Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1216: Yin Yang grass

For hundreds of years as an altar master, Wan Shouwang has never shot again, but as a master, he still has some eyesight. He can be sure that he can't do it in the middle of a distraction.

"Who the **** are you and why did you kill me?"

"you do not need to know!"

The middle-aged man said a faint word, and then sword again.

The sword came out like thunder, unstoppable.


With a series of cracking sounds, it was Wan Shouwang's pieces of defensive spirits that burst apart. This provided him with precious time. Without hesitation, he regressed and broke through the walls to flee.

Without fighting for hundreds of years, he has lost the courage to operate with someone stronger than him.

Seeing Wan Shouwang who fled, a smirk emerged from the mouth of the middle-aged man, and was cut out again with a sword.


The next moment, Man Shouwang in the air suddenly shattered and turned into pieces of flesh and blood and fell.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of those Taiyijiao disciples who had been abolished for cultivation were dull, staring in horror at the middle-aged man.

Immediately, the eyes of the middle-aged man fell on the two young men and Jiang Luolan.

"噗通! 噗通!"

Facing his gaze, the two beautiful little crickets trembled and fell to their knees on the ground: "Master, for your life, we are both coerced by Wan Shouwang!"

After closing the sword, the middle-aged man turned and left.

As for who the middle-aged man is, it is Song Ye.

After half a quarter of an hour, Song Yan came to the division of Tai Yijiao.

The figure flashed, and a handsome young man appeared in front of Song Kun, smiling, and said, "My dear, all around the entire altar, I have been put in a battle!"

Yes, this young man is the emperor.

When he was planning to deal with Taiyijiao's division, Song Ye summoned the Emperor Huang as a helper.

"Let's get started!"

Song Yan said lightly.

Suddenly, the emperor broke into the void with a few tactics, and suddenly a large array rose up, wrapping up the entire Taiyijiao altar.

The strength of this division is not strong, but there are more than a dozen masters in the late distraction.

In the late stage of the game, Song Yan can kill the distraction late.

Now that he has broken through to the early part of the distraction, his strength has soared tenfold. He is already invincible in the distraction.

An hour later, Song Yan withdrew from the large array and left Taiyijiao.

The reason why he spent so much time is that he spent a lot of time searching for various resources in the sub-forum.

According to statistics, various resources plundered from the Taiyi religion sub altar are conservatively estimated to have reached tens of thousands of superb spiritual crystals. As for the thousands of subordinate altar disciples of the Taiyi religion, he was abolished and repaired.

When the large array wrapped the Taiyi division, it shocked many practitioners in Tianlong City. When Song Xuan withdrew from the large array and left, a bold person sneaked into it, and was shocked to discover that the masters in the division were in the decentralized period. All died, all other disciples were abolished and repaired.

"Oh my God, who made it, and actually the Tai Yijiao's altar has been burned!"

The news came out, more and more people entered the Taiyijiao sub-alternate to check.

The first-class forces and officials from all walks of life were stunned by the news. Then, the officials of Dragon God State quickly passed the news to Wangcheng.

But it will take at least half a day for this news to be delivered to Wangcheng.

At this time, Song Ye and Huang Yi have already reached their next destination-Taiyinzhou.

The area of ​​Taiyin Prefecture is much wider than that of Long Shenzhou. After exploration, Song Zheng learned that the main division here is called Montai.

The opponent is not in the late stage of distraction, but in the early stage of integration.

"My dear, or change places!"

After learning that Monte Thai was a master of fit, the emperor could not help but persuade.

Song Yan did not speak, but looked down and meditated.

Defining a sub-alternate is definitely more shocking than killing a combined master of Tai Yijiao.

However, he didn't know how far his strength was from the master of the fit, so he was not sure if he could kill Montai.

Suddenly, his heart moved and he entered the temple sutra hall.

"Which book records the way to deal with the master of fit!" Shouted Song Yan.


A black book came out of the air and turned into a black book and fell into Song Ye's hands.

This book is called The Book of Ten Thousand Poisons.

Flip open and read quickly.

After spending half an hour, Song Ye read the entire book. This book is worthy of being called "The Book of Ten Thousand Poisons". It contains all kinds of extremely shameful things, including the sinister Taoism, how to make the evil and evil. Magic weapon, as well as various elixir of elixir.

Practicing Taoism is too time-consuming, and the magic weapon Song Yan cannot do.

Therefore, Song Yan chose those sinister elixir.

Turning to the elixir article, he seriously looked at and finally chose an elixir called "Bad God San". According to the introduction, this elixir is extremely powerful. Even if the immortal inhales, the elixir will collapse.

Even the immortals can deal with it, and it should be useful for masters of fit.

Refining "Bao Shen San" requires 196 kinds of elixir. Coincidentally, Song Yang just robbed the Taishen religion's Dragon God State sub-altar. Coincidentally, refining the 195 Shen Shen San. There are elixir.

Just a kind of elixir called "Yin Yang Cao".

The growth conditions of this yin and yang grass are quite high, and it will only grow where the extremely yin and yang are converging at the same time.

Out of the temple, Song Kun acted separately from the Emperor Huang, looking for the yin and yang grass in the major spiritual medicine shops in Taiyin Prefecture.

But they asked all the drugstores in the state city, and they couldn't find the yin and yang grass.

After thinking a little, Song Xuan transformed into an old man with an immortal style and came to a large restaurant in the city.

Because he did not hide the breath of the early distraction from his body, Dian Xiao's attitude was extremely enthusiastic, leading him to the seat, but Song Zheng refused and went directly to the lobby.

Without concealing Xiu Wei, he is now as dazzling as a firefly in the night, attracting the attention of a dry dining practitioner in the lobby, and subconsciously suppressing the voice of their conversation.

"Dao friends, old man Shi sees Taoists, I have something to ask you today!" Song Yanlang said.

"Senior please!"

"Senior, junior Liu Yi, do whatever you want to do!"

For a time, practitioners in the lobby opened their mouths to cater, and many people's faces were knotted and flattering.

Song Kun raised his hand, and the noisy lobby suddenly became quiet.

"The old man is looking for an elixir called yin and yang grass. Now please go and help the old man to spread it. If we can get the news about yin and yang grass or find the yin and yang grass, the old man must thank him.

During the speech, with a wave of Song Yi, 83 top-quality spirit crystals flew out and fell in front of every practitioner in the lobby.

Those who dine in the lobby are the highest in Jindan's early days.

Therefore, a top-quality Lingjing is definitely a huge asset to them.

Seeing the top-quality Lingjing on hand, the monk ’s gate present was excited, and his eyes were straightened. This stone sees his predecessors so generous. Just helping spread the news will have a top-quality Lingjing. Should there be multiple rewards?

As a result, the 83 diners did not care about eating, and left one after another to help Song Kun spread the news.

[Digression by the author]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [L Sword] [丁当 爸爸] [Struggle] three great rewards

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