big loss! This is a black hole!

Wei Yuan nodded silently with a solemn expression.

There are tears in the eyes of the chicken legs (tiger tears.jpg): Don’t take out my chicken legs!

Wei Yuan: Don't worry! From now on, we will only eat black bread!

"Did I, did I eat too much?" Hao Mengmeng was obviously aware of her own appetite, and she felt ashamed when she thought of eating so recklessly in front of classmate Wei just now, and the other party hadn't asked for money for the meal!

After eating and drinking enough, the cells of shame occupy the high ground, Hao Mengmeng's face is hot, and she can't wait to get into the cracks in the concrete under her feet.

What else could Wei Yuan do? I ate everything, could I still spit it out? It's all here, good people do it!

He comforted: "It's, it's okay. I know a friend who can eat better than you."

When Hao Mengmeng heard it, she immediately became interested, and she blinked her big eyes as if asking: Is this friend you mentioned really yourself?

Wei Yuan continued: "His surname is Tao, and his name is a sticker..."

If you don't vote, Hao Mengmeng may starve to death! Surely you can't bear it?

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