Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1225: All three fit together

"His good breath, in this case, let the owners of our three small families come to teach you the means!"

In the sky, the two sides stood in the void hundreds of meters apart.

On one side are the heads of the three major families in the city of Ning Yue, Chen Jiansheng and Jin Shitian; on the other side are the elders of Jiantang, an elder under the influence of a temple of unknown power.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want to fight!" Di Changyu raised his sword in his hand, the sword pointed at the three, and he was domineering.

"Good! Brother Ning, Brother Jin, today we will join forces to fight this lunatic!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Jiansheng stepped out of the air, and every step he took, a golden lotus was born at his feet. There was a faint lotus scent among the lotuses. At the same time, his breath was rapidly rising, approaching With more than three feet in his arms, he finally rose to the top.

"Gold lotus in the void! Pick me up!"

After drinking lightly, Chen Jiansheng's seal printed a huge golden lotus, and the golden lotus flew out, and then burst out, turning into a golden sword spirit.

Huh! !! !!

The golden sword gas is broken, and breaks through the void to kill Di Changyu.

At the same time, Jin Shitian also shot.

When I saw him raising his hand, a copper coin flew up. If the inconspicuous copper coin flew to the void, it suddenly grew at a rate of two, two, four, and eight .... In an instant, the sky became more successful. Thousands of copper coins.

"go with!"

Jin Shitian raised his hand, and the copper coins condensed into a copper-colored dragon and rushed towards Di Changyu.

Seeing this scene, an experienced spectator shouted: "This is the golden mother's money of the Jin family. It is said to be the seventh-grade magic weapon, the power is infinite!"

Ning Yue fiddled with the black Guqin again.

The sound of the piano sounds soft as flowing water, but one by one the transparent notes flow out from under the strings and fly towards Di Changyu.

"This is the Ning family's confusing world sound. The Ning family inherited the ten thousand years of peerless Taoism. This Di Changyu is in trouble!" Someone cried out in exclaim.

The battle of the masters of the four Oita gods in the late stages of the war is about to start.

In the face of the joint attack of the three, Di Changzheng did not show the slightest fear, his eyes were flaming, and he contained infinite warfare.

He squeezed his fist into his left hand and held the sword with his right hand.

The next moment, he flicked his left fist, and a fistful boxing fist really rolled like mountains.


Jinlian's sword energy was shattered by the fist.

At the same time, the long sword of Di Changyu's right hand was also cut out. The sword light was like Changhong's through the sky, and two completely different swords flashed alternately.


The bronze dragon and Di Changzhen's sword gas collided together and suddenly collapsed.

However, the transparent note took the opportunity to come to Di Changyu.

"Roar! Roar!"

Di Changyi opened his mouth and roared, and the roar formed a sound wave, covering up the sound of the piano and breaking the transparent note.

He worked hard in the temple for many days, increased the power of Hate Heaven Fist, and practiced the "Seven Extreme Heavenly Sword" and "Sound of the God Beast" imparted to him by his master, making his strength soar tenfold, making him With confidence, even if you meet a good master, you can fight a few tricks.

Yes, Di Changyu is Tian Lao, while Wolf Tian is Cong Si Lang, and the other nine distractions are Song Yi and nine others. As for Tian Lao, it is naturally Qin Xiaoyu.

In order to calculate the Liangzhou sub-alternate this time, Song Ye sent everyone who could be sent under his hand.

In a blink of an eye, Tian Lao had dozens of moves with the three homeowners.

But what astounded the spectators was that he used his own power to completely crush the three homeowners.

Dozens more tricks.

Tian Jian punched Chen Jiansheng in one punch, and when he set back, Chen Jiansheng spit out three sperms of blood.

Immediately, the sword in Tian Lao's hands was raised and killed.

Jin Shitian retreated, but still left a terrible wound in his chest.

As for Ning Yue, the harp flew back, but still did not avoid the fist of elder.


People flying piano broken!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned: this Di Changzheng was too powerful, and he was so embarrassed by the three homeowners that he couldn't match his masters, for fear that no one could defeat him!

At this moment, the houses of the Chen, Jin, and Ning families all had a powerful momentum rising at the same time.

Immediately, a giant palm containing Huanghuang Tianwei rushed to Tian Lao from a space.

For a moment, the void was condensed, and the world was silent.

"God. It's a master-handed shot!" A spectator shivered in his heart and shouted, "I just don't know which master-handed shot!"

"Huh! Seven Skyswords, break me!"

Facing the huge palms that came from the sky, Tian Lao still did not mean to dodge. He took the long sword and greeted him. At the same time, seven wills rose in his body, and the seven wills flickered alternately. Seven emotions of epilepsy.


The giant palm and long sword finally struck together in the void.


The earthquake shuddered, the emptiness collapsed, and the turbulent stream gave birth to a huge suction. Even if they were thousands of meters apart, those practitioners felt a strong suction pulling them towards the battlefield. For a moment, they scared them. Panicked back.


The blood spilled into the sky, and the old man retreated hundreds of meters to stop his body.

The next moment, an elder elder appeared, staring at Tian Lao rather unexpectedly: "You can catch the old man's hand, let's go!"

But to everyone's surprise, Nadi Changdi did not borrow a donkey from the slope, but raised a sword and pointed at the elder elder: "Give up the young man!"

After hearing that, the elder elder man looked cold: "Hello, don't you know what's wrong!"


Tian Lao once again cut out with a sword.


A series of blasting sounds rang out, and finally, Tian Lao vomited blood and flew again.

Seeing this scene, the crowd became dazzled again and again, so fierce, that they dared to wave their swords at the master, and they have not been killed.

"Don't be uninterested, no matter how dare you make it, the old man will kill!"

The elder elder threatened. In fact, he was quite surprised at the moment. Although he did not use all his strengths, but also exerted more than half of his strength, he did not suppress the other party. For a time, he had a bit of taboo in his heart, just a mouthful Elders have such a world-class combat power, how strong should their church master and suzerain?

Therefore, he did not want to kill each other, so as not to end up in revenge.

"let's go!"

Tian Lao stared deeply at the elder elder, and left with Cong Si Lang and others.

"Bring the boy to see us right away!"

The elder elder sister took a deep look at the three homeowners, and then disappeared as soon as his figure flickered.

A quarter of an hour later, inside a palace.

The three sat side by side, regardless of primary and secondary.

They are an elder elder, an old woman in black, and an old man with a wine gourd hanging slightly around his waist.

The elder elder is the master of the Chen family, the old woman in black is the master of the Jin family, and the obese old man is the master of the Ning family.

A short while later, the three heads of household accompanied a pale boy to the temple.

[Digression by the author]: Three more, thanks for the drunk wind.

Updated today.

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