Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1133: How can it be?

Seeing Lin Waner's appearance, Song Yi could not help raising a bit of bad taste, deliberately pretending to look good, and licking his lips, while continuing to walk to the bed, he said, "I ca n’t come here, how can I make a hole with you? . "

Upon hearing this, Lin Wan'er shuddered and cried, "Woohoo, don't, I don't want to make a hole with you!"

Seeing that this girl was so intimidated, Song Ye couldn't help crying and laughing, especially the girl's feeling of tears and pears, it was easy to make people feel sorry, so he looked right: "Once the little girl, Don't cry, I'm just kidding you. "

"Really, you didn't lie to me?" Lin Waner immediately stopped crying and stared suspiciously at Song Yan.

"Puff puff!"

While talking, Song Yan had come to the bedside, and the sword gas overflowing between her fingers struck Lin Wan'er's body, and all the rope on her body broke.

Lin Waner, who had regained her freedom, could not help breaking her tears, and said to Song Yi: "You are a good person."

Actually, she was issued a good card, and Song Ye was a little speechless. At the same time, she realized that the girl was too simple. If she left, she would never get better.

"Girl, what are you going to do in the future?"

Lin Wan'er stared and thought for a while: "I ... I want to find my brother!"

"Where is your elder brother?" Song Yan asked again.

"I don't know." Lin Wan'er shook his head dumbly: "Before we were hunted down by my uncle, my brother asked me to go first, and he came to block the second uncle."

Song Yan sank in his heart, secretly in his heart, the elder brother of this girl was mostly fierce and less fortunate.

But he couldn't bear to tell her this cruel news, so he said, "So, just follow me and wait for you to find your elder brother before leaving."

Lin Waner thought about it again, then nodded earnestly: "You are a good person, I believe in you, and I will follow you in the future!"

Seeing this, Song Yan could not help but sigh softly, this girl is really ... the typical kind was sold to help people.

"Tonight we will stay here for one night and leave here tomorrow!"

"Well, I listen to you."


The Huang family's mansion was extremely lively tonight, because the Huang family was setting up a drink to celebrate. Although the Lin family did not die directly, the Lin family led by Lin Chengyang had become a vassal of the Huang family.

This means that the entire Sanyang town is owned by the Huang family.

"Homeowner, the Lin family is here!"

Suddenly, a subordinate came to Huang Shizhong, the owner of the Huang family.

"Bring him in!"

Soon, a middle-aged man was brought in. Everyone who was present knew him. He was Lin Sheng, the steward of the Lin family. He rebelled with Lin Chengyang and killed Lin Chengyuan, the owner of the Lin family.

"Master, the second grandfather of my family was killed!" Lin Shengxi fell to his knees on the ground, his expression terrified.


Huang Shizhong was shocked, and then furious: "Who did it?"

Lin Sheng said: "It's a young man. The second elder wanted to count him, but he didn't expect the young man to be fooled, and then he killed the second elder!"

Hearing that the Huang family present was shocked. Although they did not like a traitor like Lin Chengyang, they still agreed with his cultivation, but in the early days of the old foundation, most people couldn't kill him.

Huang Shizhong also thought of this, and Shen said, "What is that young man?"

Lin Sheng shook his head: "I don't know, but the boy had a flying sword, and the young man looked at it from afar, at least it was a third-class treasure!"

"Three treasures!"

As soon as Huang Shizhong's eyes brightened, Nuo's big Huang family also only had a third-class treasure. If the Huang family could add another third-grade treasure, the strength would definitely increase greatly.

The people around the Huang family also followed their breath tightly, and their faces were filled with heartbeats. Even an old man couldn't wait to stand up and said, "Master, the young man can kill Lin Chengyang. You are in the middle of building, and you have the third-grade treasure armor, plus the three of us, you will definitely be able to kill the young man! "

There is no word, that is to take away the magic weapon from the young man.

This old man is called Huang Jue, Huang Shizhong's second uncle, and now he is the elder of the Huang family.

Hearing that Huang Shizhong could not help showing hesitation.

Just then, another middle-aged man stood up. His name was Huang Shiming and Huang Shizhong's second brother.

Huang Shiming said: "Brother, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if you do n’t think about our Huang family, you have to consider it for Tianfeng. The Four Beast Gates have more than one seed disciple. If you go to the door, the strength of Tianfeng will definitely increase, and the chance of becoming the master of the Four Beasts will be greater! "

"it is good!"

Huang Shizhong took a palm shot on the table, and said loudly, "Second uncle, second brother, third brother, follow me to the Lin family!"


Huang Jue and Huang Shiming all responded in unison, and their faces were full of excitement.

A quarter of an hour later, under the leadership of Lin Sheng, the four of Huang Shizhong came to the room where Song Kun lived.

On the way, the four of them discussed their strategies. Huang Jue and Huang Shiming Huang Shicheng went to seduce the enemy. Huang Shizhong, who was the highest repairer, hid to one side. Once the enemy appeared flawed, he would give a desperate blow.


When the figure flashed, the three fell into the yard outside the box.

"Boy, come out and die!"

Huang Shiming shouted loudly, while Huang Jue and Huang Shizhong held their swords and spears, respectively, after all, they had magic weapons in their bodies.

"A disturbing dream in the middle of the night, **** it!"

A voice came from the room, and then a flash of black light came to Huang Shicheng in an instant.

Retreat, fly back!

While retreating, Huang Shicheng waved his spear wildly, forming a shadow of a gun in front of him.


With a soft whistle, Fei Jian suddenly cut off the spear in Huang Shicheng's hand, and then went undiminished.

Pass by!

Huang Shicheng looked down at the blood hole in his chest that was constantly bleeding. His eyes were full of unbelief and unwillingness. Isn't the other party also in the early days of foundation, even if he is unbearable, he can't be killed in seconds.


With a loud sound, Huang Shicheng's tall body crashed to the ground.

Looking at Huang Shicheng who fell to the ground, Huang Jue and Huang Shiming just wake up like dreams.

"Asshole, I want to kill you!"

With a dazzling figure, Huang Shiming rushed to the front, blasting the door with a punch.

But at this moment, a hand appeared as if out of thin air, and was gently printed on his chest.


With a moan, Huang Shiming fell back and fell to the ground in the courtyard, dying with anger.

"Second Brother, Third Brother!"

Huang Shizhong, who was hiding on the side, could no longer hold back, and his eyes were red and flew towards him. He took a long black knife and cut it to the young man who came to the door.

"Dead!" Huang Shizhong's face was covered with magpies.


The young man gave a light drink, kicked his feet, and made a gurgling sound. Huang Shizhong even flew out with a knife, fell heavily on the ground, and struggled to get up, but he covered his chest in pain, spit out three blood, and his face was spit. Suddenly it became incomparable.

Only Huang Ju, who hadn't started, was shocked and stunned. How could this young man be so powerful? You should know that Huang Shizhong was in the middle of the foundation, and the armor of the third-grade treasure was in his body. He was also seriously injured.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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