Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1010: Justice

And the hybrid Yuan Zhenli also has purity requirements. Ten Yuan Mixed Yuan forces are condensed into one, which can be called Mixed Yuan Zhenli.

My heart moved.

Song Kun began to condense the real power of Hunyuan. After a few hours, he completely quenched the power of the Hunyuan of the Hunyuan spirit mine into the Hunyuan true power.

"Second style!"

Shouting silently in his heart, Song Xuan displayed Luo Tianzhang's second form in the void.

"Boom! Boom!"

A large block of void collapsed, and a terrible black hole appeared, which lasted for ten seconds before dissipating.

The power of the second type is seven or eight times greater than that of the first type, but the consumption is quite amazing.

Song Yuan calculated that with his condensed Zhenyuan true power, he can also perform the second form of the three palms. If he does not have the mixed yuan spirit mine, he may not be able to condense the second type of one by absorbing the power of the mixed yuan for one year. Palm Power.

Next, Song Yan absorbed the power of the Hunyuan madly, and then tempered it into the power of the Hunyuan.

He didn't know how long it took. He aimed at the real power of the hybrid in the eye to perform the second type a thousand times before he stopped absorbing.

After taking five or six palms against the void, Song Kun suddenly stopped.

Because he felt that such exercises were too wasteful.

Suddenly, he thought of the vampire prince of Luo Xincheng. According to Litchi, after turning everyone in Luo Xincheng into a blood race, he made the entire Luo Xincheng into a realm enchantment, and Luo Tianzhang had broken All the characteristics of energy, why not try, can you destroy the realm of Luo Xincheng?

Thinking of this, Song Zheng urged the magic of change, turning himself into a veteran old man. After changing into a gray robe, he went out of the temple, performed the technique of large movement, and came to the vicinity of Luoxin City.

His eyes fell on Luo Xincheng, and sure enough, a faint blood-colored mask floated over the city. This mask covered the whole city strictly.

"This should be the realm of that realm!"

With a dazzling figure, he entered Luo Xincheng directly.

Suddenly, his body sank, but it was the suppression from the realm in this field.

He is sure that if he is in the realm of this field, his strength can show up to 80%.

And the vampire prince had an increase in it, and it was difficult for even opponents of the same level to beat him.

When his body shook again, Song Xuan exited Luo Xincheng, and the feeling of being suppressed disappeared.

"Luo Tianzhang broke the second style for me!"

Song Kun suspended in the air shot twenty palms against the blood-colored mask underneath.

The palm power hit the blood-colored mask, and the light blood-colored mask suddenly rose, and the layers of blood greeted it, devouring the palm of Luo Tianzhang.

However, Luo Tianzhang has the characteristics of breaking all kinds of methods. Although his power is much worse than that of blood, he still persists for dozens of breaths before being melted.

Come again!

This time, Song Yi shot a hundred palms.

"Boom! Click!"

Under a hundred palms, the realm of the realm was suddenly bombarded and killed a 100-meter-long cave.

In the basement of the central villa, there is a huge crystal coffin, and Hu Meng lies in this coffin and sleeps. The last time the condensed realm consumed a lot of energy, so he needs to sleep for a while before Return to its peak.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes in a deep sleep, and with golden anger and murder in his golden eyes, he yelled, "Who, who has destroyed my realm!"


The huge crystal coffin lid was lifted, and Hu Meng hurried into the sky, appearing over Luo Xincheng.

He unveiled his vitality unabashedly, so the vampires in Luo Xincheng knelt down and worshiped him.

"Who are you, and why are you destroying the realm of your king?"

Hu Meng stared coldly at Song Yan, the incarnation of Haoshou, the heavy murderous power in his eyes, almost freezing the void.

Song Xuanlang said: "Haha, the old man is known as a righteous real person. I passed by here today and found a ghost, and everyone would win the ghost. Since the old man has the name of a righteous real person, he can't let it go!"

"Just true?" Hu Meng looked dark. "I care if you're right or evil. In short, if you destroy my realm, I will let you die!"

A flower in sight!


Song Zheng felt a strong impact on his chest, and he ejected like a cannonball.


He opened his mouth to spit blood, and his internal organs were strongly shaken.

"Mom, is the speed of the vampire prince so fast? It's even more exaggerated than teleportation!" Song Yan vomited.

"You haven't died after being punched by me. It seems that you are still a little capable!" Hundreds of meters away, Hu Meng looked at Song Ye who vomited blood in disdain.

"Oh, you can kill an old man with just a bat monster? Dream!"

Song Yan sneered.

Hu Meng's eyes flashed angrily when he heard the words of the bat monster: "Old thing, you look for death!"

Suddenly, Hu Meng appeared again in front of Song Yan and threw his fist again. The strength of this fist was much greater than the last time.

However, this time Song Yong was ready, and a flashover moved thousands of kilometers away.

"Little bat, just now the old man was accidentally attacked by you, why? You want to attack a second time?" Song Yan laughed loudly.

With a punch, Hu Meng was a little surprised, and at the same time his eyes became more angry and murderous, because he hated the words of little bats too much.


The figure flashed, and two hot girls appeared in the air, a generation of vampire poems and Yue Yue.

"Master, did this person destroy our realm?" Shi Shi looked at Song Yan with hostile eyes.

"Oh, these two lovely little girls, my husband likes to take you as a granddaughter like these lovely girls, and the two little girls, are you interested in being my granddaughter!" Song Yan said with amused expression on his face.

"Old thing, dare to tease my maid, you die!"

Hu Meng's eyes were cold, and then twelve golden wings appeared behind him.

Six teams wings incited at the same time.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Song Yong's chest was hit three times in a row.

"Wow wow!"

During the retreat, Song Yong sprayed blood continuously, retreating for several kilometers before he could barely stabilize his figure.

Just now, he has urged the star **** body, but even so, he was severely injured. Fortunately, there is the light of life and he can recover in a short time.

After these two rounds of testing, Song Yan has figured out some of the strength of the Prince Vampire.

First of all, his speed has reached an unresponsive level, and secondly, his energy is a bit larger than that of ordinary martial arts. Song Kun estimates that even if he is using the magical world, he is not an opponent.

He came here just to test Hu Meng, knowing that he couldn't win, and he simply ran a great move to escape.

Seeing the "just man" who escaped, he couldn't help sulking: "What **** is a real man who is just a coward!"

[Author off topic]: three more

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