Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1222: Liangzhou

Liangzhou, one of the 108 states of the Tang Dynasty, is far from the city and intersects with the territory of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the folk customs here are sturdy, and any monk from Liangzhou is stained with a sturdy atmosphere. If you don't agree, you will fight.

There are thirty-two counties under Liangzhou. Twenty-seven counties are now occupied by 27 first-class forces, and the remaining five counties are divided by dozens of second-rate forces.

However, there are three first-class families in the state.

Therefore, there are as many as thirty first-class forces throughout Liangzhou.

Because Liangzhou has few resources, many practitioners often fight for resources.

The number of battles has been increased, and the battle experience is naturally rich.

Therefore, in the Tang Dynasty, monks in other states were generally unwilling to provoke monks from Liangzhou.

The Taiyi religion also has a separate altar in Liangzhou. The name of the altar is Xie Tianmu, who has reached the middle stage of integration. It is said that before Xie Tianmu came to serve as the altar master, Taiyi religion had a weak influence in Liangzhou.

Feeling this, the general altar sent Xie Tianmu.

Xie Tianmu did not live up to the expectations of the general altar. It took only ten years to re-establish the majesty of the Taiyi Religion, and forced those first-class strength to make up for the taxes owed in previous years.

In private, everyone calls Xie Tianmu Xie Tianwang, because he is different from the former altar master, he often likes to use fists to convince people.

But if you treat him as a reckless man, you are wrong.

You know, before he came to Liangzhou, the thirty-two states of Liangzhou were each occupied by a first-class force.

After he arrived, it took only five years to dissolve the first-class power of the five states. Otherwise, the five states would not be occupied by a group of second-rate forces now.

Disintegrate a first-class strength one year. If it takes decades, wouldn't it disintegrate all the first-class forces in Liangzhou.

As a result, those first-class forces panicked and planned to join forces to deal with Xie Tianmu and drive him out of Liangzhou.

As a result, Xie Tianmu put down the ring and threatened that as long as the twenty-seven ancestors had someone to beat him on the ring, he immediately rolled out of Liangzhou.

In the end, the best-in-class combination masters came on the stage, but all lost to Xie Tianmu's hands, so he became famous in the first battle, not only won the nickname of Xie Tianwang, but also became the first master in Liangzhou.

In a manor house in the city of Liangzhou.

Song Yan and Huang Ji sat facing each other, discussing tea and discussing how to destroy the Liangzhou branch of the Taiyi religion.

Actually, ten days ago, they came to Liangzhou.

A large amount of information about Liangzhou's division was collected. The more he understood, the more he felt that this was an extremely difficult bone.

Xie Tianmu himself is a master in the middle period of integration, and Song Ye studied it. After Xie Tianmu disintegrated the five first-class forces, five of the first-class forces were mysteriously missing.

Even if Xie Tianmu is in the middle of the union, it is more difficult to kill an early stage of integration. If the five forces' early stages of integration are to escape, he may not be able to leave them.

But after so many years passed, there was no news about the five combined masters, so Song Kun suspected that Xie Tianmu subdued the five combined masters.

If this is the case, then there are six masters in Liangzhou.

Although "Bad God San" can make the masters of the combined masters collapse, but this is also under the premise that they are in contact with the Bad God San, so he will apply the Bad God on the Jane Jane to let Montai The trusted disciple gave him Yujian.

If he scatters the bad gods directly to Monte Thai's counterparty, it may not be a move, because the masters' response is fast, and once they have cultivated to their realm, once they have some ability to predict the blessings, as long as the other party is not too careless With true body guards, bad gods can't help them.

Taking a step back, Song Xun used the "Bad God San" as a secret weapon. If he directly spilled it, even if there was a master master, then the secret of the Bad God San would be leaked.

In the future, as soon as he confronts the enemy, the other party will release Zhenyuan's bodyguard, and his "Bad God San" will have nowhere to go!

Since Xie Tianmu couldn't slam his head against him, nor could he deal with him like Montai, so he had to change his mind.

"People die for wealth, birds die for food, Huang Ye, what do you think the monks are after?" Song Yan asked Huang Ye, although the two have the same thought, the so-called dialogue is actually asking and answering, but Song Ye likes Think in this way.

The emperor said: "The cultivation of the practitioner is nothing more than longevity and power. For longevity, you must practice the power, and for strength, you must have magical powers and Taoist magical powers!"

Song Zheng nodded: "Yes, this is the reason. Although the major forces in Liangzhou cannot be held up by Xie Tianmu, it does not mean that they are completely convinced by Xie Tianmu. If there is a fairy-level exercise in Liangzhou Born, do you say that those first-class forces in Liangzhou will be able to bear it? "

The emperor again said: "Not only the first-class forces can't bear it, even Xie Tianmu can't sit still!"

Speaking of which, Song Yan's eyes brightened, and a thought gradually took shape in his mind.

A day later.

Ten distracting masters joined forces to hunt down a teenager into Liangzhou territory.

In the era when the masters can't retreat, distraction is the top existence in the cultivation of immortals. The ten distractions chasing and killing a teenager quickly attracted everyone's attention.

Some people even guessed wrongly, why did they chase down the young man? Is that young man secretly shocked?

Three days passed.

The chased young man went all the way west, through Baxia County, Fengyang County, Taiyi County, and Guhuang County, and eventually came to the state city, but the young man who fled all the way was already scarred.

Everyone can see that the boy is already at the end of his crossbow and should soon be captured or killed by the ten distractions.

Unlucky, the boy boarded a high-rise building in the state city and shouted: "I know the mystery of the immortal ruins, who will save me, I am willing to share with him!"

As soon as this word came out, the ten chaser's faces changed greatly, and his eyes shot out with murder.

"Boom boom!"

The two sides fought briefly, and the seriously injured teenager fell on the long street and vomited blood.

"Catch him and take it!"

The only one of the ten who chased after him was distracted and looked somber.

At the beginning of the nine distractions, he shot again. The young man fought back and was hit by flying again and again. After several strokes, he couldn't hold it anymore and passed out!


A chasing killer caught the boy in his hands and wanted to withdraw from the county.

But at this moment, an old man with more than ten people intercepted their way.

"Let this boy down!"

The old man said.

"Impossible!" The mid-range chaser was stubborn.

"That being the case, see what's happening under your hand!" The old man suddenly sank, and with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen of his men flew towards the group of pursuers.

The ruins of Xianjia are too tempting, even if it is only unconfirmed news, it is worth taking a risk.

[Author's off-topic]: Three updates have been completed, thanks [lan Xiaofeng] [soul break, red face] [lanyeyu] three great rewards

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