Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1119: Trapped

Suddenly, Li Tianluo showed a stunned look and asked, "Song Daoyou came for the Spirit Beastmaster?"

"That's right." Song Zheng nodded.

"Since it's all here, why don't Song Daoyou go in?" Li Tianluo asked again.

"This valley is shrouded by a congenital burst, and I am not sure I can enter and exit freely, so I am considering whether to go in!"

After listening to Song Yan's words, Li Tianluo stared at the valley subconsciously, and she really saw some clues. The seemingly ordinary nine-colored spiritual mist was between reality and illusion, as if still and still flowing.

False, true, false, suddenly gave her an unpredictable feeling.

Song Zheng looked at the valley and said solemnly: "Under the large array, the space in the valley is distorted and overlapped. Once entered, it may fall into some unknown space, afraid to be trapped inside!"

"This congenital battle is so powerful?"

Li Tianluo's heart sank, but she was going to preempt the Spirit Beastmaster. Now, the valley where the Spirit Beastmaster is actually guarded by an innate array, isn't her plan to be defeated.

Song Xun Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, but watched the change of the nine-colored spirit fog intently, and inferred in his mind the operation law of this congenital array.

Everything in the sky and the earth has a law, and the congenital array is no exception. As long as you master the law of the large array, even if you can't break it, at least you won't get stuck in it.

Seeing Song Yan standing still like an incarnation stone sculpture, Li Tianluo was extremely anxious.

"No, even if this formation is more powerful, I will try it, otherwise, once Tuoba Feng arrives, I will not be able to stand up!"

Thinking of this, Li Tianluo stepped into the valley.

"Sir, don't go in!" Shouted Song Yan.

This time, Li Tianluo did not look at Song Ye coldly, and Shen said, "Song Daoyou, I have to enter the distress."

After hearing that, Song Ye still couldn't bear Li Tianluo being trapped inside, so he said, "Wait a second, I'm calculating the operation law of this formation method, maybe I can figure it out later!"

"Can you really figure it out?" Li Tianluo's tone was a little skeptical, and a little bit of anticipation.

"I try as much as I can!"

As soon as the voice fell, Song Yan stopped talking, his eyes stared at the nine-colored spirit fog, but his mind entered a state of crazy computing.

Time passed slowly, and Song Yu added a fine layer of sweat stains on his forehead.

Li Tianluo looked around vigilantly for a while, and then looked at Song Yan.

In a blink of an eye, the time passed half an hour later, Song Yong had a sudden and cheerful feeling. He could predict that as long as there was another half a quarter of an hour, he could infer the operating law of this large array.

"How's it going?" Li Tianluo couldn't help asking, his tone was slightly anxious.

Song Yan smiled confidently: "It can be up to half a quarter of an hour."

After hearing that, Li Tianluo also showed a smile, but immediately, her smile disappeared, a beautiful cheek was instantly covered with frost, and her eyes were full of murder.

A kilometer away, a group of people are coming towards the valley at a very fast speed. The four headed by them are the goddess goddess Tuoba Fengtuo Tuoba Xianer brothers and sisters and the martial art witch Wuxuan Yao.

Song Kun seemed to feel something, and looked back, sighing softly, if this group of people came half an hour late!

"It's too late, let's go in!"

As soon as Li Tianluo's figure fluttered, he came to Song Yan to catch his wrist and ran towards the valley.

"Li Tianluo is there, don't let her run away!"

As soon as Li Tianluo was seen, Xuanyao rushed forward, followed by Song Yun and Li Tianluo's figures into the colorful mist.

"Sister and wait for me!"

The blood was unwilling to fall behind and followed closely.

At the first sight of Tuoba brothers and sisters, it was impossible for Xunyao Xuanyao to grab his head work, so his body flew in, almost breaking into the nine-colored spirit mist alongside Xuanyao.

As for the remaining people, their own goddess, goddess, and witches and witches went in. They could never stay outside, so they flew up one by one and entered the colorful mist.

Song Ye looked around. This was an extremely monotonous world. It was gray and indistinguishable. It was clear that this was a twisted and overlapping small world.

"Sir, you have hurt me!" Song Yan smiled bitterly.

A embarrassment flashed on Li Tianluo's beautiful cheek: "Aren't you the master of matrix formation? You can also calculate the law of matrix formation here!"

Hearing the words, Song Yan's helpless face: "Don't you know that the law of the formation method can only be observed outside the array, once it falls into it, it must be observed at least ten times and a hundred times more difficult than the outside world, and we are very lucky Poor, as soon as he entered the battlefield, he was teleported to a small world that was distorted and overlapped. Not to mention that he continued to speculate on the formation method. It is unknown whether he can get out of this small world! "

Listening to Song Yan's words, Li Tianluo's embarrassment was even stronger: "Song Daoyou is really sorry, if there is a chance to go out, I will definitely compensate you!"

"Forget it!" Song Yong waved his hand: "Let's not talk about the other, let's think of a way to see if we can get out of this small world!"

"I'll try!"

After a light drink, a pair of mixed-in-laws flew out of Li Tianluo's long sleeves, trying to plunge into the void, breaking up this small world.

Unfortunately, as soon as the mixed sky came out, she felt that the world was not at all powerless, that is, no matter how much power she used, she could not break this small world.

Undeterred, she put away the mixed tentacle and took out a flying sword.

Unfortunately, like the result, Feijian could not cut through this void.

Then she tried to use her fists, palms, and even her feet, and even she released small thoughts that still didn't work.

"Song Daoyou, I have tried my best, should you try it?" Li Tianluo said.

"Okay, let me try!"

As soon as he thought about it, Song Yi shot it with a single palm, the black and white lights flashed, and then he was bombarded in front.

It's a pity ... still useless!

At this moment, Song Yan's heart sank completely, but this is a dazzling hybrid Yuan Tian Tianzhang. To break the void is not like playing, but now ...

"Try the big move!"


The figure fluttered and Song Song disappeared in place. The next moment, he took a closer look, still in that small world.

epic! !!

As for the law and the world, Song Ye knows no use without trying, because Li Tianluo's early strength of distraction can not shake the space barrier of this small world.

I ca n’t break it, and I ca n’t move it. What should I do?

"Song Daoyou, are you really unable to guess the matrix here?" Li Tianluo asked again.

Song Yan shrugged helplessly: "Sir, I'll tell you so, now, we are like the frog in the well, all we can see is the sky as big as the mouth of the well. I want to see more Bigger and wider sky, you can only jump out of that well, do you understand? "

Listening to Song Yan's bluntness, Li Tianluo's expression went dark: "Is there really no other way?"

"Yes, but I have to think about it," Song Yan said in a deep voice.

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