Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1212: Humiliation

Song Yan did not go to block, but stepped forward to the left, and suddenly, the seven swords cut to his spirit sword were all missed.


Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of Qiu Changchun's mouth, and the other elders outside the door were quite surprised.

It is true that Tian Lao and Qin Xiaoyu saw this scene.

His master's array level has reached the level of prefecture-level array mage, and he is also proficient in kendo. It is an accident if he is cut.

Without a hit, the seven began to change their position constantly. As they walked, Song Xun in the formation felt a force that limited his figure.

If he read correctly, this small sword array was born out of the Beidou Qixing array. It is almost the same for those practitioners who do n’t understand the array method, but it is too far away to deal with him.

I saw him raise his feet and take several steps in the array, with a handsome figure and a calm expression.

However, with his steps, the momentum of the seven people suddenly became obscure, and even they found in horror that they were starting to reject each other with a method.

"what happened?"

The seven were shocked, and the front line quickly said, "Change."

The next moment, when the formation of the seven changed, the sense of obscurity and exclusion suddenly disappeared. However, without waiting for them to breathe out, Song Yong took two steps again and again, this time, he even carried his hands behind his back. Seems more chic and calm.

One step out, all seven felt black.

Two steps out, all seven felt a strong attack.

next moment……

"Hmm ...!"

With a muffled hum, all seven of them flew out, and the sword array naturally broke up!

"This ...?" Qiu Changchun looked suddenly stagnant.

"What's going on? Why did the sword array suddenly break up!" As soon as the elders of the outer door saw this scene, they felt cyanotic. Don't say them, even the elders of the inner door didn't understand at all. thing.

"Offended!" Song Yong clenched his fists to the seven elder elders, and then said to Qiu Changchun, "Senior, now you can take me to see Ming Ye's palm teaching?"

Qiu Changchun who came back to God asked curiously, "How did you do it just now?"

Suddenly, everyone's ears were raised, and they wanted to know how Song Yan broke the battle.

Song Yan smiled: "The junior is a matrix mage himself, and has practiced Kendo, so ...!"

In the following words, Song Xun did not continue, but everyone showed a sorrowful color. It turned out that he was an array master, no wonder he could easily break the array.

However, Qiu Changchun believes that things are not as simple as Song Yong said. This Tianjian Xiaojian array was created by the ancestors, and it has been modified and tempered from generation to generation. Although it was born from the Seven Star Beidou array, it has formed a new Formation.

He was sure that even a general Xuan-level array mage could n’t easily break through this formation, let alone that Song Xuan broke through under seven distracting attacks, and the opponent ’s cultivation was only in the late stage.

Comprehensively guessing from various aspects, he was sure that the boy in front of him was extraordinary.

"Come with me, I'll take you to see and teach!"

"Thank you senior!"

Led by Qiu Changchun, the three of them came to a towering hall.

There is a guard of Xuanjia in front of the hall.

"I'm Qiu Changchun, the elder of the inner door. I came to see and teach real people, and I'm bothered to inform you!" Qiu Changchun said to the group of Xuanjia guards.

"Wait a minute!"

A Xuanjia guard turned and walked into the hall.

After a short while, the other party turned back and said coldly: "Teach me, please!"

The next moment, Song Yan and his party walked into the hall.

The main hall is very tall, and the roof has reached more than 200 meters high. Therefore, if you are inside it, you will feel extra small.

There is a throne at the end of the main hall. On the throne sits a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe, a crown on his head, and a majestic face. Needless to say, he is in charge of a Taiyi teacher who teaches the truth.

"See Zhangjiao!" Qiu Changchun bowed and salute, with a very respectful expression.

"The younger Song Ye has seen the real Ming Ye." Song Ye also bowed and salute, Qin Xiaoyu and Tian Lao behind him did not dare to neglect, and followed Song Ye to salute.

"Let's all get up!"

Ming Yan really said lightly, not angry.

In the later period of the combination, a sky calamity can be achieved in the early stage of the calamity. Another calamity is in the middle of the calamity, and another calamity is in the later stage of calamity. Finally, a calamity can be lowered, and the spirit of heaven can be lowered to help the ferry The robber, condensed Xianji.

The monks will also cross the sky while condensing Jin Dan and Yuan Ying.

However, these two calamities are called small calamities. Only the calamities that pass through the calamity period can be considered real calamities. Because one is better than the other, it can be said to be one step at a time. Therefore, each calamity must be carefully calculated. Otherwise, if you make a mistake, you will die in the sky, and you will not have the opportunity to repair it.

"Thanks for teaching!"

Qiu Changchun thanked.

"Changchun, you go down first!"


As soon as Qiu Changchun left, there were only three Song Kuns left in the empty hall.

"Song Yan, why do you want to see the deity?" Ming Yan's real person's eyes fell on Song Yan, and he hurriedly asked.

Song Yan looked directly at the real people's eyes and said, "Real people, this younger generation is here to propose to you. I hope you can marry Li Tianluo to a younger one!"

Minglian's face suddenly became cold: "You know, Tianluo has a marriage contract with Li Sixuan."

"I know!" Song Zheng nodded.

"Now that you know, you dare to come to propose to the deity!" The real person Ming Ming whispered coldly, and as he spoke, an imposing momentum like the starry sky covered the entire hall.

"噗通! 噗通!"

Unable to bear this momentum, Tian Lao and Qin Xiaoyu knelt on the spot.

Although Song Wei did not immediately kneel, he was sweating, as if a huge mountain was pressing on him, causing his body to bend.

Star God Body! !! !!

He screamed at the bottom of his heart, the starlight on his body flickered, and his curvy figure straightened like a javelin.


A cold hum exploded in Song Yan's ears, like a thunder. Suddenly, his mind shook, his tight body burst suddenly, and his voice spit out blood. At the same time, his body was pressed to the ground and unable to move half a minute .

Endless humiliation and anger filled the heart of Song Yan instantly, he was actually pressed to the ground like a toad, this kind of naked humiliation is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

The world of law!

He burst into a thunder again, and his body lying on the ground suddenly skyrocketed, and instantly turned into a giant more than ten feet tall.


His right fist lifted up and banged heavily on the ground, all his muscles knotted.


He drank and followed his strength.


Finally, he broke away from the power that pressed on him, and stood up from the ground. He stared coldly at Ming Ming, and did not speak, but vowed in his heart that today's shame will be paid back ten times.

[Author's off-topic]: Two more, thanks [Unknown] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [The Lone Ranger] [td95362139] [Soul break, red face] five big rewards

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