Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1068: When I come again to destroy you

Chapter 106: Waiting for My Coming to Destroy You

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Lingyan struck three heads against Xuelan forcibly, and because they were too hard, bruises appeared on the forehead and there was a faint blood stain.


Seeing Ling Yan's swollen forehead, Xuelan was both distressed and helpless. At the same time, she had a bit of hatred for herself, all blaming herself for being useless and unable to protect her.

"good very good!"

Seeing this scene, Miao Yue almost blew up her lungs, but immediately she sneered: "Lingyan, now that you are no longer a disciple of Yunvmen, come back to my house with me now!"

"I said, I have nothing to do with the Miao family, so even if I die, I won't follow you!" Ling Yan stood up and stared coldly at Miao Yue, still determined.

"It's up to you!"

Miao Yue dismissed a smile and grabbed his hand towards Lingyan.

She was a master in the middle of Jindan, and Lingyan was only in the early stages of foundation. Therefore, Lingyan was unable to stop her from catching her, and flew towards her involuntarily.

Seeing this scene, Xuelan's eyes suddenly shrank, and she was about to stop.

But Xue Sheng and Xue Ya stopped her at the same time, Xue Sheng even said quickly: "Head, this is Lingyan's own choice. She would not want to affect us if she returned from the Jade Girl's Gate. If you do it again, wouldn't you be disappointed? Her kindness! "


Hearing that Xuelan could not help but develop a deep sense of weakness.

Seeing that Lingyan was about to fall into Miao Yue's hands, a smile had appeared on her face. As long as she brought Lingyan back to Miao's house, she had completed the task. As for whether Lingyan was willing to marry the Yue King, huh, this could not be allowed She decides for herself!

But at this time ...


Two extremely bright tweets sounded, and several red lights burst out like lightning, and shot at Miao Yue's lower abdomen, chest and throat, eyebrow, and heart.

"Presumptuous! How dare you hit me!"

Miao Yue was furious and spit out a white light, welcoming the four red lights.


A series of impact sounded, and then Miao Yue's face changed and her body suddenly flew backwards, but her magic weapon just struck three red lights, and the fourth red light continued to shoot towards her.

In desperation, she had to give up Lingyan and step back.

Then, a red light flashed, and a body was bathed in the fire. Shenjun was abnormal. A few meters of red crane appeared in front of Lingyan.

"Master Akabane!"

I did not expect Akabane Crane to actually rescue Lingyan, Xuelan and others were very surprised.

The Yinfa Daunta stared at the Red Feather Crane in surprise, because she found that the Red Feather Crane had broken through the third-level spirit beast and became a fourth-level spirit beast. Otherwise, it would not be possible to repel a Jindan mid-term.

"Jade Girl Gate, what do you mean? Don't you want to be against our Miao family!"

Miao Yue shouted angrily at Yinfa Daunt and Xuelan.

Xue Sheng took a step forward and said in a loud voice: "Don't misunderstand, Senior Miao, Lord Chiyu Crane is the spirit beast in charge of our Jade Girl Gate. We can't order it at all. Therefore, all its actions are spontaneous. Please don't get me wrong! "

"Yes, Senior Miao, we really can't command Master Akabane!" She said subconsciously, not far away, Song Song, who was taking care of her wounds.

Hearing that, Miao Yue's face suddenly gloomed: "Hum! Make no excuses, you guys, get rid of this beast immediately, otherwise, don't blame me!"


Suddenly, Akabane made two extremely sharp tweets, and then turned into a firelight and flew towards Miao Yue.

"You beast, you beast!"

Seeing the Akabane crane coming up, Miao Yue was furious, and opened his mouth to spit out three white flying swords. He pinched the sword and defended his sword. The other two swords turned into two white streamers to welcome the Akabane crane.

"Master Akabane carefully!" Xuelan could not help shouting.

"Don't worry, Akabane has become a fourth-level spirit beast, and even if she can't defeat Miao Yue, she won't be harmed!" Yinfa Tao aunt saw Xuelan's worry and said.

"Ah, Lord Akabane has actually become a fourth-level spirit beast?"

In this regard, Xuelan was very surprised. Spirit beasts are not the same as humans. Unlike immortals, if you want to advance to Jindan period, you need to cross the sky, but the spirit beasts do not.

For this reason, many cultivators are lamenting that spirit beasts are the darlings of the heavens and the earth. What are we like human beings who want to cultivate to immortals? I don't know how many calamities we have to survive.


A series of vigorous impact sounded continuously, and the two flying swords controlled by Miao Yue were quite tricky to attack. However, the red feather crane that broke through to the fourth level was not only extremely fast, but also very strong in defense.

The two flying swords couldn't help it at all. Therefore, they only fought a few tricks. The Red Feather Crane has been bullying again and again, forcing Miao Yue to retreat.

In desperation, she also released the flying sword of the bodyguard, and the three-handed flying sword joined forces to make it a draw with Akabane.

Seeing this scene, the silver-haired Daunt couldn't help but admire again and again, the Red Feather Crane had just become a fourth-level spirit beast and was able to draw a tie with Miao Yue in the middle of Jindan.


Just then, a thunderous roar suddenly rang through the world, and then a fist-sized black light flashed and hit Miao Yue's back.

"No, someone sneaks in!"

Miao Yue exclaimed, her body shifted out, and at the same time, a turquoise light poured out, wrapping her all over.


The next moment, the black light still hit Miao Yue's body, the earthy yellow mask on her body shattered in response, and then the black light hit the body firmly.

"Wow! Wow!"

Miao Yue's body flew out like falling dead leaves, and she even spit out a few mouthfuls of blood in her mouth, obviously the black light hurt her not badly.

This sudden change shocked the silver-haired aunt and others.

But at the next moment, a huge black figure appeared and swallowed the black light into the mouth. The people came to realize that the black light was just a magic bullet for the black flame tiger.


Hei Yanhu actually has a miracle. Doesn't it mean that Heiyan Tiger has also reached the level of the fourth-level spirit beast.

For a moment, everyone was amazed to stare at the black Yanhu who was a lot bigger.

Just then, a malignant voice came from Miao Yue.

"Okay, your Jade Girl Gate is so good! I have remembered what you gave today, Miao Yue, when I come to the Jade Girl Gate again, when your Jade Girl Gate is overthrown!"

As soon as the words fell, Miao Yue rose into the sky and shot into the carriage on the sky. Then, the front of the carriage turned away, and the breathing room disappeared without a trace.

Everyone looked at the leaving Miao Yue. Just because the two spirit beasts in the door broke through to the fourth level of joy, they disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, a deep worry was born in their hearts. How to deal with revenge from the Miao family ...

PS: I do n’t know what to say. I ’ve been adding more these days, but all the bookings are falling out. Everyone, please, do n’t look at piracy, and do n’t subscribe with tower scrolls. easily.

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