Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1140: I can't help but want to pump you

"But I don't want to." Lin Wan'er shook his head.

"Well, it's up to you!",

Seeing Lei Tiantan grabbing her hand, Lin Waner flew to him involuntarily, causing her to exclaim.

Seeing this, Lei Tian couldn't help but burst out a proud laugh, seeing a woman who had been obedient to him, and now some people resisted, but he aroused his interest more and more.


A loud noise blasted the stone room.

"Who is it? Who dares to do good things about this seat!" Lei Tian yelled angrily.

The dust was scattered, a slender figure, and a handsome boy with a trace of childishness walking slowly and elegantly in.

"Brother Song!"

Lin Waner was drawn to the bed, and when she saw this handsome young man could not help showing joy, she ran towards him subconsciously.

"Give me back!"

Lei Tian looked cold, and his hand grabbed Lin Wan'er.

Seeing this, the teenager's mouth outlined a trace of coldness, a flick of his fingers, and a burst of energy shot instantly, hitting Lei Tian's palm. At one time, Lei Tian fell down and returned until he flew to the corner. Keep your body steady.

Suddenly, Lei Tian's eyes felt a little bit more frightened. The boy was so high in cultivation that he suffered a loss as a result of the fight. Although I didn't use my best efforts, he could knock me off. This boy at least Reached the late Jindan.


Lin Waner threw herself into Song Huai's arms excitedly, crying, "Brother Song, you are finally here. If you take one step later, people will be forced to marry this old monster!"

When Lin Waner actually called him an old monster, Lei Tian couldn't help but look cold, and said sternly, "Boy, who are you? What crime should you do to break into this cave?"

Hearing that, Song Yan was disdainful: "I don't feel ashamed at all, and I want an old cow to eat tender grass at an old age. If I were you, I would have dug a pit and buried myself alive."

Lei Tian: "..."

The next moment, Song Zheng said again, "Well, I'll take her away. Do you have any opinion?"

Seeing that the boy didn't take himself seriously, Lei Tian added a killer in his eyes: "Boy, you are too presumptuous, but here is the Yin Yang Sect, even if you are a master of Yuan Ying, you are not qualified to spread wild here! "

"I'm just wanton, what can you do to me?"

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly, and the tentacle grabbed Lin Waner's thin waist, and said softly, "Waner, let's go."

"Hmm!" Lin Waner nodded her head slightly. After experiencing the betrayal of her closest brother Lin Yun, she subconsciously regarded Song Kun as the last resort.

"court death!"

Lei Tian couldn't bear it anymore. As soon as his figure flickered, he crossed the big bed and raised his hand to punch out.

Yin Yang big grinding disc! !!

Yin and Yang flashed, turning into a huge black and white grinding disc, with a horrible strangling force, and rushed to envelope Song Song and Lin Waner together.


With a cold hum, Song Yan probed out of his hand and went straight into the yin and yang mill.

Seeing the boy not only dodged, but also dare to resist his own yin and yang grind disc, Lei Tian could not help showing a cruel sneer, but his yin and yang grind disc was a fusion of the yin and yang sect's self-made lore, even if the Masters are not afraid to resist this move.

But at the next moment, Lei Tian's eyes suddenly stared round because ...


Song Yong's arm was agitated in the yin and yang mill. Suddenly, the powerful yin and yang mill was shattered, and his expression was so easy to kill that he didn't show a sense of exertion.

"This ... how is this possible, why is my yin and yang grinding disc so fragile?"

"The name is so windy, but the power ... is too ordinary!"

Song Zheng retracted his palm and continued to walk towards Shi Shiguo with Lin Waner's waist, while Lei Tian, ​​who was in shock, watched Song Ying leave like that, and did not make a slight stop because he knew that the other party could It's so easy to break his yin and yang grinding disc, the other side's repair is at least above the Yuan infant period.

"Brother Song, why did you come so timely? You know, I was desperate at the time."

Walking in the yin and yang sect, Lin Waner asked curiously.

"Stupid girl, because Brother Song is worried about your accident and has been following you secretly." Song Yan smiled lightly.

After hearing that, Lin Wan'er couldn't help but be moved, and there was a layer of mist in her eyes, and she took the initiative to hold Song Yan: "Brother Song, you are so kind to me, thank you."

"Then how are you going to thank me?" Song Yan teased.

Lin Wan'er's cheeks were red, hesitating, "It's a big deal ... it's a big deal. Parents will be married to you."

Suddenly, Song Zheng looked right: "Waner, Brother Song has always wanted to tell you that the time has come!"

Next, Song Yun treated Lin Yun as a shield and told Lin Waner about her escape.

Song Yan originally thought that after knowing the truth, Lin Waner would show disappointment and pain, but the expression on the other side was very calm.

After a while, Lin Waner said leisurely: "In fact, I guessed long ago, but I couldn't believe it. I didn't fully confirm my guess until I experienced this."

"Then how are you going to punish him?"

Lin Waner said in a low mood: "No matter how he is also my elder brother, before our Lin family's upheaval, he still loved my sister very much, so he also asked elder brother Song to take him away from the yin and yang sect. Otherwise, elder Lei Tian will not Let him go! "

"Okay." Song Zheng nodded.

After half a quarter of an hour, Song Ye took Lin Waner to the outer courtyard of the Yin Yangzong.

The courtyard where Lin Yun lived was very lively at this moment, because the disciples in the outer courtyard knew that he dedicated his sister to the elder of the inner courtyard, Lei Tian, ​​as a concubine, so they all scrambled to contribute.

Looking at the congratulatory gifts and the disciples of the foreign courtyard who patted him, Lin Yun's face had a proud concealment, and there were even some people who followed Jia Liang in this group.


Suddenly a voice sounded.

Lin Yun, who was originally full of smiles, suddenly looked stagnant. Looking down the sound, she just saw her sister standing close to a teenager.

Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed, and he cried out, "Waner, who is he? Are you not with Elder Lei? Why run back again!"

Song Yansheng sounded: "You are very lucky, although Waner has such a wicked brother, but he has not forgotten you. Come with me, I will take you away from Yin Yangzong!"

Hearing that, Lin Yun's face became even more ugly, and he growled: "My sister is now the elder of Elder Lei. I don't care who you are, you better stay away from her to avoid causing death!"

Hearing his words, Lin Wan'er's eyes flashed with sadness, and once again embraced Song Yong's arm, his voice was firm: "He is my brother Song, I will marry him in the future!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun's eyes almost protruded, and hysterical shouted: "Waner, how can you! How can you ... **** together, you catch this little white face for me!"


A group of apprentices from the yin and yang sect were worried that they had no chance to block Lin Yun. After hearing his orders, they rushed to Song Yong.


Song Yan flicked around, all of a sudden, dozens of students from the outlying courtyard turned into hoisting hoists. At the same time, he waved a slap out of nothing, and only heard the popping sound, Lin Yun was directly fanned.

"Waner let you go, doesn't mean I let you go!" Song Yan said coldly.

At this moment, several flashes of light flashed in the sky, and then fell from the sky, turning into five men and women, one of them is the elder of the inner courtyard, Lei Tian.

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