Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1102: Three major religions

The capital of the gods is both the capital of the Tang Dynasty and the general altar of the Taiyi religion.

Tai Yi teaches the general altar.

The contemporary leader Ming Mingzheng is sitting in the turquoise green lotus, teaching the true meaning of Taiyi to a group of disciples. When it comes to the bright place, there is the weakest smallpox, and the golden lotus is rushing to the ground. Enchanted.

As the real man Ming Ming planned to continue preaching, his face suddenly stagnated, and then he said, "This concludes the lecture today."

After hearing the words, all the disciples below showed regret.

However, when they returned to God, the palm teaching Mingzheng real person had disappeared, so they had to get up and bow and shouted, "Bow to the palm to teach the real person ..."

The cultivation of immortals has lasted for thousands of years. The cultivation of the real human being has reached the middle of the robbery. After two more calamities, he can achieve the position of immortal and enjoy eternal life.

Walking all the way, the real Ming Ming came to a fragrant peach blossom forest and bowed down to worship: "The disciples see Uncle Tao Ming."

"Come in!" A cold female voice sounded.

Taolin was separated from it, exposing a trail made of cobblestones.


The real person Ming Ming answered and stepped on the forest path toward the depths of Taolin.

After walking for half a quarter of an hour, Ming Zhenzheng went out of Taolin, and then saw a gazebo. Inside the pavilion was a fresh and refined ice-cold and jade-like girl who did not seem to be a 28-year-old **** earth.

The girl's purple hair shawl, dressed in a clean white snowy dress, sat there, exuding a high-cold breath.

"I don't know what Master Tao Yan ordered his disciples to do?" Ming Ming really saluted again.

The girl in front of her is called Tao Yan, and Naiyi teaches the fairy in the world. Only when Taiyi teaches a new fairy can she escape from the earth and rise to the fairyland.

"How many people do you plan to send over this time?" Ling Tao asked indifferently.

The real person Ming Ming was a little puzzled. How could this unscrupulous uncle Tao Yan care about the affairs of Wanling Island, but still said truthfully, "Back to Uncle, twelve people can."

"What are they for?" Tao Taoxian asked again.

"Son Tang, the leader of the team, is in the middle of distraction, and Li Tianluo, the maid of the team, is in the early stage of distraction, and the remaining ten are in the late stage."

Tao Xiu Xianxiu's eyebrows frowned slightly: "Isn't there a period of distraction or fit in the younger generation?"

Mingxi smiled bitterly: "Uncle, Wushen and Tianluo are able to reach this level at this age is already outstanding. The entire Tang dynasty was afraid that they couldn't find anything better than them."

"Okay, I know, you go down first!"

Peach Blossom Fairy waved.

As soon as Mingzhen ’s real person left, the Taoxian immortal couldn't help but mumble to himself: "The four major nine-level spirit beasts Qi Xiao must have the soul beastmaster born. If Taiyijiao can get a spirit beastmaster, wait for it to grow. Suppress the immortals, so that I can get away as soon as possible, but unfortunately, the little spirit beastmaster should be located in the center of Wanling Island. I am afraid that it is difficult to step into the distraction level. Do you want me to go out? It's not easy to deal with. In case of exposure, I will most likely be beaten by them! "

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a Taiyi religion that served as the township fairy religion. In the Song Dynasty, which was adjacent to the Tang Dynasty, there was also a fire **** religion. Also, the Ming Dynasty, which was hostile to the Tang Dynasty, also had the support of witch godism.

Vulcan general altar, Huo Yunfeng.

As a teacher, Zhu Rongji looked hurriedly in front of the largest volcano on Huoyun Peak. This is an active volcano. If it wasn't closed by a vulcan master, it would have erupted.

Then, I wish to worship the volcano: "Uncle Shi, my disciples are here, and I also invite Uncle Shi to show up!"

The figure flickered, and Zhu Rongji found a red figure suddenly a few meters away.

He hastily saluted.

The flaming figure raised his hand and said, "The dramatic change of the Island of Spirits, the four major Nine-level Spirit Beasts Qi Xiao, there must be the Spirit Beastmaster born, and the Spirit Beastmaster must be brought back in any case. It fell into the hands of the Wu Shen and Tai Yi. "

Zhu Rongji nodded his head calmly: "Master Shibei rest assured that the goddess and goddess of the Vulcan religion have reached the late stage of distraction, far exceeding the priests of the Taiyi religion and the witches and witches of the witch gods. Those who are going to send them, since they are going to compete for the Beastmaster, send them together this time! "

"Good, hope not to let me down!"

As soon as the voice fell, the fiery red figure disappeared out of nothing.

The total altar of the Wushen religion is located in the 100,000 mountains. The 100,000 mountains are filled with various poisonous beasts and monsters. Even the masters of Yuanying are not afraid to step in easily, but the people of Wushenism are among them. But it seems as if they are even more powerful. Those poisonous beasts will not only harm them, they will also obey them.

There is an extremely deserted valley in the depths of Shiwandashan. There is an old tree in the valley. Under the tree is an old man with a wind candle. The old man has dark skin and wrinkles on his face, just like the old bark. The shirt on his body. It was even more torn, with gray hair dancing in the wind, exuding a foul odor.


This is the sound of shoes stepping on the leaves. The next moment, I saw an old man with a torso and a cane walking in the valley, bowing to the old man sitting under the old tree, saluting: "Disciple see Master."

It seems that the old man with a wind candle is suddenly opening his eyes that have not been opened for many years, and a pair of divine light suddenly rises from his eyes, breaking the clouds in the sky ...

"The four spirited beasts of Wanling Island are roaring together. It should be that the spirit beastmaster is about to be born. Bringing back the spirit beastmaster. I will make it into the monster beastmaster, which will protect my witch **** ten thousand years of inheritance!"

"Disciple obey!" The old man bowed again.

Three days passed in a flash.

Under the gaze of a disciple from Yunmen, Yungu took the second generation of disciples Xueya and Xuesheng and the third generation of disciples Lingyan, Lingxiao, Lingmei and Lingyao to a treasure ship.

The treasure ship was presented by Ji Tianjun, the owner of the Ji family.

Compared to flying with the Royal Sword, riding a treasure ship is more comfortable.

The interior of this treasure ship is quite luxurious and can accommodate more than twenty people at the same time.

Even if everyone lives in a room, there is still a surplus.

Under the envious attention of three generations of disciples, the treasure ship rose into the sky and headed for Wanling Island. Wanling Island was not in the Tang Dynasty, nor in the Song Dynasty, nor was it in the Ming Dynasty, but at the border of the three dynasties. On Lingyuan Lake in between, although Lingyuan Lake is just a lake, it is extremely huge.

From Yuyang County, if the Yujian flight takes at least two days and two nights, the ride on the treasure ship will take about three days. Although it is a bit slower, the comfort is several times better.

[Author off topic]: One more

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