Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1074: Eating Yuan Ying Master

The inner courtyard of the Miao family in Yuyang County.

After listening to Long Qingshan's report, Miao Cangkong could not help showing contemplation, a guardian who could withstand the masters of the Yuan Dynasty had to spend at least millions of sublime spirits.

The Jade Girl Gate is just a place in a county. How can it be arranged to spend such a large mountain guard?

Did the Yunmen Gate excavate a new spiritual stone mine?

Or another force secretly funded the Yunmen Gate to deliberately embarrass me with the Miao family. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel nervous. If there were other forces, this would be a little troublesome.

He didn't know much about the news of Wang Yue. He wanted to marry his daughter to Wang Yue, and he wanted the relationship between the two parties to be more stable. If other forces in Yuyang County knew that the news would be a nuisance.

After much consideration, Miao Cangkong issued three orders in succession.

The first is to send people to Huangyuan County for an unannounced visit to see if the Yunmen Gate has actually unearthed new veins. Second, to send people to pay close attention to the movements of several other top-level personnel,

Third, two masters of Yuanying were sent to the Yunmen Gate to cut the hemp with a sharp knife and bring the Lingyan back to avoid other changes.

Jade Gate, Fairview Palace.

Lingyao came to the palace door carefully, and just when she wanted to speak, a voice came from inside, "Little girl, what's the matter?"

"Aqing senior actually called me a little girl?"

Hearing this name Lingyao could not help but hesitated, and then he rejoiced, and quickly bowed: "Senior A Qing, the head of them is here, and I want to see you!"

"Tell them, I know everything, so they don't have to worry!"


Lingyao left after saluting, and then told the original words of Song Yong to Xuelan Yungu and others who were not far away.

In fact, they have heard Song Yan's voice.

The purpose of their coming here is to ask Song Ye to help solve the problem. Since the goal has been achieved, there is nothing to see without Song Ye.

However, before leaving, Xuelan still told Lingyao seriously that she must serve her senior A Qing well.

Ling Yao nodded again and again.

After sending Xuelan and others away, Lingyao came to the palace gate again: "Senior A Qing, the head of the palace has left."

"Well, I know, you come in!"

When Song Ye told her to go in, Ling Yao didn't want to slap him again, then she couldn't help but be very happy.

At the moment Song Qing, who was incarnation of A Qing, was lying on a wide cloud bed, watching Lingyao who walked in carefully, not even dare to lift his head, he could not help laughing.

"Senior A Qing, may I ask what you ordered Lingyao."

"I'm a bit lacking, you come to help me pinch." Song Yan said.


Ling Yao couldn't help looking up at Song Ye.

"Ah, what, hurry up!" Song Yan said angrily.

Lingyao Jiao's body shook, and she hurried to Song Yong.

Looking at Lingyao, who was a little overwhelmed by the bed, Song Min reminded: "How can you stand underneath to help me pinch and come to bed."


Lingyao responded, took off her shoes, climbed to the bed, and helped Song Yan to pick up her body. The little girl's little hands were soft, but the method was rusty.

In desperation, Song Yong just spoke.

Lingyao had a good understanding and soon mastered the massage techniques.

Under the grip of Ling Yao's little hand, Song Ye felt very comfortable. He closed his eyes and fell asleep without knowing it. When he woke up, he had died for more than two hours. During the massage, dare not stop.

"Okay, stop!"


Lingyao sighed secretly. Her hands were weak for two hours when she came down for more than two hours.

"Girl, tell me something about you!" Song Yan looked at Lingyao with interest and asked.


"Don't be afraid of me, I'm not a tiger!" Song Yan smiled.

"Oh." The other nodded and started talking about his own affairs.

Lingyao came to the Yunmen Gate at the age of ten, and it has been five years now, and her family is a landlord family in Huangyuan County.

At first, the little girl was still a little nervous, but when she saw Song Ye kept smiling, she gradually relaxed and began to talk about some small things in the door of Yu Nu.

"By the way, I heard you have a male disciple in Yuyumen, do you know that?" Song Yan suddenly interrupted Lingyao's Suxu.

"You know, his name is Erdan, and the food he cooks is delicious!"

Ling Yao nodded strongly.

"Then do you like to eat his meals?" Song Yan asked again.


Ling Yao nodded again: "Unfortunately, Erdan can no longer work in the cafeteria, and it is difficult to eat his meals every day. By the way, senior A Qing, do you want to try Erdan's meals, it is really delicious Oh."

"Really?" Song Yan smiled deliberately.

Lingyao explained a little nervously: "Senior A Qing, I didn't really lie to you. The meal made by Erdan is really delicious. Don't believe you to try it!"

"You are so nervous talking for the second egg, are you interesting to him?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"No!" Ling Yao blushed.

"Really not?" Song Yan looked at her with a smile.

"That's not true." Ling Yao shook his head vigorously.

"Well, there is nothing for you here, go back to practice." Song Yan waved.

"Yes, the younger quit!"

After a few hours, two streamers, one blue and one red, suddenly appeared over the gate of the Jade Girl, and finally turned into a man and a woman.

The man was wearing a green robe, and his cheeks were wide and imposing, about 40 years old.

The woman was wearing a red dress, charming and charming, with a hot body. The two groups on the chest held up the red dress, and her youth looked between 27 and 8 years old.


A figure rises into the sky, but it is Su Ji, who slightly owes himself:

"Su Ji has seen Elder Jian and Elder Yao!"

"Seven young people don't need to be polite." Tsing Yi middle-aged laughed.

"Yes, seven young people." The woman in the red dress also chuckled.

"By the seventh, I heard that this Jade Girl's Gate has a large mountain guard?" Tsing Yi middle-aged eyes suddenly bloomed with two divine lights looking down.

Su Ji nodded: "Yes, we can't break our joint efforts. We had to take the stupid way of guarding the rabbits. The elder father sent the two elders over. We don't have to keep it!"

"Seven less rest assured, watch me break it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tsing Yi raised his hand and patted it. Suddenly, a huge palm shadow appeared out of thin air, with a thunderous sound of thunder, and fell violently.



The colorful mask flashed, blocking the giant palm with Thunder's might, and it returned to normal after shaking.


Seeing one of his palms did not break the mountain guarding team that opened the jade girl's door, Elder Jian could not help but flushed and shot another palm.

This palm was more powerful, and the thunder sound crackled.

Finally, the giant palm fell on the colorful mask again.

But Elder Jane was annoyed that the colorful mask was still intact after a single palm.

[Author off topic]: Four more

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