Magic card gods

Chapter 503 Only when the name is justified can it win the championship!

Not long after the meeting at the Essinger Tower, many caravans with uniform banners and clothing began to appear in towns and cities of the human race. They brought a lot of cheap and practical goods that were in short supply, and they were very popular.

Because there are many guards with the team, and there are even many tall orcs in armor, so that the robbers, bandits and monsters on the road cannot succeed. Among them are the mayors and lords of many towns...

Taking advantage of this wave of turmoil, many people have begun to live as good citizens in the open and bandits in the dark. Especially the guard forces of some towns. If the goods carried by the caravan were valuable, they might have taken advantage of the dark night and wind to make a fortune.

After all, every catastrophe is when the gap between rich and poor widens.

However, these caravans named "Harmonious Chamber of Commerce" are really strong and stubborn. Many people have suffered a great loss and dare not do anything.

What's even more amazing is the orcs in their team!

You know, in people's previous cognition, orcs, half-orcs, goblins, ogres... these are all unreasonable monsters that choose to eat people.

However, the few alien guards in these caravans appeared to be very peaceful and disciplined, and did not commit any crimes. Even when he was teased by some children and idlers, he didn't get angry. Looks very qualified!

There are even some people who have the courage to chat with him, and they can still chat a few words!

Although the other party seemed a bit naive, he was not the bloodthirsty monster he had imagined before!

They are more like an intelligent race struggling to survive in the wilderness!

Compared with elves and dwarves, they are uglier and live harder.

But it’s different now. They can join the Harmonious Chamber of Commerce and the Harmonious City Isinger, and they can support themselves and their families by working hard and being guards.

They said that if possible, he would like his children to receive a human education.

What an unpretentious wish? ! What a simple and sincere person? !

It turns out that my previous views were all prejudices? ! I discriminated against them? !

Oh my god, what have I done? !

In fact, these people are not all born white and left, but they are just a little more emotional than ordinary people.

However, the pipelined enchanting project that Wei Yuan handed over to Saruman - goodwill, is really effective.

The specially selected excellent image orcs, together with the goodwill enchanted equipment, had a huge impact on those people.

And in a short time afterwards, some bards appeared in various street taverns in the town, and began to sing stories about the naturalization of the orcs.

What "Ancestors in the Wilderness", "Grateful to Nature", "Unity and Harmony Concerto", "Fearless Orc Guard" and so on.

These are all "brainwashing Divine Comedy" created by Zhou Yang. As for those bards, it's because the money is in place!

In fact, in the beginning, because of these unusual guards in these caravans, many towns were not even allowed to enter.

But for the sake of gold coins, there is nothing in this world that is forbidden! Sugar-coated bullets are designed to hit the weak points of human nature!

Isn't it just appropriating money to spread dog food? Wei Yuan has long been familiar with the US emperor's set!

In other words, there is no internet, otherwise Wei Yuan would have set up a bib!

Because of this massive "name rectification (whitewashing) action", the nearby human kingdoms soon began to spread the word about the harmonious city of Essinger.

Legend has it that it is a land where all races can coexist harmoniously, where the homeowners own their houses and the tillers have their fields.

Everyone creates wealth with their own wisdom and hard work, everyone can get the care of the society, and everyone actively cares about the society. Men have rooms, women have families, social harmony, people's security...

There is no exploitation and oppression, no lords, mayors and tax collectors, no right of first night and no conscription to war!

Everyone there can live a prosperous and healthy life!

That's right, it was the "lighthouse country on the scarf" more than ten years ago!

Harmonious Isinger, the main slogan is "harmonious coexistence, equality and freedom, happiness and prosperity"!

Soon, although I hadn't seen it before, Isinger, the city I had dreamed of, became everyone's common ideal paradise!

Wei Yuan: Isn't it just throwing coins? I am a master of alchemy, all gold coins are printed, are you afraid of flooding? !

In the final analysis, it is just a matter of "we occupy the position of public opinion, and the enemy occupies it".

I can't say much, because that group of people happens to be in charge of this area. I understand everything (funny)!


Why do you want to do this?

If Essinger intends to fight for world hegemony and completely reverse his fate, now is the best time.

Running amok in the fantasy world is simply a godsend opportunity!

But trying to rely on a group of dark creatures to dominate the continent is even more unreliable than Sauron's undead disaster plan.

Could it be that you want to create a dark continent full of dark races?

In the end, races such as humans, elves, and dwarves have to be added!

Then there has to be an explanation.

Anyone who has played Heroes of Might and Magic knows that a team of mixed races will lower morale. If you don't have a reasonable slogan, that's absolutely impossible!

As the saying goes, if the name is not right, the words are not right. You are a bunch of ugly monsters wreaking havoc everywhere, and you still want to fight for world hegemony?

Don't you see what people say about you? !

People's hearts are something that can never be seen or touched, but it is floating above the head. When it really falls in front of you and you realize it, that means the problem is serious!

If the path is wrong, it will be difficult to deal with it in the later stage!

Therefore, Wei Yuan set the slogan of "City of Harmony, All Races Prosper Together"!

With this flag upright, Essinger has a position to join the hegemony!

True or false is not important, the important thing is to make people believe!

As for the future, it depends on one's ability!

In Wei Yuan's plan, it won't be long before the alien city Batu City that has risen one after another, and the mixed forces of humans, dwarves, and elves that Zhu Huamei has begun to form will all "recognize" after "hard and arduous" negotiations and struggles. "Essinger's thoughts, join in! With great momentum!

During this process, countless news will start to talk about various corruption, oppression and exploitation in the nearby Rohan Kingdom, talk about the improper position of the Rohan Kingdom, the inaction of the monarch, and so on.

Unify the ideological front, distinguish primary and secondary contradictions, distinguish who is the enemy and who is the friend, unite all forces that can be united, mobile warfare, sparrow warfare, encircling the city from the countryside, the vast ocean of people's struggle...

Bringing capitalists will let these uncivilized barbarians know what the art of slaying dragons is!


A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

The cute Batu Town has expanded more than three times!

Many wild populations rushed over in groups after hearing the great lord Hao Mengmeng's fame.

For this reason, Mengmeng, who was a little confused, had to ask her Big Brother Wei to teach her, and at the cost of trying several new knowledge, she learned powerful tactics such as military camps of combat races, joint production of logistics races, and frequent military exercises to oppress nearby small forces to surrender and join. , to replenish supplies...

Now in the Southern Cross Forest, whether it is the Banshee, the Harpy, the Treant, the Bear Man, or the Goblins and Orcs, basically all of them have joined the Tyrant Rabbit City.

Because if you don't join, you will be beaten!

Hao Mengmeng led a team to block the three entrances of an underground goblin tribe. They were so hungry that they almost ate their brothers!

Those harpies who refused to give in because they could fly were used by the goblin wolf cavalry to throw nets bought from Isinger, and they were all over the place!

It’s okay if you take the initiative to join, and you can also guarantee the treatment.

If the combat power is qualified to become the main battle race, the treatment is very high and there is no need to participate in production.

If it is a race with low combat effectiveness, it will be sent to mine, farm, and animal husbandry, and will not be sent to fight.

But if it is captured, it is a slave!

You can't eat enough to do everything, unless you win in the arena or chop off a few enemies' heads, you will be a slave until you die!

Therefore, those Rabbit slaves are the most vicious when they catch slaves!

If you really don't serve Tyrant Rabbit, you will be enslaved by Tyrant Rabbit!

Now the outside world is rumored that the lord of Batu Town is a terrifying existence who can stand a troll on his fist, run a wolf cavalry on his arm, and eat three goblins in one bite!


If it is said that Mengmeng is the way of the overlord, where I see, come, and conquer along the way, then Zhu Huamei is the way of the king.

With extreme charisma and leadership skills (and great kryptonite skills), she pulled a team together in no time.

The main players in the team are adventurers and mercenaries, but homeless vagabonds, refugees who lost their land, businessmen who lost their capital, craftsmen who have been exploited to the point of nowhere... are also recruited.

The few elves and dwarves who lost their homes were even more impressed by Zhu Thrush's charm and force, and they followed her willingly.

Zhu Huamei can be said to be very familiar with the road, black and white can take both, and the upper and lower can kill. In a short period of time, she has pulled together an all-round mercenary group from logistics to combat!

Then she led the elite to take down several monster lairs, won the core of the lair, and had the core competitiveness.

In these wild monster lairs, some monsters will appear regularly.

If you get the lord of the lair core, you can spend resources and gold coins to recruit those monsters or arms to fight for you.

Of course, "salary" is also given every week! People don't recognize the set of blessings!

In short, among the mainstream population, Zhu Thrush is a rising star visible to the naked eye! Recently, they even began to seek to build a city!

Some young nobles and lords have the idea of ​​gaining both money and wealth.

(Wei Yuan suddenly felt that Zhu Huamei was a bit like Griffith of the Eagle Group in Legend of Sword Wind! It's not auspicious! Send Ashe, Katie, Clockwork Demon and others over there~ )

At this time, what the elf Katu Thornes and the others had done finally began to backfire.

Aragorn, the king of Gondor, who had just taken office for less than half a year, issued a denunciation, wanting to crusade against the elf rebel Thornes and others who invaded the elf city Rivendell where his elf queen lives!

Some people may say, what kind of elf's internal affairs are you meddling with as a human being?

Not to mention, they are really qualified.

He is a hybrid of human and elves, and he is married to the princess of Rivendell, so it's your turn to object~

However, just as Gondor dispatched troops, Sauron of Mount Doom also started to move!

Wei Yuan, who noticed all this through the crystal of true knowledge, said with a smile: "We have to prepare too!"

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