Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1201: You don't deserve to die under the dark sword

"Kill the master, kill the brother, and then kill the parents. The fear of this ugly Taoist is already distorted to the extreme!" After listening to the ugly Taoist, Song Yan sighed secretly.

The next moment, he turned his attention to the ugly Taoist and asked, "Are you here to take the black sword or to kill me?"

I heard that the ugly old man ’s ugly old face wriggled like a worm, looking horrible and disgusting. He smiled and said, “Originally, the old man did n’t want to take your life, but now the old man of the black sword wants you My old husband is asking for it too! "

Song Yan shrugged and said again: "Let's see other friends!"



A series of human figures flashed, and suddenly there were six more people around.

There are a total of 54 men and women in seven groups, 33 in the late stage of distraction, and 21 in the middle stage of distraction. I have to say that the old man of Tianjian has a strong appeal. In a word, there are so many masters running for him .

Of course, most of them want to get the two chances of the old man from Tianjian. Second, naturally, it is for the mass of superb spirits on him.

"Liu Yimeng, we're meeting again!" Song Yan greeted Liu Yi, who was in the Heaven Alliance.

"Song Gongzi is polite!" Liu Yichi smiled.

Suddenly, Song Yuan's eyes were slightly hesitated. He did not expect that the Tuoba wind came, but in just a few days, the incident spread to the territory of the Song Dynasty. Even so, the **** son of Vulcan could not commit it. Please please Tianjian old man.

Feeling Song Yan's eyes, Tuoba Feng's eyes were cold, and he did not conceal the killing in his eyes. He asked in a cold voice: "Song Yan, you have harmed Xianer so hard. If you know it, just fire back at me The gods accept the punishment of my Master, I can not kill you for a while, otherwise, the Son of God will chop you today! "

Song Yi froze, and flashed Tuoba Xianer's features in his head, and asked subconsciously: "How did I harm her? If it weren't for me, your brother and sister would have been trapped in that battle!"

"What? You saved me in the first place?" Tuoba Feng was very surprised.

Song Yan laughed: "What? Tuoba Xianer didn't tell you? Of course, you don't have to thank me. I also rescued her because of her sake. Otherwise, I'll take care of you!"

Hearing that Tuobafeng's face could not help showing anger and entanglement, hesitated for a while before he said, "You go to Vulcanism, if my Master does not kill you, I can spare you a life!"

"No time!" Song Yan pouted.

"Dare you know that because of you, Xianer was locked into the Wanyou Valley by the Master!" Tuoba Feng said indignantly.

Song Yan frowned slightly: "Where is Wandu Valley? Why is Your Master putting her in Wanyou Valley!"

This time, Tuoba Fengqi was replied by Chuan Yin: "Wanyou Valley is the forbidden area of ​​my Vulcan religion, and no one can ever walk out from it, and the reason why Master wants to lock Fairy in is mainly because you **** is broken. Her body! "


Song Kun exclaimed, a hint of shame flashed across his face, and it was unexpected that Tuoba Xianer's demon girl was in trouble.

"Xianer has been locked in for months, so you must follow me back to Vulcanism as fast as possible, otherwise, she may not be able to survive it!" Tuoba Feng said again, faintly begging , And his face was full of astonishment, and there was a deep worry in his eyes.

Song Yun thought for a while and thought, "In this way, I will deal with the matter here as quickly as possible, and it would be good to go to Vulcanism with you!"

"How long?" Tuoba Feng asked.

"At most ten days, maybe no more than ten days!" Song Kun said, but there was some helplessness in his heart. It seems that things here can only be chaotic with a sharp knife.

"Okay, I'll give you ten days. I hope you can do it. Otherwise, even if you escape to Jiuyou Huangquan, I won't let you go!" Tuoba Feng said firmly.

"Okay, I'll do the talking. You stand by and watch the show first!"

Song Yong waved his hands, his eyes fell on the others again, and he said loudly: "I know that some of you come for the black sword, but more for the superb spirit of my body. Now, I will give you a chance. , And fight with me, who can defeat me, I will give him the black sword and my storage spirit ring! "

Hearing that everyone's eyes brightened and a throbbing heartbeat.

"I'm here!"

Li Dao of Tiandao League stood out and stared at Song Ye greedily, and it felt like he was going to swallow Song Ye.

In this regard, others have no opinion, because the black spirit sword and Song Ling's stored spirit ring first come to their hands, it does not mean that the black spirit sword and Song Yin's stored spirit ring belong to him.

The crowd spread around, leaving the area where the two played.

"Hey, boy, Lao Tzu has heard that you have been slain too late with a sword, today I will try to see if you really have that ability, or bragging about it!" Li Siguai laughed. In fact, Song Yunjian cut Bi Yunzhong in detail The process spread long ago. In everyone's view, Song Yun's killing of Bi Yunzhong was just a fluke. First, Bi Yunzhong consumed more than 90% of the real yuan in the battle. Second, he was escaping his life and gave it to Song Yun. The chance of a sneak attack, and it is said that after a sword beheaded Bi Yunzhong, Song Zhen's true Yuan was also consumed.

Otherwise, only Li Si, who is in the middle of distraction, has the courage to challenge Song Yong.

"Don't brag about it, you'll know soon!" During the talk, Song Kun grabbed the void, and an ordinary long sword that even ordinary treasures couldn't match appeared in Song Kun's hands.

"Why don't you use the black sword?"

Looking at Song Jian's long sword, Li Si could not help asking.

"You don't deserve to die under the black sword!" Song Yan said, shaking his head lightly.

Hearing Song Yan's words of contempt and disdain, Li Si was thoroughly enraged and shouted: "Miscellaneous, you die for Lao Tzu!"

In the breakout period, Li Si held a two-meter-long magical sword with two hands and slashed to Song Yong.

The blade of light was tens of feet long, cold, and frosty flowers appeared in the air wherever he passed, and in a short time, he chopped Song Yan's head.

Seeing this scene, many people are showing curiosity, want to know what Song Zhen's true strength is?

A thousandth of a second.


A sword sounded like a dragon's chant, and a sword light came out of it ...

The small swords looked like snakes, and they hit the sword air again and again, with a click, the overbearing sword air broke up.


After watching this scene, a master of watching wars nodded secretly. After all, it is not possible for anyone to do a mid-strength attack in the late stage.

"Come again!"

Li Si seemed to be humiliated, and once again slashed his sword, his sword broke and his power became more powerful just now.

"Let's go!"

But at this moment, Song Yan said something gently, and then he disappeared.


A soft sound was the sound of sharp swords piercing **.

咣 Dang!

The sword in Li Si's hand fell to the ground, and then his tall body fell to the ground.

One move to kill mid-distortion?

For a while, the surroundings became silent and the needles were heard!

[Author's off-topic]: This chapter is more for "Drunk Breeze"

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