Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 134: Sanmei Peer

Two days later, a carriage left the avenue to the west of Bangta City and turned to the mountain line next to the road.

A thin arm opened the curtain, and Vivienne’s little face came out of the window. After looking at the scenery outside, she couldn’t help but marvel: “The original dwarves lived in this deep mountain. No wonder. It's hard to see them."

"That was before, it would be too easy to see them now." Steele's voice floated out of the car. "Wei Wei'an, wait until the Chamber of Commerce restarts work. If you want to see the dwarf, you can see hundreds of dwarves at any time by going to the magic machine shop in the Chamber of Commerce."

"Yeah." Vivian nodded hard. "Now the people in Bangta City are not so curious about the dwarves?"

"But they should be very curious about the elves, you say yes, Miss Yanis?" Steele's last words turned to Yanis on the other side of the carriage.

Yanis seriously thought about it and nodded. "It should be. Our elves are more disliked than humans in the dwarfs. They have not appeared in front of humans for hundreds of years. It is normal to be curious about us."

"But now your tribe is going to be exposed to humans, Miss Yanis, don't you feel nervous?" Steele asked again.

There is nothing more helpless in the tone of Yanis: "There is no way, our tribes are facing difficulties now, and it seems that only you humans can solve these difficulties. In order to survive, even if they are re-exposed to humans, there is no way. Besides, I think that President Xu is right. You are not everyone, everyone is a bad person. Besides, there are good people like Xu, who are really willing to help us solve difficulties, like Wei Wei’an and our elves. A person who is as pure as a soul. Another person who is as elegant and beautiful as Miss Stil, is what I like very much."

Steele's face was slightly red: "Thank you for your compliment. But I think this is only your luck. The first human being encountered is Xu. This guy is a profiteer, but he is still very good. Since he promised to help you, it will definitely do it."

Yanis nodded. "Yes. After many contacts with President Xu and my observations staying with him during this time, I think he should be a trustworthy human."

When Steel’s eyes turned, he suddenly asked: “Yes. Yanis, you said that you have been with Xu Yi during this time, is it all the time? Is it even sleeping and taking a shower? Are you following?"

Yanis’s facial expression, nodded again: “Yes”

Steele opened his eyes in surprise: "When he was taking a bath, you are also next to him? Isn't he seen by you?"

Yanis did not seem to understand the meaning of Steele at all. She couldn’t understand the truth: "Is it light, what is wrong with this?"

In front of the carriage, Xu also violently coughed and his voice of shyness.

"Cough... cough... I said Yanis. Why didn't you tell me before, when you were taking a shower, you were next to you?"

Yanis opened the curtain of the carriage and asked Xu, who was driving. "Because I don't think there is any problem. Why do you care about this problem with Miss Steele?"

Xu also slowed down the carriage and looked back at Yanis. When she saw her innocent expression, she could only helplessly sigh and look at Steele with a strange expression. Someone was angry and said: "You still laugh! I don't know if she is blinded by her. Is it good for me to suffer?"

Steele snorted softly: "You are a man, what is good and bad. Yanis is such a beautiful elf girl, and she suffers from losing."

Xu also shook his head and decided not to argue with Steele about the problem.

But after seeing Steele and Janice after a conversation. The relationship between each other seems to have eased a lot, and it is not safe.

Originally on this trip today, he was prepared to go alone with Janice. However, when I started, I found out that because Evita and Akali had already returned home, Vivian had no place to entrust and could only bring it.

And Steele doesn't know why, because he has to come along.

Xu also persuaded that there was no fruit, and in the end he could only be forced to agree.

So in Xu Yi's view, it was a very simple trip, but there were two extra girls.

However, there is also a benefit to this, and there is a lot of excitement on the road, which is not so boring.

Because Xu also invested in the road from the boulevard to the dwarf tribe, the last 20 kilometers of kilometers did not walk as purely as the first time, and drove the carriage and spent it. In less than an hour, you have already seen a thick smoke in the distant sky.

"Is there a fire over there?" Looking at the smoke, Steele couldn't help but ask.

"No, those should be the smoke of steel mills and lime plants." Xu also glanced at the smoke that covered the sky in the distance, frowning slightly.

Although this scene reminded him of the situation of the factories on the earth, he had a sense of intimacy, but when he saw this situation, he had to remind him of the serious problem of environmental pollution.

The places where the original Norma and Angolan tribes were located can be regarded as beautiful and pleasant, but since Xu Yi invested in the construction of steel and lime plants here, the smoke from the two factories quickly eroded the environment.

Although the Slubi patriarch and the Monto patriarch did not care much, but because the establishment of these two factories made the tribes happy to have a part of the stable income, Xu also knew the serious consequences of environmental pollution, naturally The ground has created anxiety.

However, the industrialization process on the earth was originally accompanied by serious pollution. No country that can vigorously develop industry can avoid it. Therefore, the mainland of Sainz wants to develop industry according to Xu’s ideas. This is also the only way.

But after thinking about it, Xu also thought of a problem. He developed the magic industry on this continent.

Compared with the industry on the earth, the magic industry has one of the biggest advantages is that energy consumption mainly comes from magic. Almost no pollution.

Since the magic industry involved in the previous negotiations did not have any pollution problems, then the two steel mills and lime plants should be able to avoid this problem.

Xu also wondered how to improve the production process for the two factories. The carriage continued to move forward and it took no time to drive into the Norma tribe.

When Camby and other dwarves returned to the tribe during the factory holiday, they knew that Xu was coming today. Now that they saw the carriage, the dwarves in the tribe greeted them. The head of the Slubby was the leader. .

I saw that Xu was also driving, and the carriage stopped. Jumping out of the carriage, the three images are different, there are big and small beautiful women, and the short people can't help but be a little surprised.

"Mr. Xu, welcome, welcome." The eyes of the sergeant Shilubi passed over the three beautiful women and stayed on Janice. This laughed and extended his hand to Xu.

Xu Yi shook his hand and chilled two words at random. Let the Slubby patriarch take him to the steel mill first.

The steel mill was established by Xu to go to the city of Anweimar before the establishment of the Sharubi patriarch, because the material research of the dwarf tribe has already achieved a breakthrough.

Because the steel that has been named as silver leaf steel added to the silver leaf grass powder has been studied by the dwarves, the characteristics of the steel have been basically mastered. Now the dwarfs can skillfully refine three characteristics. There are different silver leaf steels.

So Xu also directly invested a lot of money, built this steel mill in the Norma tribe, so that the dwarves fully refine the silver leaf steel.

According to Xu’s judgment. Silver Leaf Steel is widely used in this kind of steel. It can replace the ordinary pig iron used in the home magic machine such as Magic Fan, Magic Air Conditioner, Magic Rice Cooker and Magic Light.

If you change into a new type of steel that has excellent hardness and ductility and also has stainless steel characteristics, these home magic machines will surely change dramatically.

As for the large, heavy-duty magic machinery made by the magic machine. Because of the strong requirements on the hardness of steel, silver leaf steel is not suitable.

At this point. Xu also had high hopes for another type of steel that was previously discovered, but because the dwarves have not yet fully mastered it, they are still not expected.

As for the scale of the steel mill that is now used to refine silver leaf steel, it can be said to be extremely small. It is currently put into production for nearly two months, and the total amount of silver leaf steel produced is not more than 10,000 tons.

According to the standards on the earth, the output of the smallest steel mill can not match.

However, Xu is also very satisfied with this.

After all, the steelmaking industry on the mainland of Sainz is just getting started. Besides, the output of this small steel mill is increasing. The first month is only refining less than 3,000 tons. The second month has already Refining more than 5,000 tons.

According to this progress, as long as the dwarves continue to be skilled and improve the refining process, and gradually expand the scale, the steel mill does not say that it has caught up with the level of the earth, at least enough to supply the demand of the new Feifei Chamber of Commerce.

The first time I saw Steeler's Steele, Vivian, and even Elf Yanis were shocked.

This situation is completely beyond their perception.

According to Steele and Vivian, the so-called ironmaking is just a process in which the blacksmiths in the blacksmith shops, both inside and outside Bangta, throw iron ore into the furnace and slowly tame them.

What is present in front of them is a completely different situation.

A pile of iron ore was poured into a huge furnace. The molten iron like magma flowed out from the other end and finally flowed into the mold and gradually cooled into pieces of steel shining with silver and white light.

Whether it is scale or efficiency, and the shock of people, it is far more than many times that of the blacksmith shop.

Steele glanced at the already formed silver leaf steel and asked Xu Yi: "You said last time that the magic fan of the annual production will use new materials. Is this what this is?"

Xu also smiled and nodded: "When the magic fan starts to sell next summer, everyone will be shocked."

Aside from the side, I heard the conversation between the two of you, and then looked at the hot steelmaking in front of me. My confidence in Xu also deepened.

This human being can actually create such a shocking sight, then it should be easy to solve the problems encountered by his own tribes?

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