Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1154: Ouyang Tianding

"Well, you should go. If you don't leave, the master of Qi Guo's Mansion should be here."

The young woman in a palace costume reminded.

"Thank you for reminding me."

Song Zheng nodded, then looked at the teacher and girl: "Take care of the girl and teacher, I will take a step first, I will come to see you if I have the chance."

To the teacher girl, Song Xun has no jealous feelings, but rather treats her as a confidant in music.

"My son is careful." The teacher and the girl whispered softly, but the look under the veil was a little worried.

"I will."

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan's figure flickered, and he disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he was already at the gate of the city.

Looking at the suddenly disappearing Song Kun, the young women in palace costumes and the old men with goatees were stunned.

"Master, is this teleportation?"

"No, it should be legendary magic power."

The young woman in the palace dress shook her head, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips: "It seems this little guy is more outstanding than I imagined."

Outer city, inside a low courtyard.

Zhou Yun is seriously portraying the Lianling array under her master's gaze.

After decades of teaching by Master and her extraordinary talents, her achievements in the way of refining are not inferior to those of Master. However, her cultivation is still low, and the true fire condensed is not pure enough for refining Treasures are okay, but they can't be used to make spirits, so you need to portray an array of spirits to purify the true fire.

After half an hour, the Lianling Formation had finished portraying, and a smile appeared on Zhou Yun's face.

The voice of the skinny old man sounded at the right time: "Seeing you portraying the practice of refining the spirit array, you can rest assured. If it is not the real fire you have gathered, your refinery water quality is not weaker than the teacher.

"All masters teach well." Zhou Yun hurriedly.

"Okay, don't make a badass as a teacher, hurry up the refiner!" The dry old man smiled, then turned and walked out of the refinery room.

Looking at Master's uncle's back, Zhou Yun secretly vowed that no matter what method was used, Master's injury must be cured.

In the other room, Lin Waner entered the practice.

She didn't want to be Brother Song's towing oil bottle, and the only way was to let her grow up as soon as possible.

The skinny old man came to the yard and drank a cup of tea for himself and drank, but the vicissitudes of his eyes were full of thoughts: "Yuner has completely inherited my mantle, as long as her cultivation reaches Yuan I can grow up to be a master of the refiner in my infancy. I will stay here and will only become a drag on her. When she finishes her refinery this time, I will leave! "

Suddenly, I felt the old man frown, and suddenly looked out of the courtyard wall, sulking coldly: "Someone is hiding there secretly, give it to me!"

The figure flashed, and a man in white appeared in the courtyard out of thin air.

When he saw the other person, the skinny old man's face changed suddenly, and then he smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that you still found me."

"Brother has been missing for a long time, but you have n’t seen it for more than 30 years, but you have become like this one. It looks really distressing. If you let the people in the world know, then the famous master of the refiner Ouyang Tianding turned into a dying Old man, I don't know how disappointed I am! "Said the young man in white, with a yin and yang quirky voice.

On hearing that, the skinny old man's face was very calm: "Master, now you should get what you want and become the master of the Artifact Sect, why not forget about me, a dead man who is about to die?"

The man in white stepped over, picked up the teapot, poured a cup for himself, sipped and spit out the tea, and sarcastically said, "It's bitter and astringent. How can this bad tea brother swallow it?"

"I have become accustomed to this bitter and astringent taste over the years." The dry old man took a tea cup and sipped, calmly.

"Hehe!" The young man in white sneered: "I haven't seen you for decades, you are still that hard and smelly, but then you were a master of the refiner, no matter how bad-tempered you are, you are used to it, but now you are just a Old man, waste, but no one is accustomed to you anymore, brother, listen to my brother and persuade him to surrender the "Xuanqi Scripture", and then tell me the location of the spiritual fire, how does being a master give you a chance to provide for the elderly? "

"Sorry, the teacher's life is hard to break!" The skinny old man shook his head.


The tea cup was shredded by the young man in white: "Brother, don't you be ignorant, brother, but you have been given this opportunity after years of friendship, otherwise, don't blame your brother for using the means to force you to say!"

As soon as the voice fell, several figures flashed, and there were more than ten people in the small courtyard.

But the skinny old man remained unmoved.

The young man in white stared at his eyes and continued: "Do you really think that I have only found you now? In fact, ten years ago, I learned that you were hiding in the capital of the king, and I even knew that you had received an apprentice. I The reason why I did n’t show up was to wait for you to pass the Xuan Qi Jing to your apprentice. Unfortunately, you have n’t passed Xuan Qi Jing to her after waiting so long, so I ca n’t wait! ” Here, the young man in white smirked a bit: "I know that you are very concerned about loving that female apprentice. If you do n’t hand over the Xuan Qi Jing, I will kill her. Now, I will give you ten breathing times, you Bring the mysterious scriptures to the coffin, or choose to let your apprentice live! "

After hearing the words, the skinny old man finally got a little bit annoyed on his face: "No matter how Yuner is your teacher and nephew, you have to go?"

"What is the point of sacrificing a nephew for the Tao Xuan Qi Jing?" The young man in white smiled disdainfully.

The skinny old man was silent, his face flashed with tangled hesitation and pain.

"There are three more breaths, brother, don't you test the patience of your brother!" The young man in white urged.



"One! Go ahead and get me that girl!" There was a flash of anger in the eyes of the young man in white.

"It's the lord!"

A young man in black walked into the room.


The figure flickered, and the old man in the black intercepted the young man's way. When he saw this, there was a fierce light in the eyes of the young man in black.

The voice of the young man in white resounded again: "I said, brother, you want to work with my people on this incomplete body. I can promise you here, after handing out the mysterious scriptures and telling me where the fire is I can take my niece back to Zongmen and train with all my heart. Don't you think it's a waste of such a genius to follow you? "

"Master, it's not that I don't want to give you the mysterious scriptures, but I promised Master!" The old man with a sigh sighed.

I heard that the young man in white started shooting and sneered, "Simply talk about the grandiose words, and you did n’t swear by heaven. Why ca n’t you give me the Scriptures? I do n’t think you want to give me the Scriptures. Old things are just excuses! "

"Brother, please count on me, don't hurt Yuner, okay?" The elder man pleaded.

When he saw this, the young man in white said coldly: "Unlucky, do it! Catch this old guy and abandon it and repair it. I'd like to see when you can be angry!"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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