Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1251: Complete conversion

As soon as Song Ye held his hands together, the formations in the valley surged wildly, and then a passage appeared at the feet of everyone.

"Seniors, please follow me."

Song Yan reached out to make a request.

Through the long aisle, everyone saw two tall bronze giant doors, and the long and quaint breath emanating from them made the five ancestors fit into their hearts.


Two doors opened.

For a moment, the five ancestors of the fit all widened their eyes. They guessed the scene behind the gate, but they still felt shocked when they saw the world behind the gate.

Because they see the starry universe, watching the starry sky at such a close distance, the shock can not be imagined by outsiders, especially the flashing countless stars, the galaxy that runs through the dark universe, that kind of spectacular ... just like the same A peerless picture scroll.

Beautiful and shocking!

The next moment, Song Yandang stepped into the gate first and came into the starry sky.

"Please seniors!"

Song Yong beckoned to the five fit ancestors.

As a result, the five ancestors stepped in one by one, and at the same time, they all released the elementary gods want to sense the existence of this starry sky, but soon they found that they were too small in this starry sky It's almost like a drop of water in the sea, a grain of sand in the desert.


The door closed, and the five ancestors felt that they had come to another endless world.

The next moment, a powerful and unmatched force wrapped the five ancestors together. For a time, the five ancestors were shocked, and the real yuan broke out. They wanted to get rid of that power, but they found that An outbreak of full force can't shake that power by half.

But soon the power that enveloped them had disappeared, and at the same time, they also came to a primitive planet.

"Five seniors, this planet is big, you can find a place to practice at will!" Song Yan's voice sounded again.

Hearing Song Yan's words, the five fit back to God.

Chen Shaoyang said hesitantly: "Xiao Song, what was the power that wrapped us ...?"

"Hehe!" Song Yan smiled slightly: "This secret place was created by the Lord of the Temple. The younger man got his authorization and can control some power!"

"Oh, to what extent can you manipulate the energy?"

"It shouldn't be a problem to destroy an immortal!" Song Yan chuckled. "Well, seniors, take time to cultivate, I will also practice!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yuan disappeared and disappeared. The five ancestors looked at each other with complex eyes.

When Song Yong went out of the secret and he had 20 million Need Lingjing, the five ancestors of the fit all had a strange mind. They thought about seizing the secret, wanting to get Song Yan's huge wealth, It's just that he hasn't fully understood the details of Song Yan, and he didn't dare to show it.

At the same time, I was also guessing whether the Lord of the Temple existed or Song Ye was pulling tiger skins as a banner.

But after seeing this secret place and the power that wrapped them just now, the dim sum in their hearts disappeared. They were just now sure that if Song Yong wanted to kill them, they would not have any resistance at all.

Seeing the expressions of the five people, Song Yan hiding in the dark, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and his heart was greedy. Why couldn't he beware of those five masters.

Just now he deliberately used the power in the temple to wrap them up, which was a kind of deterrence to them, so that they should not have two minds.

With a dazzling figure, Song Kun came to the practice room and took five small flags of different colors from the storage ring.

These five flags come from a Taiyijiao master who killed him. Just looking at it, he can be sure that this is a very high-quality team flag.

The most important role of the banner is to deploy and improve the power of the formation.

Last night, Song Zheng has studied the five-parcel flag a little, and found that the five-parcel flags are extraordinary. Each flag is marked with a nine-layer prohibition, and these prohibitions are very mysterious and powerful.

At present, the five-parcel flags have only been broken through the first ban. Even so, using a five-parcel flag to set up a battle can also increase the power of the formation by one-tenth.

The first level of ban has 100 large and small bans. At present, they have been broken. Judging from the breath remaining in the banner space, the master of the fit uses violent means.

The number of bans on the second level reached more than 900.

If you use violence, it is estimated that you can barely do it in the later stage of the fit.

It is natural to not use violence to break the ban with Song Yun's strength. Even if you think about it, you don't have that strength.

Therefore, he can only start with the ban itself.

Prohibition can be said to be a simplified matrix method, which is constructed from forbidden symbols. Therefore, it can also be said that injunction is a combination of matrix methods and runes.

The more powerful the prohibition, the more difficult it is to build. Therefore, all masters who are proficient in the prohibition are also Master Fu Yi and Masters of Formation.

Song Xun's research on the matrix method hasn't stopped, but in terms of Fu Xun, he is a little white.

Fortunately, there are many books in the Tibetan Classics Pavilion.

He had already selected several rune books and banned books. His requirements were not high, as long as he could break the second tier of prohibition in these five par banners.

Getting started with Fu Fu, Song Fu spent ten days.

Ten days later, he has been able to draw ordinary runes, but also needs carriers, runes, and various materials.

And his requirements are to achieve the mastery of Fu Xun, which is the realm of void painting.

Ten days.

Twenty days.

Thirty days.

Finally, on the thirty-fifth day, after endless research attempts, Song Yong finally got rid of Fuyu and Fuzhi and reached the realm of void painting.

"Fire Dragon Charm!"

I saw Song Kun's fingers twitching in the void, a little spiritual power overflowed from his fingers, and quickly swept across the void. Then, a ten-foot-long fire dragon appeared, roared forward, and exploded.

As for power, Song Zheng shook his head, only reaching the offensive power of the Yuan infant period.

Very chicken, but this is already Song Yun's ability to draw the strongest rune in the void.

Fortunately, he did not intend to become a true Fuyu master, he only studied Fuyu in order to study the prohibition in preparation.

Next, he took out books about the ban, read them one by one, absorbed, and thought.

It took another month for Song Ye to feel that his accomplishments in restraining were already good. At this moment, he sensed a powerful wave of strength coming from the planet where the five ancestors were.

At the thought, his eyes fell directly on that planet, and he found that Chen Shaoyang had completed the transformation.

In the next few days, the other four ancestors completed their transformation.

Seeing this, Song Xun's figure flickered and appeared directly on the planet.

"Congratulations to the five seniors for their transformation!" Song Yan smiled.

It was said that the five ancestors of the fit all showed smiling faces. Although the true elements in their bodies decreased after the transformation, the transformed true elements were more pure and stronger.

Therefore, on the surface, their true value has decreased, in fact, their combat power has increased a lot.

[Author off topic]: One more, thanks for [broken] [Li Yonggang] [small. nine. nine. . [Deng treats a purple chess track] These big rewards

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