Magic Industry Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 40: I am talking about the standard.

The theme of the banquet of this business association is to discuss how to solve the magic fan of the major chambers of commerce. On the surface, it seems that it has nothing to do with Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, but everyone is very clear and wants to solve this problem perfectly. The attitude of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is crucial.

So Xu Yi and Steele appeared at the banquet. The presidents of other major chambers of commerce, although they were so upset, still showed their enthusiasm to Xu.

However, after the official start of the joint meeting of the Business Federation, this enthusiasm immediately disappeared.

The president of a small chamber of commerce was the first to attack.

"Hui Huichang, you keep saying that all the related materials of the magic fan production technology have been shared. Why is the quality of the magic fan produced by our Chamber of Commerce still worse than your new flying magic fan? Are you hiding? Some important things?"

Xu also gave him a look: "Minta is the president of the tower? I can be sure that all the production technologies related to the magic fan are all shared. As for the difference in quality, I can only say that this is your Chamber of Commerce itself. Don't pay attention, it doesn't matter to me."

President Mita is furious: "Nonsense! Don't forget, the magic machine we used to produce the magic fan and even the entire production line are bought from your new flying company. Even all the workers are guided by your skilled workers. After training, if there is a difference in quality, it can only be that you have not given complete production technology, what is the relationship with us?"

"Oh? Is it?" Xu also smiled and asked: "Minta President, the magic fan produced by your Chamber of Commerce is called the Milgen Magic Fan, right?"

"Yes, it's the Milgen card, what?"

"Well. I have just seen one of the Milgen magic fans. If you remember correctly, the fan blades of this magic fan are a little bigger than our new flying magic fan."

The head of the Mita Tower raised his head and looked proudly: "Yes, it is bigger than your new flying magic fan! So the wind that our Milgen magic fan blows out is much larger than your new flying magic fan. It’s much cooler. How? President Xu, are you regretting that you have not made such improvements like us?”

"Repent?" Xu also smiled and shook his head. "No, how can I regret it. On the contrary, I think your change is very stupid."

Everyone in the meeting room was surprised. I didn't expect Xu to use the word "stupid" directly to evaluate it.

After President Minta stunned, his face sank: "Xu Huichang. It is impossible to say anything, is this stupid stupid?"

"Are you sure you want to hear?" Seeing the president of Mitta slowly nodded, Xu also continued: "Well, I will probably talk about it. Although in theory, if at the same speed, the bigger the fan should blow out." Big wind. But Mita is the president. Have you ever thought about it, in order to keep the larger blades at the same speed, but what price did you pay for it?"

"What is the price? Isn't it all the same?" President Mita, stunned.

"Look like you don't know anything." Xu also shook his head gently. "Well, let me tell you. According to my test of the Milgen magic fan that I started, because its fan blade is 13% longer than our new Flying Magic fan, and the width is 7% more, so The kinetic energy consumed per revolution is about 40% larger than our new flying magic fan."

"And this is only theoretical data. If it is specific to the actual situation, because the air resistance of the fan blade will gradually increase as the rotation speed increases, so as the blade rotates faster and faster, the Millen brand magic fan consumes The kinetic energy will also increase. Mr. Mitta, I can ask you, a standard low-level magic crystal, how long can the Milgen magic fan keep running at the highest speed?"

Upon hearing this question, President Mita's face became a bit ugly and hesitated for a while. This reluctantly replied: "Probably... can you stick to it for about ten hours?"

The other presidents in the conference room immediately became eccentric.

Because everyone knows that there is a word on the advertisement of the new flying magic fan that clearly shows that a standard low-level magic crystal is enough to support the new flying magic fan to maintain the maximum speed for up to three days. !

Before the people produced the magic fan of their own chamber of commerce, they did some experiments on the new flying magic fan. It is determined that this advertising word is not exaggerated.

Compared to the Milgen magic fan can only last for about ten hours, the new flying magic fan light is far away from this point.

Seeing the strange expression on the faces of the people around him, President Mita couldn't help but convinced: "But our Milgen magic fan has a bigger wind and is more comfortable to blow!"

"The wind is not good enough to represent a certain comfort." Xu also smiled and continued to refute. "Minta President, these magic fans that we produce now are for people, so in fact, they don't need that big wind. When your Milgen magic fan maintains the highest speed, the wind blows out is really big, but it is too Big, big enough to make breathing almost difficult. Do you think this effect is good for a home magic fan?"

President Mita was silent for a while, and suddenly sneered aloud: "Mr. Xu, I see that you are simply jealous that our Milgen magic fan can blow such a big wind? You can't do it, and we can't do it. The Chamber of Commerce has done it. You must be worried that our Chamber of Commerce is better than the Chamber of Commerce in the technology of making magic fans."

The voice just fell, and everyone in the conference room immediately looked at the president of Mitta with a look like an idiot.

Did this guy forget? Their Chamber of Commerce is able to produce the magical power of the magical fan, which is entirely because Xu also shared the relevant technology.

Now he dares to say that the technology of their chamber of commerce exceeds the new flying company!

Is this supposed to be self-confident? Still stupid?

Xu also couldn't help but smile: "Well, President Mita, I admit that your Milgen magic fan is indeed out of our new flying magic fan in the wind. But I still have to advise you, home. The magic fan has its own standard, not the bigger the wind, the better. The reason why our new company does not do this is not to do it, but not to do so."

President Minta snorted and made a confession.

Xu also naturally didn't bother to worry about what he thought, and continued: "In addition, I need to warn you that the design of the Milgen Magic Fan will not only greatly increase its energy consumption, but also because you have expanded the area of ​​the fan blades without Making corresponding industrial design improvements has brought great hidden dangers to its overall stability and safety. If it runs for a long time, there may be accidents. I think... Mita President, you always Wouldn't you want to see an accident similar to that in Saltan last year?"

President Mita suddenly changed his face: "Mr. Xu, are you cursing our Chamber of Commerce?"

"No, this is a reminder of goodwill. I hope that you can make a strict inspection of every Milgen magic fan and try to avoid irreparable accidents." Xu Yizheng said. "In addition, I also want to remind everyone, although I understand that you want to make various improvements to the magic fan according to your own ideas. But the production technical information I gave to you is actually quite perfect, and various kinds of Strict standards, if you don't follow these standards, if something goes wrong, then regret is too late."

Fuller, the president of the Falcao Chamber of Commerce, who has been listening to it, snorted: "Mr. Xu, why do you ask us to do what you said? Can we not study ourselves?"

"Why?" Xu Yi's gaze passed over the faces of everyone in the conference room, sneer, proudly said: "Because you don't understand! So, I am talking about standards!"

The meeting room was in a silence.

Everyone looked at each other and saw that they were not convinced from the other's eyes, but the most was helpless.

Although Xu Yi’s words were too arrogant, but everyone seriously thought about it, they had to admit that he was telling the truth.

Yes, for the novelty of magic machinery, the only person who really understands is of course Xu Yi. He is indeed qualified to say that others in the room do not understand.

As for the standard he gave... There are many chambers of commerce that do want to make some changes as they do with the president of the Mitta when they are producing magic fans, trying to add some new ideas to promote sales.

But it turns out that these unauthorized changes did not bring any good results, so that in the end most of the chambers that produced magic fans had to make magic fans according to the standards given by Xu.

"Mr. Xu, let me say a few words." After a quiet moment in the conference room, President Lanko suddenly gave a light cough and attracted everyone's attention. "In fact, President Mita is not accusing you, but everyone here is a bit confused. Although you did share the technology of the Federation's production of magic fans, and also gave specific standards. But you did not Tell us, why do you follow these standards? If you don't know what the consequences will be, you will naturally be prone to these problems. The reason why you come today is to ask you to answer your questions."

Hearing the question of President Lanko, everyone’s eyes were once again concentrated on Xu’s face.

This is indeed the issue that everyone cares the most. If you can figure out what is the meaning of the technical materials and standards that Xu also gives, and figure out why you should do this, then the research on the magic fan of the major chambers will undoubtedly It is a great boost.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Xu also smiled and took a thin book from his arms and threw it on the conference table.

"The questions you want to know are all in this book."

When everyone looked at the book, they saw a large line of words on the cover of the book, "The 100,000 Why Magic Machinery."

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