Magic card gods

Chapter 428: Wild Dogs Outside the City

"My family is here, let me go!"

The husky also has dignity, being pressed on the seat by two little girls and tied with colorful braids, it is also very unhappy!

Erha was shocked and disappeared in the car in the blink of an eye.

Out of the slumped and sickly black-gray pine forests outside the city walls, a pack of wild dogs appeared.

These dogs are unusual. Not to mention fat and fat individuals, their bodies are covered with blood and wounds, showing their fierce looks.

Among them, a few wild dogs were mutated and demonized, with bone spurs, scales, and deformed appendages growing on their bodies, and their heads were deformed and distorted.

There's even another little human head growing out of its neck that can't stop crying!

According to the observation of the Three-Eyed Crow, the number of this group of wild dogs is between forty and fifty!

Erha suddenly appeared in front of the group of dogs, startling those demonized wild dogs.

The group of dogs just looked at the alien with colorful braids in front of them, and they all thought that what kind of weird thing is this? It's just a bark to Erha. Very repulsive!

Erha immediately became angry, barking at a group of deformed dogs!

Erha: With your looks, the trolls would vomit at the sight of you, but you still have the face to criticize me? Your second master and I are handsome and unrestrained, I can go wherever I want...

The sound of two ha and one dog suppressed a group of dogs, barking loudly and quickly, like the continuous flow of the Yangtze River, and like the flood of the Yellow River that was out of control! There is a lot of meaning that Master Xing is fighting a group of bustards alone!

Really never lost a quarrel!

After all, Erha also exists at the fourth level, and the barking alone makes those dogs unsteady. I saw the trees swaying and the pine needles scattered, as if countless invisible symbols spewed out of Erha's mouth, all around him!

It can be seen that it has inherited some kind of power that Wei Yuan my Buddha said!

But the demonized wild dog has lost its mind. Unless it is facing a high-level hell demon, no matter how strong the enemy is, it will not know how to be afraid.

They are staggering sideways, crawling all over the ground, barking their teeth and barking, and they are still going forward in a hundred years to make a group of dogs tear them apart!

Erha looked at it and was scared. With its tail between its legs, it disappears!

Erha: Fight with words, not with martial arts! You dog can't bite, you group of dogs bullied me, an old man, you don't talk about dog morality! Is this okay? This is not good!


This group of wild dogs demonized by the power of hell is obviously a bad comer. This made Daoist Sun Kai'en a little embarrassed.

It was said that Li Weihong's old lady came to Fengtian City to live up to her old age, saying that it was safe here, but before we even entered the door, a group of eye drops came!

Old Taoist, I don't want to lose face, do you? !

Seeing that Sun Kai'en snatched the fly whisk from the Taoist boy, he was about to jump off the shaft of the car and kill these bastards himself.

However, Wei Yuan reached out his hand to stop Old Daoist Sun, "Daoist, please calm down. It's just a bunch of mobs, it's not worth the Taoist himself to take action. You just sit still and let those card disciples gain experience."

We can't let the aborigines steal the monsters. There are five or six carders following this convoy, and there are four second-tier ones. Isn't this good for killing monsters!

It's safe to be safe along the way, and these stuck people are also suffocated. How to upgrade without killing monsters? How to fight monsters without upgrading?

Now is the chance! A group of level 1 and level 2 demonized wild dogs are just right for them!

It's just that the battle didn't go as smoothly as expected. This group of wild dogs can wreak havoc in the outskirts of Fengtian City, and they haven't been wiped out until now. The strongest part is the organization!

This group of ferocious beasts advanced and retreated together, accompanied them, and covered them, and they fought in such a well-organized manner!

Except for a few that were bombarded to death by the carders using range magic props, the rest of them actually suppressed the activity range of those carders again and again, and quickly forced a few carders with pretty good means to shrink back!

A group of wild dogs, just playing like a pack of wolves!

Moreover, almost all of those wild dogs were poisoned, and there were two injured stumps who couldn't even stand up!

If there were no Wei Yuan and the others, these carders would have been eaten by dogs!

Suddenly a thin gray mist drifted past, and a large number of undead under Wei Yuan appeared.

Although it is said that dogs gnaw bones, the lowest level of Wei Yuan's skeleton summons is level 2, and there are several level 3 ones. Much better than demonized wild dogs!

Sun Kane caressed his beard and said, "Recently, I have indeed heard that there are a group of demonized wild dogs roaming outside the city, which is very disturbing. They are also cunning and good at hiding, and they have not been wiped out for a while. I didn't expect the real situation It's more serious than the rumors!"

A large row of skeleton warriors, more than two meters high, with extremely thick bones and wearing bone armor, chopped up seven or eight wild dogs with swords, guns, swords and halberds in minutes.

Then the remaining wild dogs turned around and ran away amid a sudden howl!

Everyone was taken aback: They actually know how to escape! There is also a command!

There were so many monsters before, but only the lowest-level demon projection like the fallen demon has a certain IQ. If you know that you can't beat it, you will run away and call people. I didn't expect that a group of dogs in Fengtian City could do it!

They have already shot, there is absolutely no reason to let go.

One kilometer away, the ground suddenly cracked, and green vines several meters thick rose up and joined together, forming a huge wall of vines with a radius of two kilometers!

On the high wall made of thorns and vines, the sharp thorns are one meter long, and there is no gap between them. The height climbs more than ten meters, and it will surpass the Fengtian city wall!

Immediately, this group of demonized wild dogs was trapped!

This movement frightened the adventurers who were on guard on the city wall, and quickly blew the whistle. It took a long time for people from Fengtian City to see Sun Kai'en before they realized that this was a big commotion caused by their own people. Not monster siege...

And the people who came knew that they were strangling the group of demonized hounds, and they all praised him bitterly.

It turned out that although this group of wild dogs could not cause major damage, they would harass the surroundings for two or three days. Because they came and went like the wind and ran away when they encountered hard stubble, many adventurers had nothing to do. Killed many survivors! There were even single Awakened who were eaten by them!

The Luo Ge Committee also entrusted the mission to Katu, but I didn't expect that among this group of wild dogs, there was a dog king, which was a leader-level unit under Tier 3! Finally, he broke through the ambush with a small number of wild dogs, and ran away!

This time I encountered a real stubble, and I was going to kill this group of beasts!

After a while, the dog king also appeared in everyone's sight.

The dog king has two heads, one has no hairy nose and looks like a bat's head, and the other head looks like a crooked lion, with a mouth almost split to the back of the head, and the whole head is divided into three parts with a mouth!

It is as big as an elephant! It looks like a hairy Asian elephant! From time to time, dirty blood drips from the hair!

Seeing this two-headed man-eating dog king, Sun Kaien frowned, and he couldn't stop making calculations.

This dog king is extremely cunning, has tenacious vitality, moves extremely quickly, and has a high IQ to command a group of demonized wild dogs. To be honest, it is really difficult for ordinary third-level card disciples to win.

But when I met this group of people, it was really bad luck.

After struggling for thirty or forty seconds, he was tied up by countless finger-thin thorny vines and sucked blood. I can't use all my abilities, and it's useless to use them!

It's like fighting a level 6 hero with a level 18 six-sacred hero, so what if you have learned all the skills? It's no different than level 1!

At this time, Daoist Sun approached the dog king, looked it over carefully, and actually stretched out his hand and pulled out something from the dog king's face!

Wei Yuan took a closer look, and it turned out to be a strange withered finger! There are bone spurs and black nails on the blue-black fingers, which is not a good thing at first glance.

The identification shows that it is [Demon Hunting Dirty Finger (Blue)]

"Daozhang, what is this?" Wei Yuan asked if he didn't understand.

Sun Daochang took out a piece of talisman paper, wrapped the finger around it and put it away, and said, "I'm afraid this dog king didn't form naturally. It's man-made!"

Wei Yuan suddenly thought of something, and said, "A fallen person?"

Sun Kai'en nodded: "You may not be clear when you first came here. There are more fallen people in Fengtian City than Huanglong City back then. I once made a divination, which showed that the southwest is a big disaster. Behind the barrier by the sea that hinders our progress, I'm afraid there are even more terrifying existences. These fallen people are also more weird and terrifying because of this..."

"And I found in some books and materials of Fengtian that there were news from the city on the other side of the sea in the early years, saying that the local scientific research institute controlled the invading Hell Demon God, but then the barrier appeared and there was no news... It must be the murderer. Dorje is missing."

In the end, the dog king was sucked to death by the thorns and vines, forty or fifty milky white souls emerged from his stomach, and the salute disappeared!

It is obvious that there are many harms to people! Those who are eaten by it will have their souls imprisoned in their bodies and become one of its powers!


In the end, the adventurers and Katu in Fengtian City watched a very lively scene. Knowing that there are Tier 4 bosses coming to this fantasy world, it will be a big scene as soon as you make a move! A high wall of thorns surrounding a large area of ​​​​several stadiums! So cool!

Wei Yuan got two cards from the dog king: [Devil Dog Treasure (Red)] and [Hell Bite (Red)].

Gou Bao is a fist-sized stone-like thing with grimace-like patterns on it, which is a material card. In the end, he will be asked to leave by Sun Laodao.

He originally wanted to give money, but Wei Yuan didn't want it. The abilities of Sun Laodao are much more precious than money.

Wei Yuan: Don't mention money to me, mentioning money hurts feelings! That's insulting me! I'm not interested in money!

Sun Laodao explained the reason why he wanted this Goubao: Goubao was originally a holy medicine for detoxifying and curing sores, and this devil Goubao was perfect, even more so. He wants to use this thing to refine elixirs, and then he will be able to detoxify high-level poisons.

Moreover, there are powerful adventurers in Fengtian City who are cursed by demons and are suffering from hell ghost face sores, so they just come in handy.

As for the Hell Bite, it is a pair of gloves, and the attack comes with various special effects such as bleeding, armor piercing, poisoning, disease, and weakness. A very nice weapon for some fit people.

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