Magic card gods

Chapter 444: Luban Wooden Kite and Ancient Witch Saber

Looking across the sea, the scene here is already different from that in the northeast.

Even monsters and specialties are starting to change.

In the Northeast, there are many European and American style magical monsters.

In the pseudo-imperial palace in Huanglong City, even the corpse king Huoba is a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

Monsters are either western-style demons, goblins, or goblins, or skeletons, cavemen, and mechanical demons.

Even the zombie guards with knives in the cemetery or the Forbidden City, their movements are as stiff as iron.

But here, the monster's style actually began to lean towards the traditional.

Even if there are zombies, they are still bouncing around, which are different from the zombies in Fengtian City. Some elites are still wearing the official uniforms of the last dynasty!

There are other wild monsters, and they all tend to be more traditional.

There are human figures walking upright, rake cats holding various agricultural tools, dogs with sickles, geese with hoes, and pigs with hammers.

There are also more professional monsters that form forces in the wild, and even occupy ruins or caves to operate strongholds.

For example, a wild cat spirit wearing simple cloth armor and holding a spear!

There is also a wild wolf monster wearing a gray and blue uniform with the word "courage" on his chest with a simple knife!

There is also the green leather backpack kid with extremely convenient legs, fast speed, and walking like the wind.

This monster is called the Scavenger. It is only 1.3 meters tall. It is dark green all over. It has pointed ears, fangs, and copper bell eyes. It specializes in stealing things, and it runs very fast.

At first, Katu and the awakened people from Fengtian City were not familiar with each other, and they were robbed of many spoils. If you can't catch up, you can't catch up!

There are capable people in the local area who set traps and throw things to trap this little ghost, because this little ghost has a lot of things in his backpack, and sometimes there are particularly valuable ones.

It's true that there is no way to pick up lost things!

There are also many barren tombs and mass graves in this ancient land.

The monsters in this kind of place are usually gravediggers, corpse dogs, ghosts in red, giant tomb rats, etc., and the style is always biased toward domestic production~

The various herbs, minerals and coins here are also different.

The currency that exploded from the monster in the northeast is magic currency, but the currency in this area is something called Tongbao and Zhuoyu. Things like copper coins and turbid low-quality jade.

This thing also has a strong magic power and can be used as a material for many formations or enchantments.

Sun Laodao felt that the harvest was huge, many herbs and ores were excellent alchemy materials!


A team of five low-level carders ventured in the black forest outside Donglai Port, hunting monsters and collecting special products along the way.

This area is called Asan, Peeling Forest!

They came here this time, naturally wanting to try their luck. It is not easy to participate in a land reclamation.

Just in time, Daoist Sun Kaien issued a mission to collect a large amount of turbid jade.

He got acquainted with a local professional and learned that he had a wooden kite left by Lu Ban's ancestor in his hand, which could fly in the sky by itself.

Sun Laodao really wanted to buy it and study it, but the price was not low, and he only wanted muddy jade.

So Boss Sun issued a mission, and the mission reward is Peiyuan Dan, which can add 1 point to the basic attributes.

However, although this peeling forest is an undeveloped virgin land, so the harvest is quite rich, but the risk is also extremely high.

This pair of carders are just newcomers who have just graduated from the academy, a group of wild people who hugged each other to keep warm.

Among them, the most powerful one is a 2nd-tier card disciple, the magic warrior route. It's a dry master with a staff and a sword.

There were many adventures along the way, and the leading Mage Daofu already felt a lot of pressure, and planned to withdraw after one last vote.

Of course, how can it be so simple when the flag is raised?

A katu in the team accidentally bumped into a dead tree trunk, and the dead tree trunk immediately trembled violently and made a buzzing sound!

"Get ready to fight!" Mage Gandaofu yelled, then drew out the sword with his right hand, and added buffs and shields to several people with his left hand.

I saw dozens of huge black-yellow red-eyed hornets "buzzing" flying out of the huge tree trunk!

Each bumble bee is as long as a palm, and its tail sting is as long as a little finger. It is black and shiny!

Captain Gan Daofu's heart was cold, he was not good at secretly, he quickly made a gesture, added a "burning weapon" buff to everyone, and then waved his hand to emit a cone of fire.

It's a pity that less than one-tenth of those bumblebees were directly burnt out and fell to the ground struggling. The rest of the problem was not a big problem, and they started rushing towards a few carders like bombers!

Killer bees are monsters less than tier 1, but the swarm level of the killer bee hive has reached an elite unit of tier 3!

Even if a single killer bee has high resistances, as long as it is careful, it will not be a big problem.

But hundreds of thousands of killer bees, that would be fatal.

The level 3 monsters in this black forest are not easy to choose to provoke them.

In just ten or so seconds, a "crispy" low-level legal card student fell to the ground foaming.

Although the bee venom is not violent, but after passing out in this black forest, how can I pray for waking up.

But the other teammates have already been hit several times, and they can't resist at all, and it's too late to even run!

At this moment, four three-eyed crows suddenly fell from the sky!

A crow spewed dark red Yin fire, another crow flapped its wings and fanned an evil wind, and the third crow started to quack...

A large group of one or two thousand killer bees wobbled in the air.

As soon as the evil wind blows and the yin fire burns, it burns out all life in an instant, turning into a crisp shell and falling to the ground.

At this time, the captain of the boss can still support it somewhat, although the sword in his hand dances like an electric fan, and he also has two bee needles stuck in his body. But the strength is relatively strong, and it can still hold on.

The others were bruised and swollen, their bodies were dull, and they were only a thin line away from foaming.

Everyone quickly took out various antidotes, healing scrolls, and potions, and began to heal their wounds.

Especially whoever fell to the ground before that time had already started to twitch and talk nonsense, and it was too late to save him.

The last three-eyed crow stared at Captain Gan Daofu, with three blood-red eyes staring at him: "What are you looking at?!"

"No! No! Thank you for saving my life!" The boss hurriedly lowered his head in thanks.

Just now he was worried that he had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth again. After all, these strange crows looked no worse than that poisonous bee. But now that you can talk, it's much better.

The last crow opened its mouth and sucked into its mouth twenty or thirty black and shiny bee stings that burst out from the ground. Then the four crows flew away in unison...

This is of course Wei Yuan's Three-Eyed Crow, who was ordered to collect the stings of killer bees. I plan to refine a set of flying needles for fun!

The absolute power of the Three-Eyed Crow is not strong, but it is superior in that it has a high IQ and is capable of some complex tasks, and its methods are very fancy and have great controllability.

The individual strength of the killer bees is very, very low, which is suitable for the three-eyed crows to kill.

At this time, he himself was in the depths of the Black Forest, exploring a ruin.

It used to be a small town here, but it has been swallowed up by the Black Forest for a long time, and the buildings have been destroyed by the Black Forest plants. Trees are growing on the concrete!

He came here because he had received a mission, and if he did it smoothly, he would be able to increase the duration of the adventure by two days.

Speaking of which, the land of Qilu has a long history, leaving behind many ancient families and legends.

This time Wei Yuan wanted to find an ancient witch sacrificial knife in the ruins.

It is nearly eighty miles away from Donglai Port, which is deep in the depths of the Black Forest. Along the way, the monster encountered a large number.

No matter the size of a human head, dozens or hundreds of moths with human faces gathered into clouds and floated across the river in the evening.

What is hiding in the canopy of the tree, hanging a spider silk, suddenly jumps out to catch the prey, a giant hunter spider the size of a truck wheel!

There are swarms of bush dart hairless monkeys that are extremely noisy and like to attack humans.

What is only one meter long but huge in number, forming a tribe in the black forest, hiding in the dark to sneak up on prey, like skinning imps who like to capture and skin their prey alive!

What has wings looks like a giant dragonfly at first glance, but at a closer look it is a bone-eating spirit with transparent insect wings and a body like a human head.

What kind of head with a string of long-haired internal organs, flying around in the sky is a very disgusting flying headman.

What parasitizes all kinds of corpses, controls their movement and even fuses together fungal communities, strange monsters like parasitic weeds.

What gigantic, mutated, and demonized animals!

The strongest monster Wei Yuan encountered was a Tier 3 leader-level tiger demon, four meters long, and already matured. With a machete in hand and hundreds of monsters around him, you are like a king of the mountain!

Bramble vines, small beetles and nanoworms searched for more than an hour, and finally found the ancient witch sacrificial knife that looked simple but was made of gold in an underground space.

This thing was placed on an altar shelf, and in the underground space, there were two giant snakes entrenched.

Tier 3 mid-level monster, Kuafu giant snake in the Black Forest...

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