Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1214: From Tianlong City

The master in the midst of dignity, but let a young man in the early stage of distraction escape from his eyes?

This made Mingyao, who is the master of Taiyijiao, tolerate it. When he thought of it, he no longer kept it, released his consciousness, and searched for Song's whereabouts.

But half an hour later, the real man Ming Ming searched every corner of Wang Cheng and found no Song Song.

For a moment, his face became extremely gloomy.

"Come here!"

A Xuanjia guard stepped into the hall and bowed down, "What should I teach?"

The real person Ming Ming said in a deep voice: "Preach the decrees of the deity, and go all out to kill the evil Xiong Song. Everyone who dares to shelter the hideout will teach me the enemy too!"

This is a catching order issued by the real person Ming Ming, so in less than half an hour, it spread throughout the entire city. Many practitioners and strengths searched for the whereabouts of Song Yun in order to tie up the Taiyi religion.

When the two princes heard it, they first laughed, and then laughed and ordered people to set up a banquet to celebrate.

When the Six Prince heard it, he could not help but laugh out loud: "Retribution, retribution! Song Ye did not expect you to have today, next I will see how you can get rid of Taiyijiao's chase!"

When the four princes heard the news, his face suddenly became abnormally ugly, and he secretly worried for Song Yan, and then he moved in his heart and said to Li Shan: "Uncle Shan, you are ready, I will go to the palace to meet the father. ! "

"His Royal Highness, please ask the King to help Song Gongzi?" Li Shan asked.

The four princes looked anxiously: "Yes, I'm going to ask my father and ask him to order Taiyijiao to cancel this hunting order!"

Li Shan was startled: "Your Highness cannot!"

Li Siwu stared at Li Shan with a poor expression and shouted, "Why not, Song Ye is my brother who worships. If it weren't for him, how can I have the current situation, and he is in a difficult situation today. If I am an elder brother and sit idly by, I will Still worthy of being his righteous brother? "

Li Shan panicked and said, "His Royal Highness, this is not what the old slave meant. If this hunting order was only issued by a great figure of Taiyi Religion, the King may still ask Taiyi Religion to withdraw the order, but this time it is The hunting order issued by the real person Ming Ming himself will not have any effect even if the king comes forward! "

"I can't control that much, knowing that it won't work, I will try it too!" Li Siwu was determined, and then he got up and went outside. He planned to go to the palace to meet his father immediately.

Seeing this, Li Shan sighed helplessly.

Soon, Li Siwu came to the palace, but when he proposed to meet Li Tianxing, he was told that the other party had been closed.

Hearing the news, Li Siwu couldn't help but be disappointed and angry.

But instead of leaving, he broke into Li Tianxing's retreat and knelt there. If Li Tianxing didn't see him, he would keep up.

When the six princes heard the news, he couldn't help sneering again and again, and with how his wisdom couldn't tell, his father Wang didn't want to bother with the matter, lest the real man Ming Ming refused to promise to lose the family's face in vain.

"Li Sisi, you really live and go back. You do n’t even understand this. You want to inherit the throne. I think you are dreaming!"

And at this moment, inside the temple!

Song Zheng's injuries have been cured, and Tian Lao and Qin Xiaoyu were healed by him, but in order not to expose the secret of the temple, he temporarily left them both in a coma.

Before going to Taiyi Church this time, he was ready to be troubled, and even planned to give him a book of exercises that can be practiced to the level of Jinxian if Mingzheng did not agree.

Unfortunately, Mingzheng didn't give him a chance at all. He humiliated him first, and then killed him.

Thinking of this, his heart was aggrieved and angry.


In fact, in the final analysis, his strength is not enough. If he has a fairy-like strength, would Mingye really dare to treat him like this?

I'm afraid it will only end him!

"The gentleman avenges, it's not too late in ten years, the villain avenges ... I'm Song Jun is not a gentleman, so I want to ...!"

Taiyi religion is the state religion of the Tang Dynasty. It has huge strength. In addition to the general altar, there are sub-altars in 108 states. Although I can't help you to know who is real, I can uproot your sub-altar.

However, before revenge, you must stabilize the initial cultivation of distraction.

Time accelerates!

After staying in the temple for a hundred days, Song Yan was completely stable.

Then cast the magic of change into a middle-aged man walked out of the temple, and went to Wangcheng again.

A quarter of an hour later, Song Yong boarded a restaurant in the outer city.

Soon, he got the news he wanted:

"Taiyijia issued a hunting order against him."

"The four princes knelt at Tang's retreat for a day."

He was angry at the pursuit of Tai Yijiao, and he was relieved and moved by the affection of the four princes Li Siwu.

When his heart moved, he left the restaurant at the checkout and arrived at Piaoxian Pavilion.

After an hour.

Song Kun left Wangcheng and quickly rushed to Long Shenzhou.

Dragon God State is the closest state to the King City, so it is extremely prosperous. The Taiyi religion's altar is located in the state city of Tianlong City.

In the Taiyi religion, he is also a famous disciple, and has been the master of the division for 500 years.

Because of his reputation as a disciple of Tai Yi's teachings, he lived a very chic life. In these years, he became a master of the altar and received a lot of money, and he also accepted eighteen small aunts.

However, although this person is greedy for money, his wrist is quite clever, and he gets along well with more than a dozen first-class forces in the state and government. .

There is a great move, even if the master of distraction needs to fly for one day to reach the Dragon City, Song Ye only spent a quarter of an hour.

The Taiyi Church Sub-Altar is located in the center of the city and covers a very wide area, especially the gate is quite built.

As soon as Song Ye came here, he saw the gate of the sub-altar suddenly open, and then a group of people came out of it with a super-luxury spirit car.

Instead of using divine knowledge to investigate, Song Xun directly opened perspective magical powers.

There are two men and two women in the car.

The man is the image of a young man, wearing luxury, clothes and shoes, and even the jewelry on his body are magic weapons.

At the same time, on his left and right sides are two young and beautiful nuns, the woman on the left is pinching the legs for the young man, and the nun on the right is feeding him with spiritual fruit.

The other side's breath is restrained, but Song Yong still sees at a glance that the other side has a late distraction.

"Brother, do you know who is on the beast car?"

Song Kun asked an old man standing next to him, and the old man had cultivated himself, but only in the later period of Jin Dan.

"My brother came to Tianlong City for the first time?" The old man asked with a smile.

"How does the brother know?" Song Yan pretended to be an accident.

The old man smiled proudly: "If my brother is a Tianlong City man, why wouldn't I know that Naita, who is sitting on this beast car, taught the altar master!"

"Is he famous?" Song Yan said quite unexpectedly.

The old man continued: "This Wantan master is different from ordinary practitioners. He does not like retreat practice. He has to go to the best restaurants in the city to eat almost every day. As long as the people in Tianlong City know his habits! "

Hearing that, Song Xuan's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he stared coldly at the spirit beast car.

[Digression by the author]: One more, thanks [Peacock Finch] [I have a super chicken handle] [Lone Ranger] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [caijinpai] [Soul break, red face] [Zhou Lele] [No smell [Drunk Breeze] and other great rewards.

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