Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1015: At your own risk

Qin Tao, as a second deputy mayor with high weight, usually enjoys the respect of others and listens to the flattery of others. This time he heard Song Ye's mockery but did not feel fresh. His face was fierce. Shen Shen stared coldly at Song Ye who entered the mediation room: "Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly: "It's the meaning in the words, can't Vice Mayor Qin understand?"

Seeing Song Xi's arrogant face, Qin Tao's face was gloomy again, and his eyes became sharper.

"Presumptuous, you dare to talk to my brother-in-law like this, believe it or not my brother-in-law has withdrawn from your post!" A threatening voice sounded, but it was the delicate woman.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing that Song Yan could not help but chuckle. Qin Tao was in charge of economic construction. Although he was also considered as a superior, he could not interfere with his work. As for the removal, he did not have that power at all.

Even if he has that power, Song Yan is not afraid of him.

Seeing that she was being ignored, the Jiaoyan woman was very upset and continued to shout at Song Yan: "Why, don't you believe it, my brother-in-law is the second deputy mayor. It is not a matter of minutes to remove your post! "

"Really, why don't you tell your brother-in-law to withdraw me!" Song Yan finally answered.

"Brother-in-law, you see, this man is too arrogant and has resigned his post!" Jiao Yan woman quickly said to Qin Tao.

"Zhou Wei, shut up for me!" Qin Tao exclaimed angrily. If he can withdraw from his post, the other party can be so arrogant in front of him. It is really a stupid woman with no head.

Jiao Yan woman Zhou Wei aggrieved, "But brother-in-law ..."

"Shut up for me and dare to say more, I don't bother to care about your business!" Qin Tao interrupted him in a cold voice.

Hearing Qin Tao's threat, Zhou Wei didn't dare to say anything, but she looked resentful in Song Yan's eyes, because she felt that because of Song Yun, her brother-in-law scolded her.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Tao suppressed the anger in his heart. He knew that he didn't want this Lu Feng here. He had to wait for an opportunity to slowly clean up him, so he said, "When will you release the horse soldiers, Minister Lu? ? "

Song Zheng pouted his lips: "Vice Mayor Qin, this is not that we do not release him, but that he stays in and refuses to leave. We have to let our special police apologize to him before we leave. He fights in public places. Our special police Catching people is a routine business, but he is relying on the reason of your little sister-in-law, letting our wife find help to block the door of our special police base, and his face is broken. A little bit, actually asking the other party to compensate him for 2 million, which has already constituted the crime of extortion. "

Hearing this, Qin Tao's complexion became extremely ugly, and he looked at Zhou Wei subconsciously.

"Brother-in-law, it's his nonsense, obviously they are bullied by their special police!" Zhou Wei cunningly argued.

Song Yi looked at Zhou Wei with a scornful look: "Please, can you grow your brain before lying, the scene of your troubles here was recorded by the camera, and your horse soldier refused to leave prison and also has a video testimony , Vice Mayor Qin, do we need to show you the video? "

"No!" Qin Tao stared coldly at Zhou Wei, who looked terrified, turned and walked outside.

It's shameful.

Song Yan didn't give him face, in the end, as the reasoning side, he turned into a messy side, what face does he have here?

Seeing her husband's indignant departure, Ma Shuangyan felt very helpless. At the same time, she was a little bit more dissatisfied with Zhou Wei. Before, she had heard that Zhou Wei was wanting outside under the name Qin Tao. I believe that because Zhou Wei behaved quite well in front of her, and often gave her some gifts to win her favor.

Now it seems that she was blinded by her. Thinking of this place, she was very angry. If it was not for her brother Ma Bing who was still off, she would have turned away.

There was no suspense for the next thing. After paying a fine of 5,000 yuan, the horse soldiers were released.

As for compensation, Ma Shuangyan naturally made no mention of it, which made Huang Guobang escape. He was grateful to Song Ye and Gao Sen for a while and had to invite them to lunch.

In a difficult situation, Song Yan and Gao Sen had to agree.

The place Huang Guobang chooses to eat is called Tai'an Restaurant.

This restaurant is not the largest and most luxurious in Mass. However, the business here is the best, because the dishes prepared by the chef are very delicious.

The more developed science and technology, the more people seek to enjoy.

Food is also a kind of enjoyment. In addition to the reasons for entering the interstellar civilization, the types of dishes now can be said to be various, of course, many creative and delicious dishes have also appeared.

I heard that Huang Shaoyang, the head chef of Tai'an Restaurant, was the apprentice of the first chef **** of the federal empire chef industry.

Although his cooking skills are not as good as the cooking gods, he also got a few true stories.

Therefore, the business of Tai'an Restaurant is extremely hot, and the price is not low.

In the past, I had to make a reservation to dine in the box of the Tai'an Hotel, but Huang Guobang had a little skill, and actually booked a box on the same day.

It is also the Rosin Hall among the six most famous boxes.

After leaving work at noon, Song Ye and Gao Sen came together. Huang Guobang was already waiting in front of the restaurant door. When they saw them, they warmly welcomed him. Although he had a dinner this time, Huang Guobang thanked Song Ye and Gao Sen. But more is to want to have a good relationship with them. After all, he is a businessman. If he can get the attention of the special police department, it will be much smoother in all aspects.

Under the guidance of Huang Guobang, came to the Rosin Room.

Soon, the dishes were served side by side until they filled the table.

I have to say that the hot business of Tai'an Restaurant has a lot to do with the skills of the chefs. The dishes on the table are really good.

"Tuk Tuk!"

There was a knock on the door, and then the hotel manager came in.

First, I gave a gift to the three, and then said, "I'm sorry, sir, there is an important guest who wants to come here for dinner. I wonder if you can give up this box. In order to apologize, not only today's fee is free, we will also give A voucher for a banquet, with which you can still enjoy a free meal next time you visit again! "

Hearing the manager ’s words, Huang Guobang's face suddenly became very ugly. They had to be kicked away just after moving the chopsticks, and this time he invited the chief and deputy director of the special police department. Offend them completely.

Thinking of this, he was annoyed, "Free of charge? Do I look like someone who can't afford a meal? Now, please go out immediately and don't disturb us to eat!"

The manager opened his mouth, but a voice rang out first: "This box boy is valued, other idle people wait for it, or they will be at your own risk!"

[Author off topic]: One more

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