Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1107: Goddess

"Well, it really is delicious, no wonder the Jade Girl Gate will leave you."

Li Tianluo picked up a piece of pastry and tasted it, nodded in admiration, even the wisest pastry chef of Tai Yijiao couldn't make such a delicious pastry.

After listening to Li Tianluo's words, Tang Wushou also picked up a piece of cake and ate, then nodded with satisfaction: "Your boy's cooking is really extraordinary, oh, no, since you are just an ordinary disciple of Yu Nu Men, how can it Take out two top-quality Lingjing? "

"That was awarded to me by senior A Qing." Song Yan said.

"Who is A Qing's predecessor?" Tang Wuju asked again, and he was able to take out two top-quality Lingjing rewards, indicating that the other side should be very valuable.

Song Xun deliberately revealed the color of worship, and said in a tone of excitement: "A senior is a very powerful woman, and a great benefactor of our Jade Girl Gate."

"Oh, how powerful can it be?" Tang Wushou arrogantly said, apparently he did not take the so-called senior A Qing into his eyes. After all, he was already a master of mid-distraction.

Song Zheng replied: "I do n’t know how powerful A Qing's predecessor was, but she helped us to fight back the powerful enemy many times. Moreover, she also helped us arrange a large mountain guard. My elder said, A Qing The arrangement of the mountain guards can not be easily broken by the masters of the trick season! "

"Array Master?"

Tang Wushou met Li Tianluo and was shocked.

In this world, array masters, alchemists, and alchemists belong to those relatively rare and popular professions.

Therefore, these three professional practitioners often receive more courtesy wherever they go.

And the array mage that can resist the mountain guard array that is out of the trick period, at least the mysterious array mage.

In this world, the array master is divided into four levels of heaven and earth and black.

The yellow-level array mage can only arrange some entry-level array methods, while the mystic-level array mage arranges more powerful array methods.

The prefecture-level array mage is even more powerful, and even the masters who arrange it are difficult to break.

As for the Heavenly Array Master, it is only a legend, it is said that they can arrange the fairy array.

There are many yellow-level array mages in the Taiyi religion, but there are only seven or eight black-level array mages. There are none of the ground-level array mages, let alone the level-level ones.

So when I heard that there was a mysterious array mage in the backcountry, Tang Wuju and Li Tianluo were quite shocked.

The next moment, Tang Wuju looked at Song Yi and said, "Little brother, can you refer me to the senior A Qing in your mouth?"

However, he intends to solicit the Xuan-level array mage, who can arrange the array to withstand the tricks. It must be one of the most powerful of the Xuan-level array mage, and has the opportunity to train it into a pre-level array mage.

Once Taiyi teaches a prefecture-level array mage, the overall strength will definitely improve a lot.

"Of course, but Senior A Qing didn't come here with us!" Song Kun said.

"It's okay, we'll go and visit her in person when we're here." Tang Wuju smiled.

Because of the news of a Xuan-level array mage, Tang Wushou became more and more pleasing to Song Ji.

Coupled with Song Yan's intention to approach the two, a big brother and sister screamed quite smoothly, so in the next two days, Tang Wushou and Li Tianluo became more friendly towards him.

Of course, it is mainly because Song Xi ’s behavior is too weak. The two talents will not suspect that his approach will threaten them. Even Tang Wushou also pointed to Song Ji ’s behavior for several times, and Li Tianluo also ate because of eating. After making a lot of his pastries, he gave him a piece of Zhujidan as a gift.

On this day, Song Yan, Ling Yan, Tang Wushou and Li Tianluo were drinking and chatting in the lobby of the inn. Suddenly, a young man in Tsing Yi came in a hurry.

The other party subconsciously glanced at Song Yan and Ling Yan.

Tang Wushou waved his hand and played a sound-proof array: "Say it."

The young man in black chanted: "The Son, the Virgin, the Son of God and the Goddess of Vulcan Kingdom appeared."

Hearing that Tang Wujue couldn't help but squint his eyes, and there was a faint flash of murder and murder in his eyes: "Are you finally here?"

The nearby Li Tianluo couldn't help but startled and said quickly: "Don't be impulsive, it's important to complete the task that the Master confessed."

After a long while, Tang nodded and nodded: "Rest assured, although I can't wait to kill that Tuoba Feng immediately, but I will exercise restraint for the task of the Master."

Listening to Tang Wushou's words, Li Tianluo could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But his words went well, and a pair of men and horses came to the inn, led by a pair of young men and women in black.

The man also seemed to be in his early twenties, with a handsome face, and a mark of fire on his forehead, which added a bit of evil charm to him. The woman was also in her early twenties and had a beautiful appearance, which was somewhat similar to that of the man Points are similar, the two should be brothers and sisters.


As soon as the man appeared, Tang Wuju's gaze locked on him, with strong hatred and murderous power.

The eyes of the man in black slowly glanced over Tang Wuju and Li Tianluo, while Song Yan and Ling Yan were automatically ignored by him.

The next moment, he said, "Daughter and Virgin of the Church of the First Sect, who lived in such a humble inn and mingled with a small figure, didn't they lose their identity?"

Hearing the words of the man in black, the face of the cultivator in the lobby was not very good-looking, because they were the little men in the mouth of the man in black, and even a grumpy Jin Dan cultivator wanted to shoot the case, but was killed by his companion. He took it, and the voice shouted, "You are crazy. He is the **** son of the Vulcan religion. Don't you want to live?"

Upon hearing the name of the **** of fire god, the Jin Danxiu couldn't help but startled, his eyes flashed with horror, and he looked at his companions and shrank without saying a word.

The practitioner Jin Dan shrank back before he had an attack, but Tang Wushou did not have any fear. He shot the case, stared coldly at the man in black, and said coldly, "Tuo Tufeng is less arrogant in front of me. One day, I I'll chop you! "

"Oh! Defeat your opponents and dare to let go!" Tuoba Feng smirked, full of disdain.

"Jack, I'm going to kill you!"

Tang Wuju couldn't help being furious, and he was about to take a shot, but was stopped by Li Tianluo and persuaded: "Don't be impulsive, he deliberately angers you, you must not be fooled!"

Hearing Li Tianluo's reminder, Tang Wuju forcibly suppressed the anger, staring at Tuoba Feng resentfully: "The account between us will change with you again, and today I will spare you!"

"Ha ha!"

Tuoba Feng uttered a disdainful chuckle again, and then stepped up, his eyes fell on Li Qingluo, smiling: "Qingluo friends haven't seen you for a long time, how are you?"

When he saw Tuoba Feng dare to stab his future mate, his eyes seemed to spit fire, but Li Qingluo reached out and grabbed his hand. Suddenly, Tang Wuju shivered, and his anger disappeared instantly, especially Feeling the softness from his hands, he was overjoyed.

"Thanks for Tuoba's concern, I'm fine," Li Qingluo said lightly.

Tuoba Feng smiled: "That's good, but Qingluo Daoyou is getting more and more beautiful. I have a few bottles of good wine in my treasure ship. I wonder if I have the opportunity to invite Qingluo Daoyou to drink a few glasses?"

Hearing this, Tang Wu's heartless fire broke out again, and a step blocked Tuoba Feng's sight and said coldly, "Tuo Bafeng, don't be too much, and there is no welcome here, immediately Get out! "

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