Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1054: Who gave you the courage to fool me

Of course, although Xiaomi porridge was much more delicious than usual, Lingyao was slightly surprised, but she didn't take it too seriously. She even drank two fragrant millet porridge. She picked up chopsticks and put a small dish in her mouth.


Just biting her mouth, she couldn't help showing her unexpected color again, because the ordinary side dishes also became extremely delicious.

Subconsciously, he looked at Song Zheng who was serving rice with a group of sisters and sisters, but he felt a little strange. Why did the eggs made by Erdan suddenly become so delicious?

Before she knew it, a bowl of millet porridge had already died, but Ling Yao had a sense of endlessness. At the same time, she also heard the sound of exclamation from time to time and talking about today's breakfast becoming delicious.

After thinking about it, Lingyao came to the window where the rice was held, holding the wooden bowl, and said to Song Yong: "Second egg, help me to have a bowl of millet porridge."

"Good!" Song Yan picked up his spoon and scooped it into Lingyao's wooden bowl.

"Thank you."

Lingyao smiled and smiled and took Xiaomi porridge to her seat, but after taking a few steps, she suddenly turned back and said, "Second egg, why are the Xiaomi porridge and side dishes you made today so delicious?"

"Are you there?" Song Yan deliberately revealed his confusion: "I did the same thing as usual!"

"is it?"

There was a strange flash of light in Ling Yao's eyes, and without saying more, he returned to his seat holding his wooden bowl.

According to the habits of the past, there will be a lot of breakfast leftovers made by Erdan every day, but not today, all the breakfast is eaten up, and there are no leftovers.

Because ah, all the disciples who have tasted breakfast have eaten more than before, and many people even pack and take them away.

Seeing that the breakfast was eaten up, Song Ye was very satisfied.

The plan to join Yu Nu Men is a small step.

At the end of breakfast time, Song Zheng locked the door of the cafeteria and headed down the mountain.

There is a small town twenty miles below the Jade Peak, and the cost needed for the Jade Gate is purchased in the town.

When he came to the beast of the spirit beast, Song Xuan brought out a beast like a cow but not a horse, like a horse but a horse. This beast is called a cow and a horse. It has the capacity of a cow and the speed of a horse. It is the transportation method when the Jade Girl sent Erdan to buy ingredients. At the same time, it can also serve as his bodyguard. After all, Erdan is just a martial artist who has practiced some mortal exercises. The day after tomorrow.

And this practice he practiced was given to him by Yun Yan.

"Let's go!"

Song Kun turned over the back of the cow and horse, and his legs were slightly clamped, and the guy rushed down the mountain with his thick limbs.

A quarter of an hour later, Song Xuan appeared in Yunhua Town on a horse and horse.

The size of this town can only be considered medium, with more than 20,000 people.

Cattle and horses are spiritual, so do n’t hold them, and you know that the people around Song Ye are not strange, because this little fairy division brings fairy beasts to the town to buy things every three or five days.

Although this is the world of cultivating immortals, it does not mean that everyone is an cultivator. On the contrary, most of them are ordinary people.

Therefore, even if the previous two eggs can only be regarded as the escorts of the Yunmen Gate, ordinary people in the town look at him with envy and jealousy, and they also call him Xiaoxian Shi, and many people want to leave. His relationship sent his daughter into the Jade Gate.

It's a pity that Erdan is too honest and won't accept the benefits and gifts from the door.

"Little immortal, my vegetables here are particularly fresh. Come and buy them here. I'll give you 20% off!"

"Little immortal, the dishes here are fresher than hiss. I'll give you a 30% discount!"

"Little fairy, look at the fish in my house. It's big and fat. Buy one, and I'll send you one!"

As soon as Song Yong entered the vegetable market, each vegetable seller and fish meat seller were excited to sell his own things to him, his eyes faintly green.

However, after merging the memories of Erdan, Song Kun knew that these traders were a group of pit goods. The former Erdan did not know how many times he had been pitted. In the end, they still felt that these traders were good people.

"How much is a pound of silver in your dish?"

Song Kun walked to the vegetable stall of a middle-aged trafficker and pointed at a green vegetable.

"Xianxianshi originally sold two or two pounds of silver. You buy it. I will give you one or two pounds of silver!" Said the middle-aged vegetable vendor with a kind face. If he changed to the usual two eggs, he would reject the vegetable vendor. Take the initiative to reduce prices, but buy these vegetables for two or two pounds.

But now he has changed Song Yong. Although he doesn't care about silver, he doesn't want to be fooled like a fool.

His face sank sharply, and he looked at the vegetable seller coldly: "Your vegetables are grown out of gold? Two or two pounds?"

Seeing the sudden change of face of Song Yan, the face of the vegetable vendor also changed, and at the same time he was quite puzzled. Why did this fool suddenly get rid of it?

"Little immortal teacher, you can really tell a joke, isn't this green vegetable the price? Don't believe it, go to the market and take a look and ask, to see if everyone has the price?" The middle-aged vegetable vendor said deadly.

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled disdainfully. Most of the people selling vegetables in this market pitted him, and every time he saw him enter the market, his eyes would be bright, because when he came, it represented the opportunity to get rich.

You should know that ordinary green vegetables cost three or four yuan a pound, and one thousand yuan is equal to one or two silver. This middle-aged dish has a price of two or two silver, but it has increased the price hundreds of times.

Hearing the laughter of Song Yong, the middle-aged vegetable rice felt a little uncomfortable, and he smiled and said, "Why not, Xiaoxian, I'll give you a little cheaper, how about nine hundred pounds?"

Hearing that, Song Yan shook his head with a smile, then stared at the middle-aged vegetable vendor with a scornful look: "Who gave you the courage to fool me? A few pennies would sell me two or two pounds of silver!"

Before the dog eggs were pitted, it was the money of Yunumen. Although Yunumen didn't care too much about worldly money, they were not stupid, so it was taken for granted that Erdan had corrupted Yunumen's silver.

Therefore, the housekeeper who manages chores has always shown no good treatment to him.

Why didn't she know that Erdan had corrupted him?

One is that no new recruits can go to work in the cafeteria.

The second thing is because the second egg was brought back by Lingyan, and it is also considered a Lingyan person. It is not worthwhile to offend the first of the three generations of Lingyan for some worldly money.

Therefore, the female steward named Ling Fei didn't take action against Erdan.

Obviously there is no corruption, but instead he thinks that the corrupted Song Pan, who is such a black pot, will not carry it. After all, if he wants to worship the Jade Girl Gate, he will change everyone's impression of him.

Therefore, anyone who had previously made two eggs has to let them spit it out to improve his image in Ling Fei's heart.

Hearing Song Zhen's true price of green vegetables, the middle-aged vegetable rice was completely discolored, but he still shouted unwillingly: "Xiaoxian teacher is wrong, how dare I lie to you!"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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