Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1228: Pick up a bargain

Tianxing Bieyuan is backed by a green hill, covering an area of ​​tens of acres. Each pavilion and attic is built with extravagant chic.

"Song son, let me walk you around the other courtyard."

Upon entering the other courtyard, Chen Fei took the initiative to embrace Song Yong's arm. Suddenly, a fragrant fragrance penetrated into the nose. At the same time, because Chen Fei held her arms tightly, she felt a soft mass squeezing him. Arm.

After experiencing several worlds and seeing all kinds of beauties, although Chen Fei is still relatively good, he is still inferior to Li Tianluo and Tuoba Xianer. Therefore, he acted very calmly about this little temptation.

Seeing this, Chen Ya on the one side secretly let go of her lips, and there was some disdain in her heart. There are rivers and lakes in the place where there are so-called people. Although they are all disciples of the Chen family, they are also fighting with each other.

She and Chen Fei can be said to be the most beautiful of the son-in-law's disciples. Therefore, other people often compare them with each other for a long time. The two of them have also developed a competitive spirit and have to compare them in all aspects. .

Now, their cultivation has reached the late Yuanying period, and everyone wants to be one step ahead to enter the out of the period.

In this way, you can completely suppress the opponent.

The homeowner valued the boy so much. Chen Ya was also very surprised and surprised, but she didn't take the initiative to come up, but this time she saw Chen Fei preliminarily gathered up. Somehow, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Song Son, you see, there is the stargazing platform, and the mages have arranged the stargazing array on the stargazing platform. As long as there is stargazing there at night, the starry sky you see will be extraordinarily bright, and the power of the stars will be extraordinarily strong. . "

"Song son, you see, there is a magic medicine garden, which is planted with the best elixir of the year."

Chen Fei was very active, and constantly introduced Song Jun to various buildings or various things in the other courtyard. As for the hands that held his arm, he never let go, but became tighter.

Seeing Chen Ya behind him scolded shamelessly.

Coming along the way, Song Ye saw a lot of beautiful buildings and scenery, and a jade rabbit kept rubbing on his arm, but the other side still looked like he didn't notice it.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's tone improved a lot, and he pointed excitedly at one side of the vaguely watery pond, saying, "Song Gongzi, there is a hot spring here, which contains a special kind of aura. If you soak it twice a month, the skin will become It's exceptionally fair and delicate, and it's very comfortable. "Speaking of this, Chen Fei's face was a bit regrettable:" Unfortunately, even if we are disciples in Tianxing Bethlehem, we ca n’t come here often. Eligible for occasional short days or two. "

Hearing words, Song Yan understood instantly, this was the other person hinting at him.

It also took a lot of advantage along the way, so Song Yong laughed: "If Girl Chen doesn't mind, you can also choose a room here."

"That's not good." There was a hint of shyness on Chen Fei's face.

"It doesn't matter, I will live here in the next month, this point can still be the master." Song Zheng said again.

Chen Fei couldn't help but said, "Since the son of Song said so, the little girl would be rude, so come here tonight to have a good bubble."

And Chen Ya, who has been silent in the background, became more and more unhappy, and secretly said in her heart, this Chen Fei was too shameless. This is already seduced by nakedness. Is it worth it for a kid who does not know the details?

"Girl Chen Ya, why don't you stay with me and just go with Girl Chen Fei?" Song Yan suddenly turned back and said to Chen Ya with a smile.

At the invitation of Song Ye, Chen Ya was happy in her heart, but her mouth said, "No, I've recently learned a practice and am planning to go back to retreat."

"That being the case, I don't want to force the girl Chen Ya down here." Song Yan said politely.

Hearing that Chen Ya could not help but hesitated for a moment, but her heart was a little boring. Although she refused, she did not want to stay, but wanted Song Ye to make a second invitation to her. In this way, she also seemed to be reserved, unlike some People, it's just a post.

When I saw Chen Ya's appearance, how did Chen Fei, a competitor, not see what was going on, almost smiled at her belly, and glanced at the other side proudly, secretly, Chen Ya, Chen Ya, let you Hold on, now regret it.

The host can personally entertain the banquet. After seeing the host sending Chen Zhong and sending high-quality elixir, she became more and more affirming the extraordinaryness of Song Yan, and she could not see the other person ’s cultivation. This shows that , The other party is at least a cultivator.

She is not the kind of twitchy person. She has never selected a double-minded companion from the disciple of disciples, which she despise. Now Song Yun is so good in all aspects, she did n’t hesitate to take it. She was originally She was also a little worried about Chen Ya. She didn't expect how the other party didn't understand the situation at all and let her be one step ahead. How unhappy she was.

At the same time, she began to wonder whether she would climb into Song Gongzi's bed tonight and completely stop Chen Ya's possibility.

"Girl Chen Fei, you take it to the room first, I'm a bit tired," Song Kun said.

"Okay Song, please follow me."

There are many rooms in the other courtyard, but Chen Fei brought Song Yong to the most luxurious loft. There are servants waiting here.

This loft is generally only eligible for homeowners or elders. Even if these preachers come to other hospitals, they also live in other ordinary houses.

As expected by Chen Fei, the servants in the attic did not prevent Song Yong from moving in, apparently they had been ordered long ago.

The attic is divided into three floors, and Song Yuan picked the second floor to live.

Bedding like futons are brand new.

"Song son, the little girl went to the other attic first to choose a room!"

"Aren't there any rooms upstairs or downstairs? Or would you choose a room to live in?" Song Yan laughed.

Chen Fei blinked and said: "Song son Song is a noble guest, naturally he can live here. Little girls are not eligible to live here!"

"It's okay. I'm in charge of this other courtyard now. If the girl Chen Fei likes it, she can choose one."

"Thank you Son Song."

After Chen Feixin thanked Song Wei, he ran to choose a room.

Chen Ya on the one side became more depressed.

After entering the room, Song Ye was lying cross-legged on the bed, took out the medicine that Chen Jiansheng had given him, and pretended to heal the wound. In fact, there is a magical power of life, which can completely repair the injury in an instant. It's all set.

Chen Ya left the starry hospital in a depressed state. Unexpectedly, when she stepped out of the hospital, she saw a figure not far away.

Seeing this, she quickly walked over to worship the figure: "The disciple has seen Master."

The man frowned, "Yaer, why are you out?"

Chen Ya: "I ...!"


The man looked at Chen Ya angrily: "You are really confused, the boy Song Yu is of extraordinary origin, and he has reached the early stage of distraction. Even if he just misses something, it will make you endlessly useful, and you are lost for nothing. This opportunity! "


Hearing the fact that Song Yan had a distraction in the early days, Chen Ya could not help but be shocked, and then a deep regret erupted in his heart, secretly, this time let Chen Fei's little hoof white pick a bargain.

[Off-topic by the author]: Three more, thank you [for those wind and snow] [Wuwen] Two great rewards.

Um, seeing pirated readers to support the genuine, mosquitoes are very open. I hope that everyone will publicize for mosquitoes. There are four more tonight.

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