Magic card gods

Chapter 6 The perfect card that is determined to win

In places like the black market, where information is not equal and transparent, and where gambling is a big part of it, people often catch their eyes, and naturally some people miss it.

Even if it is an authenticated card with complete information, its value may not be accurately evaluated.

Just like the "Thunder Strike (Green)" that Wei Yuan strengthened before, you know it's a skill card, and you know it can cause area damage and slow down. But do you know the specific effect? Once this thing is bound, it's not easy to take it off!

To evaluate a card, many times even its level, name, effect, description, and even production conditions must be considered.

Evaluating a card is a test of a card player's vision, experience and luck. Not to mention there are so many cards with incomplete information.

Therefore, it is really not easy to pick up leaks.

And picking up big leaks is even more difficult!

West City is a gathering place for low-level card players, and high-level cards rarely appear. Elite (blue) is already a very compelling card here.

And to be called a big leak, it must be an excellent level, right?

This kind of excitement is a must-see. Don't look at them, they are not Chinese!

So Wei Yuan hurried over.

At this time, the people over there had already surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and they were all talking about this big leak. Wei Yuan didn't even need to open his mouth to ask, but he heard the ins and outs.

It turned out that an old card player who was almost forty years old and still stuck in the second level, unexpectedly opened a perfect card (red) in a card game!

Card levels are divided into seven levels from low to high: normal (white), excellent (green), excellent (blue), perfect (red), epic (purple), legendary (orange), and mythical (gold)!

Regardless of whether it is a card player or a card, the fourth level is a hurdle!

If the card player reaches the fourth level or the card reaches the perfect level (red), it will be much stronger than before, which can be said to be a leap in quality.

At the same time, the fourth level is also the watershed between low-level Katu and middle-level Katu.

To be able to draw a perfect card in the card game, how many good cards did this person receive in his previous life?

Here we must talk about gambling cards.

There are two types of gambling cards. The first is to buy some cards that have not been identified or even have any information like Wei Yuan. Bet on your luck or knowledge.

Cards are a collection of souls and spirits, and cards will naturally be generated in many places in the wild.

Most of these cards have little or no information at all.

From material cards, low-level materials, low-level equipment, to rare materials, mid-level equipment skills, from ordinary cards to excellent cards are all possible.

It even gave birth to the profession of scavengers.

Scavengers are ordinary people who hunt for cards for a living.

They look for cards in any corner of the wild, a bit like people panning for gold or picking up jade.

The wilderness outside the city is very dangerous for some low-level carders. These ordinary people risked their lives to find the cards, it can be said that they put their heads on their waistbands.

According to statistics, the number of scavengers who die in the wild in Tianyuan City exceeds 40,000 every year! Accounts for a quarter of the annual death population!

This is a veritable high-mortality occupation. However, with a population of 30 million in Tianyuan City, the pressure to survive is huge, and many people have to work hard to survive.

The irony is that some people died in the wild because of this, but instead generated cards because of their grievances!

In addition, there is another way to gamble on cards, which is to open card packs.

After Katu dies, there is a chance that a card pack will drop. The level of the card pack matches the level of the dead card player.

The picture of the card pack is a big red question mark. Only the level of the card pack (frame color) can be seen, and the content is unknown.

How many cards, what level, and what cards can be opened in the card pack are all random.

Although some people say that what cards can be drawn is related to the card player who drops the card pack itself. But when gambling cards, you don't know who the original owner of the card bag is. Unless you killed it yourself...

Card package trading is illegal on the surface. In order to reduce the possibility of card players fighting each other, the card package trading is strictly prohibited.

But where there is demand, there is a market. Card gambling is very popular in the black market, especially for card packs.

Because many Katuka with mediocre potential have been in the low-level for a long time, they can't gain much from the fantasy world. Instead, they take huge risks every time they take risks.

It doesn't matter if you have the funds to buy a premium card, and if you have money, you don't necessarily have channels. After all, perfect level cards are already priceless.

So it's better to gamble on luck and see if you can get a high-level card in your lifetime, so that you can make another leap forward!

But this time, this old man made his bet!


This old man looks loyal, and he may not have enjoyed such high-profile treatment before, so he is a little at a loss when surrounded by everyone.

I heard that this old man has been stuck in the second level for twelve years, and he is almost forty years old now. It is absolutely impossible to take risks in the fantasy world.

The gains from the low-level fantasy world are not helpful, and the high-level fantasy world is too risky to bear. In the end, I can only try to go sideways.

Card players all have their own limits. According to the strength of the bound cards, their own level will start to slow down when they reach a certain level. After all, the source of the card's power is the card. If the upgrade of the bound card is stagnant, it will be difficult to improve the level.

Card players upgrade their own levels to accommodate more and stronger cards, and more and stronger cards promote card players to continue to upgrade. This virtuous circle is more difficult to maintain as it goes on, once it is broken, growth will be unsustainable.

Therefore, Katu is very important at the low level. Once the start is mediocre, this virtuous circle will soon end, and then stagnate.

This is the reason why those card players with background and resources have great innate potential-they know this and will try their best to create advantages in the early stage.

And those grassroots card players will soon fall into a situation where they cannot improve because of their initial ignorance and hastily bound the first few cards. In order to get through this bottleneck period, the only option is to go to the high-level fantasy world to take risks and try your luck.

If you can get a powerful card that suits you, it is possible to go further. But that's a gamble!

This old man has been gambling cards in the black market for several years. He has lost and won back and forth, but he has not gained much. If you really care about it, there may be more small losses. After all, losing in gambling is the norm...

In the past few years, although he has gained a few times, it is not enough to support his brother to go further. As a result, after all these years, not to mention bankrupt, he was quite poor.

This time, he planned to stud for the last time. If he still didn't get anything, he would give up his way forward and find a logistics post in the city. No matter how he lived, his life was much easier than ordinary people.

Unexpectedly, an excellent card package (blue) actually issued an excellent card, an excellent card, and a perfect card!

Big money!

As long as he sells this perfect card, he will have enough capital to buy a card that suits him, and it is almost at hand to attack the third-tier card master!

He was clutching the perfect card tightly in his hand, with a longing smirk on his face.

When Wei Yuan saw this card, he was shocked suddenly, as if struck by lightning. A feeling of stepping on iron shoes and nowhere to find, appeared all at once!

This card is very important to him!

The picture of this card is a mysterious spell that exudes light, surrounded by a strange red frame, and the name is: Domination spell.

Dominion Talisman (Red)

perfect skill card

Use: Permanently control a monster. The cooldown is seven days.

(consumes 50% of the total power level)

"To rule others, to rule some; to rule yourself, to rule all."

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