Magic card gods

Chapter 481 Welcome to My Famine World!

"... loading cards!"

"Loading is complete, welcome to My Hunger World!"

A thick and deep male voice appeared in Wei Yuan's ear: "Hell may not be what we imagined at all!"

Then in a trance, Wei Yuan was already standing on a strange land.

Behind him is the monster Cthulhu-style portal, and the big eyeballs on the top of the door are still whirling around.

Wei Yuan glanced at his body, all the cards and equipment were blocked and disappeared, and he was only wearing ordinary clothes.

The power is also suppressed at the first level. But this world can be "upgraded"!

And it is said that the effect of "upgrade" can be brought out, which is also an opportunity for the dog head senior to make a breakthrough.

As long as he has accumulated enough power in this fantasy world, he can help him break through the bottleneck of the third-order peak when he leaves.

He stood there and waited for twenty or thirty seconds, but no one came out of the portal? !

Wei Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then thought: Was he being tricked by this group of people?

But on second thought: No! Others are fine, at least Zhu Huamei and Mengmeng must be supporting themselves. If others don't come, the two of them will definitely come.

"So, the reason why no one came out of this portal anymore, maybe we were scattered by the portal?! There is one door for coming in, and one door for each person coming out!"

Wei Yuan rubbed his chin, feeling that the possibility is extremely high!

Fortunately, he also made preparations before being dismantled, and Wei Yuan took out a round electronic tracker with a grid display. (The shape refers to Dragon Ball Radar~)

After all, this fantasy world was set up by the boss with a bet, and the rules are special. Originally, it was not allowed to bring any cards and equipment.

However, the 7th-level card master still fought for some benefits for his own people, so each card player can bring cards and equipment with a total energy level of no more than 30.

The tracker in Wei Yuan's hand is a magic device developed by Tianyuan City, which supports customization functions.

Now this tracker has the effect of recording the map around you and indicating the direction.

But the biggest function is to locate the positions of the three of Wei Yuan, so as to prevent them from being separated after entering the fantasy world.

Because the effect of team formation cards in this fantasy world is also suppressed, teleportation and communication are all useless, so as not to be unable to know the opponent's location and fail to meet.

Wei Yuan minimized the map of the tracker, and sure enough, he found three green dots on it, the one in the middle was of course himself, surrounded by a very small bright area, and the larger area was completely dark.

Comparing it, the area of ​​this fantasy world must be very huge, maybe it is an entire continent!

Calculated according to the ratio of the grid, Mengmeng and Zhu Huamei are the closest, about ten kilometers away, and I am much farther away from them, nearly fifty kilometers away!

With Wei Yuan's current physical fitness, which is not much better than ordinary people, it is not a small project to go all the way!

Moreover, the world may not be peaceful. There are not many monsters and ghosts along this road!

Look first!

Wei Yuan began to study this fantasy world.

First of all, it is my own situation. I can’t see the attribute values ​​at level 1 and level 1, but it is estimated that the attributes are only around twelve or three.

What a long-lost feeling of weakness!

But I'm not completely free of cheats, didn't I get a card with 30 energy levels?

Wei Yuan carried forward the card's spirit of hanging on the wall, and downgraded some card seals to compress the energy level as much as possible.

So these cards are now just plain cards, but they can be upgraded, they are "growth equipment"!

For example, this tracker can be upgraded twice to become an excellent magic map tracker!

Wei Yuan believed that other card disciples would certainly not obey the rules honestly.

And this fantasy world itself can also be upgraded, but it is not yet known how to do it. Most likely nothing more than fighting monsters and the like. The upper limit can be raised to level 3 and level 10!

In addition, because everyone is different, they will also get their own exclusive occupations and characteristics.

Wei Yuan discovered this as soon as he entered the fantasy world.

Because in any case, the soul card is the root of the card, the manifestation of the soul, so it cannot be deprived but can only be suppressed.

This occupation and characteristics must be formed according to one's own soul card and soul card!

Because Wei Yuan formed three professions!

First, the alchemist.

Various materials can be collected with bare hands, which can be regarded as the tool effect of the corresponding level.

You can make equipment and props beyond the first level of technology level.

You can explore synthesis, upgrade blueprints, and recipes by yourself.

Second, Summoner.

As the level increases, you can summon and strengthen your own summons.

Third, small town workers.

Complete missions to get rewards and speed up upgrades.

Character Traits: Exploitation.

+10% collection efficiency and income, but vulnerable to hostility from nearby intelligent creatures.

There is a sign in the upper right corner of Wei Yuan's line of sight.

It was something like a dial, with a pointer moving very slowly on it.

The dial is divided into three areas, the largest and bright day area, the smallest and dim dusk area, and the night area which is larger than dusk and smaller than day.

At this time, the pointer is in a quarter of the day zone, corresponding to the current morning.

Below the dial are three signs, a stomach bag, representing Wei Yuan's satiation value; a brain, representing Wei Yuan's mental value; a red heart, representing Wei Yuan's life value.

His hunger value is capped at 200, and when it drops to zero, his health will start to decrease, and it will gradually accelerate.

The upper limit of his mental value is 250. If it drops to zero, he will go crazy and uncontrollable. Basically, this adventure will fail.

His health limit is 220, and he will die when it drops to zero. Unless there are some resurrection items, the adventure will fail.

In addition, each person also brings fifteen item slots and five equipment slots.

Now four of Wei Yuan's five equipment slots have items, namely: Item Tracker, Weapon Zen Staff, Armor Patchwork Clothes, and Jewelry Eighteen Bracelets. Empty the slot for a hat.


I can't find Mengmeng and Zhu Huamei for the time being, so let's look at the present first!

Wei Yuan started his own collection journey.

There were many bundles of thatch on the ground, Wei Yuan stretched out his hand and touched it, and a bundle of thatch appeared in the first grid of the inventory with a crash, showing a number "1"! It appears to be stackable.

"As expected!" Wei Yuan showed a despicable smile!

Compared with other Katus with black eyes, Wei Yuan has a certain understanding of this world!

This must be the world of Don't Starve!

Of course, it is definitely not the "Famine" world that I know, there should be other changes.

The devil world lord Maxwell must have made changes to this fantasy world!

At least Famine World has the character characteristics of different characters, but there are no occupations and levels.

It is normal to have changes, at least the underlying logic will not change.

So, what is the final way to clear this fantasy world? Shouldn't it be infinite survival?

Now is not the time to think about this, Wei Yuan started collecting.

The first is the thatch, and the branches collected from the saplings that can be seen everywhere.

Normally speaking, Wei Yuan can make simple stone axes and pickaxes if he picks up some gravel.

In that way, you can cut big trees, chisel stones, collect some wood and stones, and use them to make other survival tools.

But Wei Yuan's alchemist profession allows him to handle all kinds of materials, so there is no need to waste resources, right?

The most urgent thing is to get something to eat. After Wei Yuan's meal, the time has come to the middle of the day, and the satiety has dropped to 170!

The main reason is that he really feels a little hungry!

Really *immersive survival~

Wei Yuan searched the woods, found two berry bushes, and collected two berries.

After eating one portion, 10 points of satiety will be restored, and the other portion will be saved for cooking with a bonfire at night.

According to his game experience, after this thing is cooked, there should be additional bonuses.

There is a very big threat in this fantasy world, and that is night!

There is great terror in the dark, and people's mental values ​​will start to decline at night, and if they cannot recover too quickly, they will eventually go crazy.

And there are some invisible shadow monsters attacking in the dark night!

Those monsters are afraid of light, and most people wouldn't get through their first night without it!

Card disciples have also learned this information, but they have not experienced that there will definitely be problems. I don't know how many people will be tricked.

Before entering the fantasy world, Wei Yuan told Mengmeng, Zhu Huamei, and Senior Gooutou to be wary of the dark night and the low mental value, and to keep the lights and mental value.

If the mental value is too low, even in the daytime, those shadow monsters will appear around you, trying to attack...

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