Magic card gods

Chapter 422 My small world is the most fashionable!

【Skull Island Small World (Orange)】

[Legendary Land Card/Demiplane/Small World/Cave Heaven Blessed Land]

[Netherworld: There is a mature Netherworld in this small world. 】

[Species Evolution: This small world has the characteristics of rapid biological evolution. 】

[God sacrifice: In this small world, human beings worship their gods. 】

[Five elements open the sky: The power of the five elements maintains the balance of this small world, and slowly expands outwards to increase the area of ​​the small world. 】

[Suppression of luck: The luck of the island is suppressed, and no major disaster will occur. 】

[Floating Island: This island can fly and float in the air. 】

[Artificial Sun: This island has a small nuclear fusion artificial sun as energy and light. 】

[World tree sapling: A sapling of the world tree that has just germinated grows on this island. 】

[Energy Barrier: An energy barrier wraps the island. 】

【Realization: You can realize the small world in other worlds. 】

[Note: After the small world is realized, it cannot be turned into a card within a certain period of time. 】

【"A tiny world, but with infinite possibilities."】

Skull Island has two forms of existence. The first is a space parallel to the world, like a demiplane.

Wei Yuan can bring people into it. The island is floating in the void, surrounded by a sea area of ​​several nautical miles, and there are some mutated and evolved marine creatures unique to Skull Island. There are huge soil and rock layers under the island, which are in the shape of an inverted cone as a whole.

The surrounding seawater will flow continuously into the surrounding dark void, just like water overflowing the edge of a bowl.

But after the water disappears in mid-air, it will reappear on the bottom of the island, or turn into rain clouds in the sky, and return to this natural water cycle.

Viewed from the top down, the entire island is an abstract profile skull shape.

The south is the jaw part of the skeleton, which is a black cliff belt. This is where Wei Yuan and the others landed.

To the west are countless scattered small islands and beaches, where the original land sank below the sea level and became scattered scattered reefs and small islands.

The east and back of the island are cliffs. Especially in the north, where the forehead of the skeleton is, the terrain is the highest on the entire island, and many mountains and peaks are there.

In addition to entering the Skull Island, you can also bring the Skull Island into reality. It's just that it's more risky.

Although Skull Island will gain a certain geographical advantage after its realization.

After all, it is their own island, which is equivalent to a mobile terrain killer. But manifest Skull Island in a strange and dangerous world, where attacks, invasions and destruction are also possible.

In those worlds of high-level power, there are military-level figures everywhere, city-level figures every now and then, and country-level figures are occasionally seen. After Skull Island is exposed, there are still risks to be taken.

As for the various attributes of Skull Island, there are also reasons.

Skull Island is different from the material world and has an inner plane, which is the dark and gloomy Skull Island underworld.

Compared to the real underworld, this is of course just a miniature. But it already has the attributes represented by the underworld!

This is the Necropolis of Mourning, representing the world of the dead on Skull Island. The souls of the tens of thousands of various creatures on the island will come here after death and be used as appropriate.

Like dinosaurs, they are more or less advanced creatures, and their spirit level is also high. Those mutated bugs only have some spirits, but no souls.

But as long as it is dead, it is good material after all. In this netherworld, corpses, bones, blood, souls, resentment, hostility...all are good resources. A good material that can be used to make powerful undead units!

As for the evolution of species, it is an attribute that comes with Skull Island, which allows the species on the island to undergo rapid change and evolution, which is more than dozens of times faster than in reality.

The Heavenly God Sacrifice is a mountain temple controlled by the Yiwei Renmin Shaman, which can be used to control the daily operation of the island, or some changes. The sun rises and sets, the four seasons reincarnate and so on. It can be regarded as the "magic version of the central control system" of the entire island!

The five elements open the sky is the result of nearly a hundred years of transformation of the island by Yiwei people who established the Five Elements Department according to Wei Yuan's design.

Because of the transformation and layout of the Yiwei people for nearly a hundred years, the five elements have been coordinated on Skull Island, and the feng shui is very good.

The former Skull Island faced the danger of sinking to the bottom of the sea almost every year. Every earthquake is a big test!

The stable rotation of the five elements makes the island more powerful and solid, and will not be damaged by some small attacks.

Cooperating with Yu Wangding's luck suppression, it will be much safer.

The energy shield can be turned on at critical moments, but this thing has limited defense and consumes a lot of energy, so it can only defend against small-intensity attacks on a large area. The most important role is to play the role of the atmosphere.

And the power of the five elements can be gathered in the void by itself, so as to increase the overall area of ​​the small world of Skull Island.

If it is left in this way for a hundred years, the area of ​​Skull Island may increase by more than half, and small islands may be born on the side. This is a very important attribute, allowing the small world to grow.

On a flat highland in the middle of the island, there is a big tree more than twenty meters tall.

Large trees of this height are not uncommon on the island, but this tree is different. There is no other tree for several kilometers around it, and those carnivorous creatures will not easily come here, so many herbivorous creatures can rest assured to reproduce here, and they will migrate here every time they reproduce.

This is the seedling of the world tree. It will root deep into the underground of Skull Island, connecting the entire island with the deep soil layer, magma layer, and rock layer below. Unify the vitality of the entire island.

If the worship of the gods is the nervous system of the island, then the seedlings of the world tree are the vascular system of the island.

Ri Weiyuan can find more powerful and pure energy than the artificial little sun to give birth to the world tree. At that time, the whole small world will grow stronger.

Three kilometers above the island, there is a bright artificial sun, which operates according to the normal sunrise and sunset.

This is a nuclear fusion generator device that Wei Yuan purchased from the Chinese government at a large price. After carding, [Nuclear Fusion Generator (Red)] was also integrated into Skull Island, becoming the artificial sun of this world, supplying energy for the entire small world, providing sunshine and other functions.


It was as if Taoist Ran Deng conspired to kill Zhao Gongming and seized twenty-four Dinghai Pearls. Wei Yuan almost shouted, "My way is done!"

How difficult is it to open up the small universe in the body and advance to the fifth level of physical sanctification?

And it's not like running a small world, you can also take shortcuts. That has to be one step at a time, and the footprints are full of blood and sweat!

Look at those bosses of Tier 5 and Tier 6, how many of them are pure fighters?

Even Emperor Beifeng, who has taken the bloodline route to the extreme, can only stop at level 6. Don't look at him entering the sixth level as if it was only a hundred years ago, who knows how many centuries he has been tossing in countless fantasy worlds?

If it weren't for the fact that there is almost no hope of advancement, he wouldn't try the method of "creating new species"!

Of course, it doesn't rule out that he is born with this taste!

Anyway, after Wei Yuan got this legendary small world of Skull Island, he had hope to advance to the fifth level.

A small world supports one person, and there is great hope for advancement!

This kind of opportunity to deprive a piece of land from the fantasy world and form a land card or even a small world is rare!

After all, whether the Illusion Realm really exists, or whether it is a phantom of time and space in the past, the Katus have not yet made a conclusion.

Only this kind of fantasy world, which appeared for the first time and has not been developed or even broken, has the opportunity to do so.

And the level cannot be too low, because if it is too low, the entire fantasy world will be "broken". Too strong is not enough, in the fantasy world where the strong are like clouds, countless big bosses are driven by the consciousness of the world, and they come to beat you one after another. I can't hold it!

That is to say, Wei Yuan was lucky. After operating for more than a hundred years, he got deeply involved in the plot and became the man behind the protagonist. This minimized the backlash of world consciousness, and finally made a fortune.

How can other card players have this opportunity? Look at the two carders who were hunted by the protagonist, weren't they also stopped in the end?

Without the blessing of world consciousness, Wei Yuan might not be able to arrive in time to save Godzilla.

Of course, Wei Yuan fought back afterwards and abducted his elder brother himself! Later, Wei Yuan didn't dare to meet King Kong again, for fear that the world consciousness would go crazy on the spot!

After Wei Yuan left the fantasy world of monsters, those card-thugs still wreaked havoc in that world for more than twenty years.

In the end, he counterattacked the planet of the alien pioneer, harvested a large sum, and then reset the fantasy world, and that was the end. The carders no longer sharpened their heads and squeezed in.

It is said that the fantasy world began to "out of shape" later, and there was a tendency similar to Iron Armored Little Treasure, Iron Armored Steel Fist, and the like. There is even the function of small biochemical pet modulation, called Pokemon!

It is estimated that this is not too far away from the imaginary world runaway! Next time the fantasy world merges Pokemon or Digimon, it will be interesting!

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