Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1249: Step by step temptation

"It's time to harvest!"

Song Kun, who turned into a disciple of the altar, walked out with a smile, and then with the five of Chen Shaoyang evacuated the treasure house in the Taihuangzhou altar.

By the way, they discarded the cultivation of those disciples.

After returning to the Shaoyang sect, everyone counted the harvest and found that this harvest was more than expected, because the value of the three spirit masters' storage ring, combined, was more than 50,000 Need for Lingjing .

I have to say that the masters of Taiyijiao are really rich.

As for the total value of the resources in the treasure house of Taihuangzhou, only 10,000 are needed.

With a total income of 60,000 Needs Lingjing, Chen Shaoyang gets 20% and can get 12,000 Needs Lingjing resources, and the other four people get 8,000 Needs Lingjing resources.

For a time, the five ancestors of the fit were very satisfied, because the total assets that their ancestors could take out were only two or three thousand superb spirits. All they obtained were several times the total assets of the ancestors. They simply wanted Sing loudly.

"Gold belt for killing and setting fire, seniors, do you want to do another vote?" Song Yong laughed.

If they don't see so many resources, they will definitely refuse, but in the same night, they have obtained resources that are several times the total assets of Zongmen, and the five ancestors present at the scene are very excited.

This is like robbing a bank. Before you rob, everyone will be hesitant, but once you succeed, and you get a huge sum of money, then someone proposes to rob again, to ensure that everyone will be excited.

Moreover, the kid's tactics are also very powerful. With his tactics and their strength, the operation tonight can be said to be very easy to complete, and there is almost no danger at all.

"Old man, what do you think?"

The ancestors of Huayang Jianzong looked at Chen Shaoyang and asked, in fact, it is already obvious that they still want to do a vote. If they ransack a Taiyi religion, the resources obtained will fully allow them to cultivate a new body. Master.

"Yes, you pulled us into the team, you decide!"

The old ancestor of the Immortal Sect said with a smile, thinking of the resources worth 8,000, he was so beautiful. Don't look at him as an ancestor of the ensemble, because he had to be seated in the town gate, he was almost always imprisoned in a county. It's not like those casual masters can freely search the world's resources, so he is also poor, and together with his wealth, there are hundreds of superb spirits.

The other two ancestors also said that they would leave it to Chen Shaoyang to make a decision.

"Your group of old goods, when you are a sister-in-law, you still want to build a chastity archway, and you have decided one by one. They asked me to carry this pot, but for so many years of friendship, I ’ll make it for you. ! "

Chen Shaoyang also laughed, this time his harvest is much higher than this group of old friends, resources he can share 12,000 superb Lingjing, exercises he can get the late stage of integration, so he came to memorize The pan should also be.

Seeing that the five ancestors had unified their opinions, Song Yi said: "It is so-called sharpening that the woodworker is not accidentally cut. The news of the destruction of the Taihuangzhou branch will take at least three days, so the next action, we It's set for the next day and two days, your predecessors will keep up their spirits, yes, there are some things to leave to your predecessors! "

During the conversation, Song Yong took out five jade bamboo slips and five jade bottles and handed them to five people.

After receiving it, the five of them looked at Yu Jian and saw that it was indeed the follow-up exercises they wanted. One by one, they couldn't help but flushed with excitement.

Especially Chen Shaoyang, his body shivered slightly.

"Little friend, you are the great benefactor of my Shaoyangzong!" Chen Shaoyang deeply worshiped Song Song during his talk.

"Senior, we can't make it, let's make a deal!" Song Yan quickly helped Chen Shaoyang.

"Haha, although it is a transaction, we have taken advantage of you. This week you can stand it!" Chen Shaoyang stood up and laughed.

"Yes, it is indeed that we are waiting for the big deal!" The other four also followed and worshiped Song Yan.

After sharing the spoils, we agreed on the time to meet later, and everyone left.

Back at his ancestral home, the ancestor of Huayang Jianzong thought of the elixir from Song Ye, and he secretly said that the kid has always been extraordinary. Let me see what this elixir is?

Opening it for a moment, he suddenly showed joy on his face, couldn't help but said, "That kid is really!"

Because there are hundreds of broken **** spirits in the jade bottle, as long as one hundred outstanding disciples in the late stage are selected, hundreds of disciples can be created.

Distracting disciples are the backbone of a sect.

Adding a hundred people can increase Zongmen's overall strength by at least 30%.

In addition, the situation of the four ancestors was similar, and it was found that Song Ye sent a hundred broken gods, and they were always gratified. If they were successful in the next sneak attack, they might not be able to follow Song Ye.

Soon, the news that the Taihuangzhou subdivision was destroyed was passed on in the territory of Taihuangzhou. However, everyone was not as shocked as before. After all, Song Yong had destroyed four subdivisions.

The topic everyone is talking about has become how many sub-segments of Song Yimo will be destroyed before Song Xiaomo will end.

At the same time, the news of the destruction of the great wasteland also quickly spread to the Vulcan religion. Before making an agreement with Song Yi, Zhu Rongji knew what sub-songs Song Yi was about to destroy.

Therefore, after the Liangzhou sub-alternate was destroyed, he installed a spy period in those states near the border of the Ming Dynasty. As long as there was movement, these combined spy agents could return the latest news.

After learning that the Taihuangzhou sub altar was destroyed, Zhu Rongzheng was already sure that Song Kun had the ability to destroy the ten sub altars, and he was wondering whether he would send someone to contact the Xiuxianmen of the two states, and then include them His Holiness.

At the same time, he was still thinking about whether to recruit the son of Song Yan to the Vulcan religion. The boy was not high in cultivation, but he was terribly capable.

The expression of the old man who knows Ming Ming's knowledge that his division was destroyed one by one would be very happy.

"Well, as long as the boy can destroy the eight Taiyi religion divisions, how about I marry Tuoba Xianer to him!"


In the evening the next day, the four ancestors who were trembling with spirits came to the Shaoyang school again.

When they saw Song Yan, their eyes became extremely close and soft. They had given away hundreds of miracles. Because the time was short, only some disciples who took the medicament broke into the distraction period. As for other disciples, the breakthrough also Just a matter of time.

"Xiao Song, which division are you going to destroy this time?" Chen Shaoyang asked.

"Shenyang prefecture is divided!"

"Okay, let's go!" The five ancestors said a bit can't wait.

Four hours later, the six Song Yongs returned to the Shaoyang sect again. Although there was a wound on the ancestor of the Han Yuzong ancestor, everyone didn't pay much attention, but quickly counted the harvest.

The reason why the ancestors of Hanyu were injured this time was that there was a hidden master in Shenyang Prefecture, that is to say, there were four masters in Shenyang Zhou.

Fortunately, Chen Shaoyang and others are all old matchups with rich combat experience. Although there was one more matchup, they were struggling to kill them.

After the inventory, the resources of about 15,000 superb crystals were obtained from the treasure house of the Shenyang prefecture, and the magic weapons, elixir, resources, and spiritual crystals in the storage ring of the four masters were added together. Sixty thousand, that is to say, all the gains this time have reached more than seventy-five thousand best spirits.

Song Kun said: "According to the previous allocation, Senior Chen should receive resources worth 15,000 Need for Lingjing, and the other four seniors should receive resources worth 11,250. Senior Zhou's seniors were injured because of injuries. , Out of my share worth 5,000 Need for Ling Jing to compensate him! "

Hearing that the original ancestral ancestor of Han Yuzong who was dissatisfied with his injuries suddenly turned into a smile.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [Wuwen] for the great reward

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