Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1131: Wilderness pretend

It was night, and Song Ye stayed at the foot of a small hill two thousand kilometers away from the Yunmen Gate.

The bright yellow flame was set against his slightly tender, handsome cheek, while he was holding a branch in his hand, and a fat, oily pheasant on the branch was roasting on the fire, with a strong flavour of meat As the night wind floated far away.

After careful calculation, I have not eaten barbecue for a long time.

Dozens of miles away.

A hunt is underway.

The killers were a pair of young boys and girls with grief and indignation, and the middle-aged men with dark eyes were hunted down.

Looking at the young boys and girls who fled in front, the middle-aged man had a little cat-like mouse smile on his face and shouted, "Yuner, Waner, you can't escape, as long as you are obedient Get out of hand and surrender the treasure of our Lin family. How can you not take your life as the second uncle's guarantee? "

"If you dream, even if I die, I will not surrender to you, a traitor in the Lin family!"

The teenager Lin Yun responded angrily.

Middle-aged man shrugged off: "How can you say that, Yuner, the second uncle is for the good of the Lin family!"

"It's good for the Lin family, so you take the Huang family to kill your father!" Lin Yun's expression became more angry, his eyes were full of murder. If he wasn't the opponent of that traitor, he would give it to him. Unload eight pieces.

The middle-aged man reiterated: "You can't say the same thing, mainly blame your old stubborn father for being too stubborn. If he agrees to marry Waner to the Huang family, why will he end up here!"

"How could my father marry Waner to Huang Tianhao's grandson!"

The middle-aged man sneered: "What's wrong with marrying Huang Tianhao. Although he is a sister-in-law, he is the son of the Huang family's owner, not to mention, Huang Tianhao's elder brother Huang Tianfeng has been established as a seed disciple by the four beasts, and may even take over The owner of the Four Beasts, and the Huang Family will also be under the care of him. Who in Sanyang Town will still be the opponent of the Huang Family? Therefore, instead of being destroyed by the Huang Family in the future, it is better to rely on it now. We The Lin family can also flourish from this. "

"You want to be Huang's dog, but we don't want to!"

I heard that the middle-aged man's face was a bit more murderous and angrily said, "Why are you like your stubborn father, don't you test the patience of your uncle, otherwise, your uncle will hurt. Killer! "

"Will my man in the Lin family be afraid of death!" Lin Yun drank.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?" Lin Chengyang sneered.

"I will keep my useful body to avenge my father!" Lin Yun said firmly.

Between the words, the three chased after each other and ran for dozens of miles.

"Hum, want revenge, next life!"

Lin Chengyang gave a cold drink, and his speed suddenly doubled, and he shortened each other's distance instantly.

As soon as Lin Yun saw it, he was taken aback, took out a long black tiger's head knife, and flew away towards Lin Chengyang.


The sword and the tiger followed, and a dim shadow of a giant tiger appeared faintly in the sky, rushing towards Lin Chengyang.

"Yuner, I have to say that you are a cultivating genius. You have reached the tenth level of gas refining at only eighteen years old. Unfortunately, you forgot that your second uncle was in the early days of foundation!"

During his speech, Lin Chengyang added a long sword to his hand, and cut several swords again and again.

The sword qi was like a tide, spurting out, hitting the giant tiger virtual shadow in the void, instantly smashing it, and at the same time, the sword qi continued to shoot at Lin Yun.

Seeing this, Lin Yun's expression tightened, and she pushed Lin Wan'er aside and said, "Waner, you go first!"

While speaking, Lin Yun waved a tiger's long sword, and the knife flew out.

Seeing this, Lin Waner hesitated slightly and continued to gallop away, because she knew that staying here would only drag her down.


A series of impact sounded, and then Lin Yun's figure flew back and forth dozens of steps before he could stabilize his figure.

Lin Chengyang did not chase after victory, but used the words to play: "How, even if you are a genius, you are not the opponent of the second uncle, and ask you again, in the end?"

Lin Yun spit on the ground and smirked: "Well, I want Lin Yun to surrender to you a running dog, dream!"

"Okay, little bunny, now that you want to die, I'll do it for you!"

With a cold drink, Lin Chengyang flew into the shape of Lin Yun, and the sword in his hand suddenly burst into a storm-like storm.

Dangdang Dangdang! !!

Lin Yun greeted him with a knife, but only blocked more than ten swords, and the sword broke into the body.


The next moment, Lin Yun's body flew out, smashed to the ground, and spit out blood.


The figure flickered, Lin Chengyang appeared in front of Lin Yun, and the sword was placed on his neck: "Give up the treasure of my Lin family, I will spare you!"

"Don't think about it! Kill me if you have one!" Lin Yun glared at him without fear.

"Hard mouth!"

Lin Chengyang raised a storage bag around Lin Yun's waist.


Everything in the storage bag was poured out, but he didn't find what he wanted. For a moment, his complexion became extremely gloomy.

"Say, where did my Lin family ’s treasure go?"

Lin Chengyang pressed again.

"Hehe!" Lin Yun smiled scornfully, and didn't speak at all!

"Don't you think I don't know? Is it Lin Lin's body?" Lin Chengyang asked Lin Yun staring at him.

Sure enough, Lin Yun's face changed, and she was anxious: "Jibao is not on Waner's body, so don't bother!"

"Haha, it seems that the treasure of my Lin family is on Waner!" Lin Chengyang smiled proudly.

"No, it's not! You guessed it wrong, Zhibao is not on Waner!" Lin Yun shouted loudly, at the same time, his body suddenly leaped and slammed into Lin Chengyang's head.

"court death!"

As soon as the sword light flashed, Lin Chengyang's sword drew into Lin Yun's heart, pulled out the sword, and chased in the direction that Lin Waner disappeared.

After he disappeared, Lin Yun, who was already dead, suddenly stood up from the ground, covering his chest and sneered, "It's not easy to kill me, but unfortunately Waner is going to be my death ghost. Waner, the big brother doesn't want This way, but I can't die, otherwise my Lin family will really die, but you can rest assured that I will kill Lin Chengyang to avenge you after I have cultivated successfully! "

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yun fled in the opposite direction.

In the night, only Lin Waner, who is the seventh person in the gas refining industry, was running away with all his strength, and his beautiful little face was still covered with tears. He thought to himself, "Brother, you must be fine."

Although it was delayed for a while, Lin Chengyang was not worried. He couldn't catch up with Lin Waner, who was only the seventh person in gas refining.

Sure enough, just a quarter of an hour later, he was able to see Lin Waner's figure far away. Suddenly, he felt a little more excited in his heart. After catching up with her, the treasures of the Lin family could also fall into his hands.

Thinking of this, his speed increased by a few points, and in a moment, he surpassed Lin Waner to intercept her.

Coincidentally, here is only a few hundred meters away from the camping place of Song Yong. He was full of food and drink, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help showing some interest.

Lin Chengyang looked at Song Yan vigilantly, and then reached out to Lin Waner and said, "Waner, give me your storage bag!"

"I do not!"

Lin Waner shook her head.

"Waner, as long as you give me the storage bag, I will let you go!"

Lin Wan'er hesitated slightly: "Are you talking?"

"Of course!" Lin Chengyang tried to put on a kind look.

"All right, here you are!"

Lin Waner unpacked the storage bag and threw it to Lin Chengyang.

With the storage bag in hand, Lin Chengyang couldn't wait to open it and look at it. Lin Waner's storage bag didn't have much. Except for some girl's gadgets and a few clothes and shoes, there were only two sublime spirits.

"Why not?"

Lin Chengyang froze, then looked at Lin Waner coldly: "Waner, what is that thing?"

Lin Waner said with a confused expression: "What? Second uncle, don't you want to regret it? Also, how did you treat my elder brother?"

Seeing this, Lin Chengyang shouted fiercely: "Let me shift the subject, Waner, you know what I want, and hand it over to me to spare you, otherwise don't blame the uncle ’s heart!"

Lin Wan'er thought for a while, and seemed to understand what Lin Chengyang wanted. He asked tentatively, "Second Uncle, are you talking about the treasure of our Lin family?"

"That's right." Lin Chengyang nodded strongly: "Where did you put it, give it to the second uncle, and the second uncle will let you go."

"Not on me, how can I give you!" Lin Waner grieved.

"Smelly girl, how dare you lie to me!"

With a dazzling figure, Lin Chengyang came to Lin Waner and slapped her face in a slap.

Although Lin Waner possesses the seventh practice of refining gas, she has never played against anyone. When she saw Lin Chengyang slap her fan, she didn't think of running away, but closed her eyes in fear.

But time passed for a while, the palm of the second uncle still did not fall on her face, subconsciously, she opened her eyes, but found that there was an additional figure in front of her, blocking her and the second uncle.

"Boy, who are you? This is my Lin family's business. I advise you not to worry about it!"

Looking at the boy grabbing his wrist, Lin Chengyang threatened coldly.

Song Yan smiled and said in a hurry: "The thing that grabbed the little girl is very bad, and now I still want to hit others, I haven't seen someone so shameless like you!"

Suddenly, Lin Chengyang's face turned dark, and he roared angrily, "Let me go, otherwise I'll be blameless!"

"Oh, then you're welcome to show me?" Song Yan smiled and pouted.

Lin Chengyang's eyes flashed a murderous light, and he moved Zhenyuan to pat Song Song's chest, but unfortunately, his palm was just halfway, and his chest was printed on one palm.


Lin Chengyang flew out and smashed several meters away.

"Boy, you look for death!"

Lin Chengyang was completely enraged, and he slashed his sword at Song Xunfei, but at this moment, a black flying sword flew out of Song Xuan's hand and hit his sword.


With the sound of a series of impacts, Lin Chengyang was hit back and forth, and the sword in his hand shattered and fell to the ground. There was only one hilt left in his hand.

"magic weapon!"

Looking at the black flying sword floating in front of Song Yan, Lin Chengyang secretly took a breath of air, at the same time, his eyes flashed with envy and greed.

[Off-topic by the author]: The third update is complete, thanks for the reward

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