Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 131: madman

The banquet hall instantly became a dead silence.

There were still some people whispering in the audience, but after hearing the last number that Ross’s director said, everyone was shocked and couldn’t speak at all. The grand banquet hall was quiet as if it was a moment. Even a needle can be heard clearly.

The death did not last long. After a while, a loud bang in the hall blew.

"Five million gold coins? God is on! Is this true?"

"No? How can the new Feishang loan so much?"

"Yeah, even if you sell the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce, you can't afford it so much? 500,000 gold coins are enough!"

“When did the Chimera Chamber of Commerce become so good? We last time filed a loan application for them with less than 800,000 gold coins. How can we apply for a full five million gold coins through the New Flying Chamber of Commerce?”


Everyone’s eyes are full of incredible.

The most incredible of these is of course President Morgan.

He stared at Ross's principal, and if it wasn't for so many people around him, he even wanted to rush to the stage, and slammed the face of Ross's principal to see if he was pretending to be someone else.

However, reason tells him that this Rossian's principal is indeed the Rossian who he had contacted several times in the city of Anweimar. It is impossible to pretend by others.

What is the use of Xu to find someone to pretend to be? If this kind of thing is not recognized by the Chimera Chamber of Commerce, does Xu dare to do it casually?

After half a sigh, Morgan’s president slowly returned. I looked at Xu Yi deeply and turned to ask the Rossian: "Ross Lord. Can I ask a question?"

Ross’s director nodded lightly: "Excuse me."

"I would like to ask, why does the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce let you Chimera Chamber of Commerce agree to the loan application of up to five million gold coins?" Morgan said.

This question can be said to be a concern of all people. When Morgan was asked, everyone would look to Ross.

Who knows that Ross’s director saw Morgan’s president, but answered with no expression: “I’m sorry, there is no comment on this issue.”


A sigh rang.

Disappointment is disappointing, but everyone is very clear. The answer to the Ross Lord is also understandable.

Why is the loan, after all, related to the secrets of the Chimera Chamber of Commerce, and Ross’s failure to answer is also expected.

President Morgan’s face twitched twice and nodded.

See no one has any doubts, Count Satsuma stood up at the right time and announced that the auction would continue.

However, the auction continues, which means that President Morgan must face the sky-high price of 1.8 million gold coins proposed by Xu.

Although the Joseph family gave instructions to President Morgan before coming to the auction. The two iron ore must be won at any cost, but the valuation of this smaller mine within the Falcon Chamber of Commerce is only between 800,000 gold and 1.2 million gold coins. Just now Morgan will grow up. When it was 1.66 million gold coins, it was far beyond the budget.

Now, if you want to overwhelm the bid of Hwang’s 1.8 million gold coins, it is even more than a big cut.

The auctioneer who returned to the stage again saw the president of Morgan did not speak for a long time, could not help but cough. Remind; "The new Feishang Chamber has 1.8 million gold coins. Is there any higher? If not, the mine will be owned by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce."

Everyone looks to President Morgan.

At this time, President Morgan’s cold sweat on his forehead was several times more than that of Brno’s president. He looked at Xu Yi and looked at the auctioneer. Hesitated for a long while, and finally raised his hand before the auctioneer picked up the raft. Gently shouted: "One hundred and eighty-five thousand."

"Two million." The last word of President Morgan just spit out, and Xu also immediately shouted a number.

Everyone in the hall took a sigh of relief at the same time.

Two million gold coins!

Just for one is not a particularly large iron ore!

And Xu also directly added to the 2 million from 1.85 million in one breath, which is more domineering than the former Morgan president!

Everyone looked at Xu Yi’s eyes as if they were watching a madman.

This Xu also knows what he is doing?

Does he think that two million gold coins have fallen in the sky?

Even if your new airline will not know the reason for getting a huge loan of 5 million gold coins from the Chimera Chamber of Commerce, but you can't squander it like a low-level upstart?

When I think of a nouveau riche, everyone suddenly thinks about it. Compared with many rich and well-known big business associations here, is Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce a nouveau riche?

However, whether it is a nouveau riche or not, Xu has already opened this price. Will Morgan still meet or not?

President Morgan took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead hard. He found that the original clean handkerchief was soaked all at once, and his hand with a handkerchief shook involuntarily.

"Damn guy!" President Morgan looked at Xu Yi, who still had a light smile in the distance, and groaned in disgust.

If it wasn't for this guy who suddenly ran out of the game, he could take the iron ore at a price of 1.66 million.

Although this price is still high, it is still acceptable.

However, Xu has also reported the price of two million gold coins, which is beyond the capacity of President Morgan.

President Morgan continued to sweat and hesitated, and until the auctioneer finished three times, the raft fell, but he never made another sound.

“Two million gold coins! Congratulations to the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce for winning this auction and obtaining the mining rights of the No. 1 mine for 50 years!”

The sound of the auctioneer echoed in the banquet hall, but did not cause any response, even the courtesy applause did not appear.

Everyone looked at Xu Yi and Morgan, and his expression was extremely strange.

President Morgan finally gave up the bidding, and it was not surprising that everyone was disappointed. After all, the price of two million gold coins was too high. It has gone far beyond everyone's psychological expectations.

As far as the algorithm is concerned, the Chamber of Commerce has a great career and its strength is exceptionally strong. But it can't be squandered at random, and Morgan's choice to give up is also reasonable.

Xu also used this price to obtain the mining rights of this mine, but no one would be happy for him.

With such a huge amount, even if the new Feishang will immediately start mining, it is impossible to earn the principal back in a short time.

What's more, the money is still borrowed from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to the Chimera Chamber of Commerce. The Chimera Chamber of Commerce is not a charity. This is a higher interest rate than the loan. If the new Flyer will not operate properly. I am afraid that even the interest can not afford, and in the end it may even cause the entire chamber of commerce to be directly dragged down by interest.

For the vast majority of people, Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce actually made an extremely stupid choice.

So the first auction ended in a strange silence, and the new Feishang Chambers acquired the mining rights of smaller mines at an amazing price of 2 million gold coins.

However, this piece of silence was immediately shattered by the one-and-a-half auction at the beginning of the second auction.

The No. 2 mine is much larger than the No. 1 mine, and the value of the mine is much larger. The starting price is only 700,000 gold coins.

Perhaps it was the madness of the first auction, or many chambers of commerce that stared at the larger mine from the very beginning. So at the beginning of the auction, there were a bunch of people screaming out.

The starting price of 700,000 gold coins was pushed to a million gold coins in a blink of an eye, and then rocketed to 1.5 million.

But when a representative of a chamber of commerce was about to report a bid of 1.5 million, the president of Morgan, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

If you don’t open it, an opening will shock everyone.

"two millions!"

Actually, the price was directly increased by 500,000 gold coins!

Once again, the hall was quiet and everyone looked at the president of Morgan. It was found that his expression on his face was a little embarrassing.

Everyone suddenly understood, this time, President Morgan was afraid that he would not give up the mine anyway.

Otherwise, the Falcao Chamber of Commerce will be empty-handed this time.

After a pause, a representative from the Chamber of Commerce from Anweimar City shouted the bid of “2,500,000”.

And he just finished. President Morgan directly shouted "2.3 million."

Although it did not raise 500,000 gold coins at once, it added a total of 250,000 gold coins. Still very amazing.

Even more striking is what Mrs. Morgan said after the bidding.

"This mine, we must get the Falcao Chamber of Commerce, whoever wants to grab it, that is to be an enemy with our Falcao Chamber of Commerce! In addition, you think clearly, even if you get this mine, you have the ability to mine it. ?"

This is simply a threat to the nakedness of "chi luo".

The Earl of Satsuma frowned, and there was some dissatisfaction in his heart, but then the eyebrows stretched out and did not express any opinions.

Seeing that everyone did not make a sound, President Morgan turned to Xu Yi, and snorted: "Hui Huichang, how? Do you want to increase the price? You suddenly lent 5 million gold coins from the Chimera Chamber of Commerce, and now With three million remaining, aren't you going to come back to fight with our Falcon Chamber of Commerce?"

Xu also looked at Morgan's president and looked innocently: "Mr. Morgan, what are you talking about? Don't you forget, you said to me before, the companions of our federation are good friends, everyone. Should help each other, how can we compete maliciously? Besides, lending five million gold coins does not mean that I have to spend all of it. Isn’t it true? If I use the two million now, it will be a headache for me. It’s not that our Chamber of Commerce produces magic machinery. It’s too expensive to consume iron ore. In fact, my interest in this mine is not great. Are you saying yes?”

President Morgan stared at Xu Yi with a sigh of relief.

However, Xu has already revealed the meaning of retreat. He naturally will not say anything more, but he has been staring at Xu Yi, and see if he will raise the price at the last minute as he did just now.

However, until the auctioneer counted down and dropped the raft to announce the end of the auction, Xu also just kept a smile, closed his mouth and said nothing.

After hearing that the auctioneer announced that the Falcao Chamber of Commerce had obtained the mining rights of the iron ore, President Morgan had a long breath, as if he had just finished a big fight and the whole body was relaxed.

Xu also died at this time, and laughed at the president of Morgan: "Congratulations, this mine has finally fallen into the hands of your Falcao Chamber of Commerce. Unfortunately, our new flyer is really The strength is not enough, otherwise I really want to compete."

President Morgan snorted heavily, thinking that if it wasn't for you, the two iron mines would be in the bag of the Falcao Chamber of Commerce.

There is one less now, and the Joseph family will be so dissatisfied. President Morgan does not know what kind of punishment he will receive next.

Xu also suddenly walked into two steps and lowered his voice to Morgan. "Yes, President Morgan, we are now starting a research on some of the magic machinery used in mining since we started a mine." Are you interested in the Falcao Chamber of Commerce?"

President Morgan looked at Xu Yi and found that his expression was very serious. It didn't look like he was telling lies, so he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Although President Morgan is very much looking down on a small chamber of commerce such as the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, he has to admit that the magic machines produced by the new Feishang Chambers are very novel and easy to use. The most obvious example is the farmland magic machinery.

If Xu is really interested in developing some mine magic machinery, it may indeed be of great help to the Falcao Chamber of Commerce.

Thinking of this, the expression on the face of President Morgan quickly changed a little bit with amazement, revealing a kind smile, and said to Xu Yi: "Of course, I am interested. Would it be better to talk to me in detail?"

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