Magic card gods

Chapter 98 Great Harvest and Miniature Land Cards

【Iron Corpse (Green)】

[Excellent grade item card/material/sundries]

[Zombie: An incorruptible corpse that has been corroded by the power of hell. 】

[Iron Armored Corpse: The body has changed and the defense is amazing. 】

[(special material/corpse)]

【"Ordinary people really don't need about you buy it back as a rare funeral object?"】

This was caused by the armored corpse that Bipbab and the others had stalked and killed. Unexpectedly, it exploded itself.

I exploded myself, it was so rigid!

But it's actually a material card, a zombie that has turned into a dead body as a material? !

In addition to this card, the various mobs that entered the Black Forest of the Royal Garden also exploded a lot of cards.

Skill Card:

【Corpse Cold (Green)】

[Excellent level skill card/passive effect/permanent]

[Corpse Touch: Your physical attack will cause the enemy to freeze, chill, tremble and other negative effects. 】

[(Binding requires 12 physique, not pure yang, light and other repulsive physiques)]

【"No, it's the green corpse cold warning!"】

【Zombie Power (Green)】

[Excellent Skill Card/Cultivation Technique]

[Binding: let you learn zombie skills. 】

[Zombie Skill: After learning it, the body becomes harder, the defense power is greatly increased and the poison resistance is very high, but the joints are not flexible. 】

[(Binding requires level 1, level 2, 14 constitution)]

【"The little zombie is white and white, with two arms stretched out. It doesn't eat meat or vegetables. It's so cute jumping around."】

For these two skill cards, Shihan is definitely not worth the price. The value itself is not high, and the binding also requires physique.

However, this zombie skill may be of interest to some card players like fighters. I guess so……

Equipment card:

[Blood Vine Clothes (Green)], [Deadwood Emblem (Green)], [Thatched Grass Belt (Green)], [Zombie Velvet Armor (Green)], [Corpse Poison Claws (Green)], [Ring of Index Finger ( green)】.

The blood vine clothes are made from the vines in the black forest, long-sleeved breastplate, defense power 1, spirit +1, slightly improved spell effects. Because the battle in the black forest was basically done by Wei Yuan alone, so the blood vine clothes belonged to him.

The dead wood emblem was created by the old tree monster. It is an accessory emblem, without adding attributes, but it can summon a treant below the second level to fight for half an hour. Wei Yuan bought it.

Thatched Girdle +2 Spirit, slightly increases recovery speed. Zhou Yang bought it from Wei Yuan.

The Zombie Velvet is a leather armor that looks more like a white sweater.

There are two centimeters of white hair growing on the outside of this leather armor. Although the defense power is very good at 2, and it also has +1 constitution, but everyone thinks that this thing is like the white hair on a certain zombie. The thought of potentially wearing a zombie skin is something no one wants. I am afraid that my old age will be unknown.

The Poison Claws are a pair of poisonous sharp claws, none of the six can use them, but some assassins in the Rogo camp are good at using claws, so they can be sold to them.

The shape of the index finger ring is even more curious, it is a dry and bent zombie index finger, wearing this ring is like a finger hooking you! And the attribute is to increase poison resistance, so let's sell it.

Item card:

[Blood of the Dead (White)], [Zombie Tongue (White)], [Strangling Withered Vine (Green)], [Corpse Poison Bead (Green)].

The blood of corpse transformation is a small bottle of viscous black blood, a consumable, one drop can turn a corpse that has been dead for no more than seven days into a walking corpse, but it is uncontrollable, and it will attack whoever is caught.

Zombie Tongue is a kind of rhizome herbal medicine, after eating it, people will appear in a state of suspended animation for 6 hours. It's just that this thing does look like a stiff human tongue. Tongue kissing with a zombie... I guess it's not easy to talk!

Strangling withered vines can be regarded as Wei Yuan's exclusive trophy. Throw out a bunch of withered vines that look like twine, and this thing will automatically bind enemies within the range. To some extent, this thing is very suitable for the style of Wei Yuan's team.

The corpse poison pearl can detoxify the corpse, and stuffing it into the mouth of the corpse can also prevent the corpse from changing. Bought by Bipbab.

Summon card:

[Three Jumping Corpse (Green)], [Zombie Talisman (Green)].

Three jumping corpses This card can summon three jumping corpses above level 1 to fight for 1 hour, and was bought by Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan also asked Bipbabu to buy his card that can summon a scarecrow. Bipbab is an old fritter, more or less because he has some guesses about Wei Yuan's route. After all, basically as long as the cards are summoning cards, Wei Yuan is very interested.

Wei Yuan paid a high price, and this card was really useless to him, mainly because of its low level, so he sold it on a favor.

As for the Zombie Charm card, that's amazing! This is the summoning card commonly known as "little pet card"!

Using this card, you can summon a Q-version little zombie to be your little pet.

Although small pets basically have no fighting power at all, they can't stand the rich people's liking!

Especially the summoning of this kind of little pet does not need to consume energy levels, so many ordinary people with status and financial resources like to collect it, and they even held a little pet fighting competition!

When Bipbab saw this card, he was so excited that he almost leaked urine!

"I was lucky enough to see a small pet card auction two years ago! Mad, a rock armor spider sold for 300,000! This little zombie is much more popular than the rock armor spider! Maybe it can be sold for 500,000 Ten thousand! Get rich!"

The value of this card can account for almost half of the proceeds of this adventure.

Everyone issued a contract card to sign the contract together, put this card in Wei Yuan's hands first, and deal with it when they return to Tianyuan City.

As for the rest of the normal level, there are some material cards like zombie nails and zombie teeth, but these are not very useful and not worth the money.

The above are the cards to be distributed by the six people, and the rest are exclusive to Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng, and the part that is released by the corpse king Huoba.

【Thousand-year-old chervil (green)】

【Excellent grade item card/material/herb/consumables】

[Nourishment: Eat directly or cook or use it as medicine, which can greatly restore the lost health. 】

[Replenishing Qi: Eating it can restore vitality and make up for some dark and serious injuries. 】

[(Eating too much may cause a little insignificant side effects)]

【"As the saying goes: October radish and small ginseng~"】

I don't know what Huo Ba means by wearing this thing on his body? As for the so-called side effects, Wei Yuan knows that if you eat too many radishes, you will fart!

[Hell Horn Helmet (Green)]

[Excellent Equipment Card/Armor/Helmet]

[Headed horns: +1 charm, making you look more powerful and more likely to be hated by enemies. 】

[Horned charge: launch a charge to hit the stupid enemy. 】

[(occupies 3 energy levels) (requires 13 strength, 12 constitution) (horn rush consumes 3 energy levels, cools down for 4 minutes)]

【"I have horns on my head, and a tail behind me. Who dares to point, I will lower my head and rush at him~"】

This is Huo Ba who was wearing the horned helmet at that time, looking very arrogant.

It's just that this is a hell horn helmet? This is the horned helmet of Zaun!

【Yinhuo Corpse King (Blue)】

[Excellent Summoning Card/Undead/Zombie]

[Corpse King: The king of zombies, he can command other corpse monsters. 】

[Diamond Body: Hard as an iron stone, hard to hurt by a knife or gun. 】

[Vertical leap like flying: the movement is fast, and it can even slide for a short time. 】

【Boundless strength: possessing great strength and fierce attack. 】

[Yin fire: Ding fire belongs to yin, and the corpse king's fate is special with yin fire, which has extremely high fire resistance, and will not be restrained by many exorcisms. 】

[Blood-sucking: It can suck blood to restore vitality, and even increase strength. 】

[(Summoning consumes 7 energy levels) (The corpse king will be suppressed when he acts in the sun)]

【"Records in "Zibuyu", zombies are divided into eight levels: purple zombie, white zombie, green zombie, hairy zombie, flying zombie, wandering corpse, lying corpse, and boneless.\

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