Magic Industry Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Work with me.

Gordon Eisenka?

Xu Yi was shocked.

This middle-aged man, who looks like a savvy businessman, is rumored to be the richest magician of the entire Lampari kingdom, Gordon Eisenka!

"Hello, Essenck Magi." Xu also quickly made a standard magician etiquette to the other side, while curiously looking at the other's costume.

Somewhat different from the rumors, the Essenck magician's dress is very simple, except for an ordinary dark black magic robe, only a strange bracelet on the wrist.

However, Xu also saw this bracelet, but could not help but shrink his eyes.

If he is not mistaken, this bracelet is an extremely rare natural magic jewelry!

Natural magical jewelry is extremely rare on the Cairns continent, and has some special effects, so each piece can be regarded as the best treasure.

Although Xu does not know what the bracelet is, it will be worn by a great magician like Eysenka. It is definitely a special one in natural magic jewelry. If you take the auction, I am afraid that the minimum will exceed 100,000 gold coins!

If Xu also first saw that this Eisenck magician was plain, then whoever wants to come back to him now says that Essenka's magician is plain, I am afraid that he will immediately spray each other's face and spit.

simple? Is your house simple with treasures worth 100,000 gold coins in your hand?

What's more, this is just a place that Xu can see. God knows what treasures are hidden in other places that can't be seen in the Essenck Magician.

However, this is the Essenck magician dare to do this, in exchange for other people who dare to hang such valuable things on their bodies, I am afraid that they will be handcuffed and snatched away in minutes.

A whimsical thought drifted through Xu’s mind, and when he got up straight, the expression on his face had become a standard courtesy smile.

"Lord Essenck, you suddenly came to our Bangta City, should you come to visit the Camilla Magi? How come to me?" Xu asked.

The Essenck Grand Sorceer glanced at Stil’s hand holding Xu’s hand and smiled. Shaking his head: "No. On the surface, I came to visit Camilla, but in fact, the reason I came here is to come to you with Xu."

Xu Yiran, turned to look at Steele and found that she did not have any surprised expression, it seems that she should have known this already.

"This... Lord Essenck's great magician came to me for a special trip. It was really flattering. Just don't know the great magician, what are you looking for?"

Eisenck's great magician smiled and did not answer: "Mr. Xu, do you not invite me to visit?"

“Are you visiting this factory?” Xu asked with amazement.

"Yes, I am here for them."

Xu also looked at the Essenck Magi inexplicably and thought about it and made a gesture to him.

"Please come with me."

after an hour. The Essenck Magi, who had finished the tour, came to the office with Xu and Steele.

Watching Steele consciously ran to pour two people, the Essenck magician smiled and said: "The last time I came to Bangta City to visit the Camilla Magi, Stil, you. It’s still a ten-year-old girl. I can’t think of this blink of an eye, it’s already become a big girl who has already made a good boyfriend, and she’s going to marry.”

Xu also smiled a little embarrassedly, and Steele put the poured water in front of the Essenck Magi, and smiled: "Eisenka Magi. You are old."

Eisenck's magician laughed: "Yes, I am old. Now the world is already the world of your young people. You see, I thought about applying magic to people's daily life many years ago. Going through life, but there has been no clue, no energy and time to really do it. I can’t imagine that the president has only used the concept of magic application accurately in less than a year, and I have already reached the hearts of the people. I am really self-satisfied."

"You are too modest in the Essenck Grand Sorcerer." Xu also responded with a sentence, and immediately asked: "Hello, the great magician, are you concerned about the practical application of magic?"

"Yes." Eisenck the Great Wizard nodded. "If I don't pay attention to the magic application, I can't make so much money, and if I can't make so much money, I am afraid that my current magical strength can't reach this point. In fact, this is a very simple reason, but I am very It's strange why so many magicians don't know how many people?"

Steele couldn't help but curiously ask: "Essenka Magi. You mean, you are trying to make money so much, in fact, to improve your magical strength?"

"I can't say that completely. I mean, in fact, magic does not conflict with making money. Since you want to be a powerful magician, you must spend money. So why not connect research magic with making money?" The card sorcerer sighed: "I don't understand very much why many of my peers have to be so proud. It seems that the connection between magic and making money is the defilement of magic. They have not thought about it. If there is no money, even magic research can't be done, and why should we improve our strength? By guessing?"

Steele frowned slightly: "Eisenka Magi, how do I feel that you are talking about my grandfather?"

Eisenck's magician haha ​​smiled: "Yes, I am talking about your grandfather. Of course, it means the former him. As for now... I came over this time and found that your grandfather seems to have changed a person, not only I will not talk to me about the cold attitude of disdain as I did before, and I will take the initiative to discuss with me the problems of magic application. Speaking of it, this should be your credit for the president?"

Xu also shrugged: "If you don't see the practical help that the magic application brings to people, I think his old man should still not easily change his mind."

"The actual help you said refers to the magic machinery that your new Feishang will produce?" asked the Essenck Magister.

"Almost." Xu also indulged for a moment and asked: "The Essenka Magi, still say that you came to see me this time. You a big magician suddenly came here, I think it should not Would it be because of small things?"

"Oh, Xu Hui is really an acute child. Well, gossip is here, we talk about business. I came here this time, mainly because I want to come to Xu to talk about cooperation issues." Essenka Great Sorcerer smiles Road.

"Cooperation?" Xu Yi and Steele looked at each other. They all saw the surprise in the other's eyes. “What can I do with you?”

"Since you can work with Camilla, why can't you work with me?" Eisenck's great magician asked.

"What do you mean... want to work with me to study magic machinery?" Xu also asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes. I am very interested in the idea of ​​combining magic and mechanics, and I feel that this is very necessary for in-depth research. If I can do it well, I even feel that this can change the entire Sainz continent! "The Essenck Magi is quite a bit of an impassion.

Although what he said is very in line with Xu’s inner thoughts, but I don’t know why, Xu did not have a little bit of his own thoughts and finally got the excitement of understanding.

I thought about it. Xu also asked: "So how do you plan to cooperate with the Essenck Wizard?"

“It’s very simple. I provide the resources of my own magician, and you provide your new flying business research experience in magic machinery. We cooperate fully and research all the methods that can use magic machinery to replace manpower. With the strength of both of us, I believe that research in this area can definitely achieve rapid development. Think about it, if we succeed in researching more and more magical machinery, the entire Sainz continent is full of magic. Mechanical, what a tempting situation?"

Xu also couldn't be tempted by the excitement of Essenck's great magician. He paused and asked: "How about the results of such research?"

"Of course it is shared by both of us. This is the result of our joint efforts." Essenka's great magician looked refreshed. "Right. I have been co-branded several great magicians more than a month ago and formally submitted a proposal to the Wizards Union for the exclusive right to study through magic. According to the latest news, the union is likely to pass this Proposal. That is to say, the research results we collaborate on will become our own, and you no longer have to worry about other people taking away your research results."

Having said that, the Essenck Magi also took out a piece of paper from his arms and unfolded in front of Xu.

This is a picture above. The above picture is actually a magic fan.

"Look, this is the magic fan that a small chamber of commerce in Anweimar City has researched. It is basically the same as the magic fan of your new flying chamber. I think the magic fan of your new flying club will also want to sell to Anweimar City. However, I am afraid that they will not compete with them. However, if the proposal for exclusive research on magic research is passed by the trade union, we can strictly enforce any magician to work for the chamber through the trade union, otherwise it will violate the rules of the trade union and will be punished accordingly. ”

Xu also glanced at the magic fan on the painting and nodded lightly: "It is true that with protective measures, it will be much better."

"So, let's talk, let's work with me. Only by letting the people in the union see the benefits of the magic application, they can pass the proposal more happily."

Xu also looked at the Essenck magician who was looking forward to it, but he could not stop sneer in his heart.

What do you say about cooperation?

Eisenck's great magician may indeed be able to provide enough magical assistance for his research on magical mechanics on his own.

But in terms of magic research, it is not only the Essenck magician who can provide relevant assistance.

In other words, he is not unique.

Xu is completely different here.

The Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, or accurately speaking, the theoretical knowledge of magic machinery that Xu also possesses is the unique knowledge on the mainland of Sainz, which is impossible for others to have. There is no one to replace Xu.

One can replace, the other can't, and the two sides can't be measured in the same position.

The Eisenck Great Sorcerer said it was very good, claiming that he could use his own resources to assist the new Flyer in magic research, but at the same time claimed to require the research results to be shared.

At first glance, it seems to be good, but in fact, in Xu Yi's view, this Eysenka magician clearly wants to obtain the mechanical theory he does not have from Xu.

Xu also dared that as long as he promised this cooperation, when the Essenck Magi felt that he had mastered enough theoretical knowledge of mechanics, he would definitely kick Xu away.

This kind of cooperation requires that unless you are an idiot, you will agree.

However, Xu also seriously thought about it for a while, but nodded to the Essenck Magi.

"Lord of the Great Sorcerer, I hope we can have a good cooperation."

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