Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1208: No time to see you

The two monks at the gate were both Jindan later monks, but they were both disciples of the Taiyi religion. It was because of this that they dared to humiliate Song Yan. The main thing was that the virgin Li Tianluo had The six princes are engaged. Everyone knows that Song Kun is planning for the Four Princes. The Four Princes and the Six Princes are in a competitive relationship. Therefore, these two people will not even look good at Song Kun.

Hearing that, Song Yun's face could not help sinking slightly.

Qin Xiaoyu scolded angrily: "What do you two say?"

The other side of the mouth picked up, and glanced at Qin Xiaoyu with contempt: "Why, that's how we talk, and come to us if you are not convinced, don't forget, this is too pedagogical, and I dare not give you ten courage act wildly!"

"court death!"

Qin Xiaoyu was furious, and he needed to teach the two a little lesson, but Song Yan grabbed her hand, then shook her head: "Don't care about them, it's a bad mood!"

"Yes, son!" Qin Xiaoyu quickly retreated behind Song Yan.

"Two Taoists, please make it easy for you to go through the pass!" Song Zheng said to the two practitioners at the gate again.

One of them sneered, "Who do you think you are? My family teaches you what you want to see and see. I remind you that the palm teacher has no time to see you as a small character. Hurry up!"

Another added: "By the way, there are quite a few people who want to take your life now. You should hurry up and run away. Otherwise, if someone is killed here, we have to spend our energy to clean it!"

Seeing these two guys sing and sneer and sneer at Song Yan, Qin Xiaoyu's two rows of silver teeth clattered. If it was not allowed by the son, she would have split the two abominable guys in two.

However, Song Yan's expression was relatively calm, and he handed them a piece of superb Lingjing Road: "This is a little bit of the next heart, and I hope that the two will pass the pass!"

Seeing the superb Lingjing, the eyes of both were bright, and there was a flash of greed in their eyes, and then they thought that this Song Yan looked extremely rich, so they looked at each other and quickly exchanged their eyes.

The next moment, one after another said, "Why, if you want to bribe us, we won't accept it!"

"Yes, a small Needling Lingjing also wants to bribe us and treat us as someone." Another added in cooperation.

A superb Lingjing is converted into a sublime Lingjing. There are one million sublime Lingjings. Even if they are disciples of Taiyi religion, they do n’t have so many assets. Of course, they do n’t really dislike a superb Lingjing. , But want to extort more of the best Lingjing from Song Yan.

Song Yan saw through their minds at first glance, and it was inevitable that he was a little uncomfortable. He was blackmailed by the two Jindan Periods. However, he came to ask for a marriage today, and it was not beneficial to conflict with them. Moreover, it was difficult for King Huang to see the little ghost Tangled, so he was too lazy to tangle with them, so he handed over two pieces again and said, "Trouble two Taoist friends to pass down!"

Seeing that Song Ye added two pieces of superb Lingjing to each of them, he couldn't help but be impressed, and even his breathing was quick.

You know, as the bottom disciples of the Taiyi religion, all their savings will be tens of thousands of products.

However, there is a saying that the lack of human heart swallows the elephant. When he saw that he had run only Song Ji, he took out two more superb spirit crystals, so they exchanged their eyes again.

One of them said again and again: "Are you sending a crocodile? Three pieces of Super Lingjing, you can get it!"

Another sneered, "Hey, don't treat us as ordinary gatekeepers, we are all disciples of Taiyijiao!"

Hearing the words, Song Yan's mouth slightly sneered, and suddenly the best Lingjing was put away.

Suddenly, the two janitors were dumbfounded and at the same time felt regretful, but the next moment, they felt a huge anger and a sense of humiliation in their hearts. One of them yelled at Song Yan: "Asshole, you Are you teasing us? "


Song Kun raised his hand and flew out. The man flew out like straw.

"Do you dare to hit someone, do you know where this is?" Seeing the companion being beaten, another person stared at Song Wei inexplicably.

The Qin Xiaoyu behind was very happy, and almost clapped his hands. He was a little bitterly smiling, but the boy's temper was really ... but he also felt that the two boys were asking for trouble.

Song Yan shook his head with a slight smile: "Human, don't take yourself too seriously. There are many distracting masters who have died in my hands, not to mention you two Jindan minor repairs.

Even if you are too disciples of Taiyijiao, after all, you are just little Jindan, who makes things difficult for me, what are you? Speaking of which, Song Yan's eyes flashed deadly: "You said, I slaughtered you, will the Taiyi Church not turn their heads because of the two of you and the four princes?" "

When they heard these words, the two's faces suddenly became extremely ugly. Song Yan said it well. They are just the bottom disciples of the Taiyi religion. If such disciples do n’t know how many of them, they will kill them Now, there are four princes standing on their backs, I'm afraid in the end, the Taiyijiao really won't trouble them.

And the two of them were dead in vain.

"Want to understand?" Song Yan asked the two with a sneer.


Both nodded.

"Don't you go to pass if you understand?" Song Yan cried.

"Yes, let's report it to the little ones!"

The fanned man turned around and ran inwards. He regretted it even more. He knew that he shouldn't be so greedy. When he thought of losing three of the best spirits, he felt a lot of pain.


Song Yan suddenly shouted.

"What else does the boy ask?" The Taiyijia disciple, who just turned, turned around and asked respectfully.

"Take it, it's for you!"

Song Yong took out six pieces of superb Lingjing and threw them to two of them.

Both lost and rejoiced, and both overjoyed and thanked Song Ye again and again.

After half an hour.

The disciple who went to report came back and said to Song Yi: "Song, Song, the younger has informed you of the message of seeking advice and teaching to Deacon Zhang, and there will be news soon, please wait!"


Song Zheng nodded. Judging by the expression of the other party, he did not tell lies.

But time passed slowly.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters.

Half an hour.

An hour passed and the so-called Deacon Zhang did not appear.

"Hey, why hasn't Deacon Zhang shown up yet, haven't you notified?" Qin Xiaoyu stared at Zhao Yudao with a poor expression, and Song Yan slapped a slap in the face of Jin Dan Xiu Zhao Yu, and another named Zhou Xiang.

Zhao Yu quickly said: "Miss Qin, where can I dare, I really reported to Deacon Zhang, maybe he has something delayed, so I'll see Deacon Zhang again!"


Song Zheng nodded.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Yu came back again, with a embarrassed face, and said to Song Yi: "Song son Song, I went to see Deacon Zhang again just now, and he said, I have no time to see you, so let's leave!"

Hearing that Song Yan's face became gloomy, it seemed that it was too difficult to see the real Ming Ming.

[Author's off-topic]: Two more, thank you [Lan Xiaofeng] [Long Yu 丿 Xiao Yu brother] two great rewards

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