Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1115: Consecutive woman

The next moment, Song Yong took out two spirit beast bags from his body and released two five-level spirit beasts.

The two five-level spirit beasts are called Fire Cloud Leopard and Red Flame Tiger, both of which are more powerful breeds. They can evolve to the highest level of the sixth peak.

"Go, attack those two guys!"

Song Kun pointed at two masters of Wushenism and gave orders to two five-level spirit beasts.

Under the control of the Royal Beast Seal, the two fifth-level spirit beasts could be said to be obedient and obedient to him, before his words fell, and the two guys flew out.

On Wanling Island, to conquer the spirit beast, the biggest rule is that you can't hurt the spirit beast, otherwise, it will anger the nine-level spirit beast on the island.

Therefore, the strength of these two five-level spirit beasts is not as good as those of the two witch gods, but it is still no problem to entangle them.

Fire Cloud Leopard is known for its speed, so it is one step ahead of Chiyanhu.


With a dull roar, Huoyun Leopard's huge body appeared directly behind one of the Wushu masters, and the sharp claws had touched the opponent's vest.


For a while, Guanghua flashed and gave Zhenfei the Fire Cloud Leopard, but it was the other man wearing a vest.

"Presumptuous, who dare attack me!" The attacked Wu Si turned and drank, clapping at the fire cloud leopard.

It was only when he saw that the attack on him was actually a fire clouded leopard, but he regained that palm force because he knew that if he injured a spirit beast on the island of Wanling, then he was afraid that he could not Alive out of this island.

He regained his strength, but the Fire Cloud Leopard did not let him go, and yelled up again.

At the same time, the Red Flame Tiger also arrived, roaring and rushing to another master of Wujinism.

In addition, the master of Wushenism also knows the consequences of hurting the beast, so he did not dare to do anything, but could only avoid the attack of the Red Flame Tiger.

Xuan Yao, who was fighting with Li Tianluo, had more strength, so he quickly found the guard attacked by two five-level spirit beasts. The beautiful and cold face could not help but have a little doubt, plain and unexplained How could the spirit beast attack her men.

Seeing a master of Wushenism forced by two five-level spirit beasts to evade wolverine, Song Kun smiled proudly, moved his body within ten miles of shaking, and buried a block of superb spirits!

His strength did not even reach the trick period, and it was extremely unwise to smash against the distracting master. Therefore, the best way is to arrange the array.

Before he was worried about being discovered by a master of witch gods, but now they are entangled by spirit beasts, it is naturally difficult to find him who arranged the array.

In a blink of an eye, the time of a joss stick passed.

Looking at the two men who still dodged, Xuan Yao faintly felt wrong, so she relaxed her attack on Li Tianluo and released a small thought to explore around.

As an opponent, Li Tianluo found that Xuan Yao's attack suddenly slowed down, and she was relieved. She thought that it would take at least three or five days for Tuoba Feng to find her. This Xuan Yao chased after her, so that her injury only recovered 50%, and her strength reached 60% to 70% at most.

Fortunately, Xuan Yao is not good at fighting directly, but with some sinister spells and puppet skills, so she can barely support it.

Even so, she was about to hold on.

But now the opponent slowed down the attack and made her very strange. She looked around subconsciously, just to see that two masters of Wushenism were being attacked by two spirit beasts.

"Why do spirit beasts attack the people of Wushen religion for no reason? Could anyone help me in secret?"

Thinking of this, Li Tianluo, who had been desperate, gave up another hope.

Because this large array is more complex and the envelope is larger, Song Zhuan used to arrange only two-thirds of it, which is why his formation has grown a lot during this period.


Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, and sang softly towards Song Yong: "You have such a courage to dare to do bad things about my witch gods, don't you want to live?"

Seeing the other person's looks clearly, Song Ye could not help but jump, because the other person was actually the woman who was fighting Li Tianluo.

It was only when he looked at the magical power through perspective that he found that the woman was still fighting with Li Tianluo, so the woman who appeared to him was likely to be transformed by his divine thoughts.

When the cultivator reaches the realm of distraction, he can condense the divine thoughts. The divine thoughts are also called small thoughts. A small thought can be transformed into an incarnation outside the body. This is why this state is called distraction.

However, the strength of the incarnation outside the body is not strong, it is good to have one thousandth of the strength of the body.

Thinking of this, Song Yan looked at this incarnation. Although he possesses the momentum of distracting masters, he has no physical body, and the energy contained in it is very weak. It is good to have Jindan period.

"Hey, what about bad witch gods!"

Song Yan smiled with a faint smile and suddenly offered Qinglian sword to cut out.

Jianguang flashed, Xuan Yao's body incarnation.



With a short scream, Xuan Yao's avatar was immediately spiked by Song Yan!

"Asshole, I want to kill you!"

Xuan Yao, who was struggling with Li Tianluo, was chopped because of his avatar, and he could not help uttering an angry roar.

When Li Tianluo saw this, he even confirmed his thoughts and someone helped him secretly.


Xuanyao once again condensed a small idea to form an avatar that fell a few meters away from Song Yong, and scolded at him: "Bastard boy, do you know who I am, you actually ..."!

It was just that Xuan Yao's words weren't finished yet, and Song Ye shot her again with a sword.

"It's important for the little man to set up a battle. How can I have time to talk to you!"

With a disdainful smile, Song Yi shook his body and came to another direction to continue burying the superb spirit.

On the other side, Xuan Yao was almost furious. The guy actually chopped off her two small thoughts and did not unload him eight pieces, it would be difficult to dispel the hatred of the witch.


Taking advantage of her moment of loss, Li Tianluo seized the opportunity to counterattack for a while, causing her hands and feet to be almost injured, and for a moment, she even hated Song Yong.

Seeing the two men who were chased by the two spirit beasts, she couldn't help anger and yelled, "Are you two pigs, don't you know how to trap them with Fabao?"

Xuanyao was scolded by the two who were sorrowful in their hearts. They immediately came to their senses and quickly released the magic weapon intended to trap Huoyun Leopard and Red Flame Tiger.

The difference in strength is too great.

For a moment, the two mighty five-level spirit beasts were trapped by the two, and they only roared angrily.

"There was a kid who laid out the formation in secret. You killed him!" Xuan Yao said again, his voice full of anger and murder.

Seeing the two masters who were coming to himself, Song Yan's face changed slightly, his heart screamed badly, his formation was not finished yet. If he was entangled by these two guys, he would be afraid to complete, I'm afraid I can't hold it for long.

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